Tuesday, May 2, 2017

make-up journal 5

I define writing as something that you do to express yourself, make a list, something you do everyday. I define composing as something that takes multiple key terms to completely grasp the entire idea of composing. Composing is a series of tasks that you need to go through first to fully achieve a great composed product. Composing is thinking about multiple different things and then applying it to your writing or project or whatever you are trying to make.
My prior experiences with writing and composing have been impacted by past experiences by altering how i think about writing and composing separately. It has impacted my understanding because before i really thought about composing and what composing is i thought it was simple. I did not realize that so many aspects have to go in to composing before something is created.
Key terms i think with while composing is vision, creativity, organization, audience and circulation. I think that all of these terms are equally important to composing for their own reasons.
So first, I started with the key term vision. I think vision is important for composing because without a vision, you are not able to compose anything. You need to have some sort of idea of what you want to create before you create it and that is the purpose of vision. Next, I think that creativity is also important to composing. Without creativity, composition is not unique or interesting. Creativity is important in making whatever you are composing appealing and worth looking at. Following creativity is organization. Organization is important to the process of composing because if you are not organized whatever you are composing is not going to be executed well. Your thoughts and processes need to be organized in order to make sense and be composed well. Organization is important in making whatever you are composing clear and concise. Audience is also very important when you are composing something You want to compose something that is aimed towards a specific audience and will appeal to a specific audience. It is important to consider audience when composing so that you will compose it well and to fit the specific audience you are trying to please. Lastly, circulation is important to composition. Circulation is important to composing because  that is what dictates what audience your composition/ composed final product reaches. It is important to consider circulation when composing something so that you can factor that in on how well your composition can be circulated. If you do not believe it could be well circulated, then you may want to alter some parts of your composing process. 

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