Monday, January 30, 2017

Brier Mason 1/31

1. I still have a lot to learn about my key term. I've learned a little more about Network than I did when I began my research but feel like I am not 100% where I need to be yet. The research process has not been as easy as I was hoping. Stephanie Vie and the digital divide 2.0 is something I have read but I would still like more suggestions!

2. I am thinking about presenting my exhibit in a brochure but still feel like I need more thought because with my three artifacts and my key term, I feel like I might be able to come up with something a little more creative than a brochure. I think the brochure is fitting for the audience because it still keeps the artifacts together visually.

3. Im unsure on how I am going to construct the exhibit or what programs or softwares will be used. I will print it at my work because I work for a stationary store that has a nice printer in house that allows me to print tri-fold. I will look at the colors and fonts that Jaclyn Hill uses on her blogs and makeup and try to stick to what she already uses.

4. What makes me most anxious about this project is not being able to get a better understanding of my key term which will lead me to be confused about how to analyze my key term in enough words.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Journal 3: 459 words

For my three artifacts, I chose a poster from the women’s march, an Instagram post by Madonna in support of the march and speech on video from Hillary Clinton to Bejiing on the subject of women’s rights. The speech resurfaced when she began her presidential campaign. For my key term, I chose audience and I feel that each of my artifacts show that the way the message is given and even who is giving the message can greatly impact what audience will be drawn to it. For example, the poster I chose from the women’s march says “Love women, don’t grab them”, this slogan is catchy and is meant to attract a female audience that has been affected by or influenced by the sexual atrocities that occur to women.

Some women are more interested by the political aspect of women’s rights, which is where the speech from Hillary is most effective. In an effort to raise awareness about women’s rights, Hillary gave a speech to Bejiing about her stance on the women’s rights movement. While the woman’s march poster is more geared towards a portion of women interested in a certain right being preserved.

The Instagram post made by Madonna made such a scene that it was removed from the site. Her use of social media like Instagram helps to not only draw the attention of women that are interested in women’s rights, but the younger generations that utilize social media as a part of daily activity. Overall, the different ways the same overall message of women’s rights was portrayed in various ways in order to reach out to all women, not just one group.

When I looked at the other students’ examples, I noticed that several others utilized social movements prevalent in our society, like women’s rights. Edbauer’s article spoke of circulation and the importance of reaching the correct audience in order to make an impact. Social movements prove to be great examples of this in the way that they are specified towards a very specific audience and their protests/campaigns must have efficient circulation in order to further their support group. Also, specifically in my example of Madonna’s Instagram post it becomes evident that the advances in today’s technology changed the way that messages are circulated. Hillary’s speech in 1995 could have been easily condensed into a post on social media in today’s society. This may have increased the audience she would have been able to reach.

These types of social movements are also excellent examples of Bitzer’s idea of rhetoric. Bitzer puts great emphasis on the important of exigence in the rhetorical situation. The women’s march and other movements had exigencies that allowed for their ideas and opinions to become so powerful and impactful to their audience.

Journal 3 (486 Words)

For our project, I chose the word exigence in relation to feminism. My artifacts include a Facebook post, a picture of a sign from the Tallahassee women's march, and a text describing a court case in 1837 that was ruled in the woman's favor. Each one of theses pictures is a separate example of rhetoric in it's own way.

The text I have is of a court case between a man and a woman in 1837. The man had kissed the young lady "as a joke" and in turn, she had bitten off a piece of his nose. To my surprise, the judge said she was "fully entitled to bit off his nose, if she so pleases." This shows us that rhetoric is not only persuasive, but informative. In this case, the judge informs the man that she may do as she pleases if you do something to her without her will. 

The picture of the sign from the women's march describes the first women's rights conventions held in Seneca Falls, NY held by a young woman in 18th century style.  It was at this convention in 1848 that The Declaration of sentients was written. One of the sentiments, written on the board, says, "He has created a false public sentiment by giving the world a different code of sentiment for men and women, by which moral delinquencies which exclude women from society are not only tolerated but deemed of little account by man." This is basically calling the world out on how we have a different "rule book" for men and women. This creates a rhetorical situation because it makes women feel a need for equality. This teaches us that rhetoric can come through both text and visuals. The text gives you a background and her clothing shows us how long we've been fighting for equality. This also shows that rhetoric is a moving, living thing.

My last artifact was a Facebook post about the recent women's march on Tallahassee. The post was in response to people calling the marches across the nation pointless and a waste of time. This post shows that rhetoric is also made to show the power of discourse. The goal is to make the audience feel something through effective argumentation.

The trend across my artifacts would have to be information. Each one of my artifacts holds dome type of information about feminism/how to properly use it. The roles of each of these authors are apparent in my artifacts. All of them were well circulated (enough to be remembered since 1837), design of the (picture of) the poster is key. It's eye-catching, draws attention, and makes people want to read it. They all have affordances according to their nature. The poster has been especially applicable to this because the poster was meant to light enough to walk with but big enough to read. In this way, its movable, big, and touchable. 

Journal 3

For project one I have chosen the key term design to do my project on. The artifacts I have chosen are a house blueprint and an adult coloring book worksheet. I am still looking for a third artifact that can help establish my key term chosen of design. I think that these artifacts are linked to rhetoric because it shows how design can be used in different ways and analyzed. I personally like the blue print because a blueprint could be an outline of many different things and can mean different things to different people

Journal 3

For this project, I have chosen ‘audience’ as my key term. My three artifacts are: a book, a video game, and a movie on Netflix. I find audience to be an interesting key term to focus on because many of the theorists that we have observed in this course have placed a placed a large amount of priority on to that term. The trend that I have come across is that many people like to focus on audience when discussing rhetoric. I believe that in order for an artifact to be rhetorical, it was incite some type of response from it’s intended audience.
            My artifacts are related to one another in the sense that they all engage the audience and require audience interaction in order to be valued. My first artifact is the novel Othello by William Shakespeare. My second artifact is the video game NBA 2k16. And lastly my third artifact is the movie The Little Rascals on Netflix. Each of these artifacts are unique in their own genre of entertainment, however they all contain a rhetoric of their own that applies to their audience.
            From Edbauer’s article, we can conclude that she focuses on the circulation of rhetorical situations. As opposed to Blitzer’s standard of the rhetorical situation, Edbauer believes that rhetorical context is always changing and cannot be isolated to one individual creator, text, or audience. I agree with Edbauer’s concept and I think it is clear when observing my own artifacts. These artifacts may be repurposed and changed by a new creator in order to apply to a new audience. From Wysocki’s article, we can conclude that design is a major focal point. Wysocki believes that design is meant to be persuasive as well as strategic. This concept can be related to the cover art of my novel, video game, and movie.

            My artifacts are all intended for uniuque audiences. Othello is catered towards a literary audience, NBA 2k16 is intended for all ages but predominantly basketball fans, and The Little Rascals is intended for all ages as well. Each artifact uses rhetoric in order to provoke a response from its audience through their own interaction with it.

Journal 3 - Brittany Hawes

For this first project, the term I have chosen to represent with three artifacts is "material". I have chosen to use the website, a home television, and a movie theater as my three artifacts to represent and more thoroughly define my selected term. I feel like the three artifacts I chose each represent rhetoric in their own ways.

YouTube shows a wide variety of material, all in a video format. This material is user-generated and the users are at times non-professionals. Your television at home shows many different programs and, like YouTube, you have a choice of what you would like to watch, even if your choice in material may be somewhat more limited than YouTube. A movie theater has the newest material when it comes to professional video, but unlike the other two artifacts, choosing to watch a movie in a theater costs money.

Journal 3

For Project 1 i have chosen the key word: Circulation. I really like the idea of how something can change over the course of time depending on how it is transmitted, how people interpret it, or what people change about it. This relates back to Edbauer's theory of rhetorical ecologies and how situations surrounding understandings affect our understanding. I am concentrating on the idea of how a story/fairy tale can be circulated over time and space and become different versions of the same thing. In the case of my three artifacts I am utilizing The Little Mermaid as a reference. The Little Mermaid as a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale with an unhappy ending, a Disney production of the movie (how the story changed), and as a Broadway performance. This represents how a story can circulate over time and how the way that different people or authors interpret "the same story" can affect ones understanding of it and feelings towards it.
A trend is definitely seen between the artifacts given that they all refer back to the original fairy tale, but they are also all unique in their own way. I want to be able to convey these differences and similarities between the artifacts in relation to how they are circulated. Gladwell's idea of materiality also relates back to my key term, circulation. Since my artifacts are different kinds of "materials", one being a story on paper, one a film, and the last a  live performance, the different materials affect our understanding. Some people would prefer reading a physical copy of a story oppose to watching a movie, and some gain a more personal experience towards the story when seen live or even on television. These distinct "materials' represent different forms of thinking and interpretation.

Journal 3

I think rhetoric is supposed to persuade an audience of something and help the audience understand what the speaker wants them to know. My key term for this project is circulation. My subject of interest is Kylie Jenner and her new line of makeup known as “Kylie Cosmetics.” My three artifacts for the project are her Kylie Cosmetics instagram account, her TV show- Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and an actual sample of some of her makeup. I think my three artifacts are great examples of circulation because they are all very easily accessed.  Her instagram account has approximately 11.2 million followers. That alone shows how easily accessed it is to any instagram user. The account is also on public so if people are surfing on their instagram explore page, it is likely that since it is such a popular account, one of the posts will pop up on the page. The message is very easily circulated. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians TV show is extremely popular and plays on E! Network. Anyone that owns a TV has the ability to watch the series. Kylie does a lot of advertising about her makeup line on the show so that is one of the easiest ways to get the word out about the makeup since the show has so many regular viewers. I own one of her liquid lipsticks as well as an eye shadow pallet, and that is my third artifact. This is another great way for the makeup to circulate because for example, I have let my friends borrow what I own and have told them how wonderful I think the products are. This has lead to them going on her website and buying products of their own. I think Edbauer’s article applies the most to my artifacts because it doesn’t have anything to do with a situation and it wasn’t an action that took place in response to something. It is just three different mediums of one product that helps circulate the message about her fairly new makeup line and more people end up buying things from her line.

Journal 3

The artifacts I have chosen for this project all relate to a different kind of exigence. Exigence is the word I have chosen to study, and when picking artifacts I wanted to focus on ones that all exemplified different types of urgency and discourse. I have chosen to look at a Twitter page, a thank you note, and a planner. A noticeable trend among all of them would be an immediate Cause and Effect relationship. While the audience for each my vary, their original concept sparked in very close relation to an action occurring. For example, tweets are often composed after immediate thought and/or an instantaneous need to deliver information. The specific Twitter page I am focusing on is SeminoleSAFE account that Florida State University uses to put important alerts out to its students.
In regards to Edbauer, circulation is key and in my own opinion it is what gives your writing value. While the circulation does not need to be a grand gesture, it is still important to put your message in the hands of the right people. For example, I am using a planner in my project, but a planner is not something that needs any circulation. It simply needs to be put in the hands of the author itself for it to gain its value. The same goes for the Thank You note. While it does not need to be seen by anyone but the reader, it is nothing but words unless the intended receiver reads those words.
As far as design goes, I think each artifact I have chosen has a unique design that works as its foundation but it is then up to the author to utilize it how they would like. Most Thank You notes have a decorative cover and a blank inside that gives the author free range to write a long message or draw a picture. Planners are similar in that they have a predetermined design in regards to lines, blank spaces, and calendars, but once again the owner of the planner can be as neat or scattered as they want. The twitter account is probably the most formulaic design amongst my artifacts, however each account owner is able to add pictures and wallpapers to their profiles to customize it to them and their purpose.
Material plays a much larger role in these artifacts than it originally seemed. The paper based planner aids in being a portable, physical documentation of your thoughts. A physical Thank You note adds a flare, specially from handwriting, that provides a personal touch.  And the digital Twitter account succeeds because it is the fastest form of deliver as well as simply a catalyst for information and not so much documentation.