Monday, March 20, 2017

Project 3 Update

After evaluating multiple potential organizations for our project, I think the best one to work with will be the Advance Party of FSU. Their big campaign is over, but they are always putting events on around campus that could use some promoting. One of my friends is on the senate and will be able to coordinate with us how to best put their message out there. Since college students spend a lot of time on Facebook, that would probably be the best platform to reach them. I know that whenever I see things on my newsfeed related to FSU campus activities I am at least interested to see what they are about. Another great way to reach college students is physically campaigning for a cause on campus. This can be as easy as holding up a poster on Landis and informing people that pass by, or just planting an informational poster alone. I think we will be doing two things online and one on campus, or vice versa. I am excited to see how this will pan out.

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