Saturday, January 21, 2017

Journal 2

The difference between Edbauer and Bitzer is one of extent.  Bitzer’s analysis takes into account the situation where a rhetorical response is expected.  Edbauer’s does something similar, but also takes into account the rhetorical histories of those responses.

My first example is an ichthus (fish) bumper sticker. This is very similar to Edbauer’s example of the “Keep Austin Weird” phenomenon.  The icthus symbol was used by the early Christian church being persecuted in Rome.  It was used as a secret sign to indicate meeting places/tombs.  Now this symbol is openly presented on things like car bumpers and necklaces to indicate affiliation with Christianity.  The icthus is a perfect example of Edbauer’s Rhetorical Ecology.  The rhetorical use of the symbol is at the center of a complex web of meaning and exigence.  Compared to Bitzer’s somewhat one-dimensional analysis of a single situation and audience, Edbauer’s analysis takes into account the complexities of history and individuality.  Bitzer would take into account the bumper sticker and the other drivers that would see it and the exigence of bumper stickers, but he would not indicate the change in use of the symbol or its historical context to the extent that Edbauer would.

Another pertinent example is a tweet by Hillary Clinton from the inauguration that reads, “I’m here today to honor our democracy & its enduring values. I will never stop believing in our country & its future. #Inauguration”.  Bitzer would value the rhetorical situation of the inauguration inspiring the response from Clinton.  The audience in this case would be critical to Bitzer’s analysis.  In this case specifically, the audience is made up of Clinton supporters/followers that would be aware of the current events.  Edbauer, on the other hand, would probably consider the complications of Twitter and other responses outside of the single situation.  The inauguration has its own complex net of ceremony and rhetorical situations that could also be considered.  Overall, Edbauer’s technique is an improvement to Bitzer’s.


I think that Edbauer expands on Bitzer’s analysis to take in more information.  Bitzer focuses on the single situation, while Edbauer integrates the surrounding and unique situations.  I think that makes Edbauer’s analysis more complete, and therefore better, overall.          

1 comment:

  1. These pictures help so much! Thank you! The symbol of the fish, in particular, helped me to understand the rhetorical ecology. I hadn't thought about adding historical context to something when talking about the ecology. I also think that the tweet example is helpful because it's something that has happened so recently and is a great reference point. It's also nice that it is an example with social media, which is so widely used today.


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