Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Journal 3

I think one of the most interesting things about this project and really rhetoric in general is that rhetoric can be found and seen in most anything. I think that Shipka really agrees with that idea when she asks her students to think outside the box and create something new and personal. 

My specific artifacts (subject to change a little) but all revolve around a similar idea of self-love and body image. Khloe Kardashian is a main focal point for each of my artifacts and therefore her values and ideals really shine through each artifact. Kardashian created a line of jeans called Good American and they were created for the women who were move curvy and found it difficult to find a good fitting pair of jeans. My second artifact is her new TV show called Revenge Body. The idea of the show is that men and women who have been hurt can get the body of their dreams by working hard and eating right in order to gain more confidence and self-love after a difficult period in their lives. Lastly, I plan to use Kardashian’s Instagram feed as a final artifact. She promotes body confidence and her own journey of taking care and loving her body through her daily posts.

I think that rhetoric is really based on the audience who is viewing or listening to what is being said. In this case, Kardashian is trying to reach men and women who are looking to better themselves and love themselves. Rhetoric is somewhat “in the eye of the beholder”.

Wysocki discusses how a a photograph “involved choices made by composers for achieving persuasive ends”(9). In this case, I think that she would argue that Kardashian’s Instagram is rhetorical because her photography that is displayed is all used to promote her brand as a Kardashian and as a positive role model for women. Her choices lead to her persuasive ends. Not to mention her brand of jeans are modeled by women of all body types, colors, and styles and therefore illustrates that the company is aimed towards women of all kinds. I think that Wysocki would argue that style is important, but has to be altered based on the needs of what you are trying to say or do.


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  3. I love the specific connection that you have established between all of your artifacts by basing the project around Khloe Kardashian. I also like that your selection based on the term "audience" focuses on audiences of a lot of media based information such as television, rather than only speeches and writing. It really opens up another perspective!


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