Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Journal 1: Words that Matter

            Writing is the use of words to express a person’s thoughts or feelings and can be an outlet for someone to let their creativity or emotions flow. Writing is the skill of composing texts that can be shared with another or just for personal needs. Writing does many things for many different people. It allows one to express their deep desires to another and brings people together who have similar experiences or who have the same ideals. Without writing, much of history would not exist as well as the source of entertainment that comes from books, shows, or movies.

Story/Narratives- When writing, much of the time it is to tell a story or narrative. The story could be a personal story, an act of fiction, or something that was passed down. Regardless, many writings are in some way a story someone is trying to express.
Personal- Many writings are personal and come from personal experience. Writing can be personal because someone is putting physical words down of thoughts or experiences that they have had. There are people out there that write because they feel they have no other outlet to express suppressed feelings or desires.
Transmission- Writing is not only the transmission of thoughts and feelings into physical text but the transmission between people. When someone reads one’s work, their story is transmitted from the author to the reader. Their story is therefore transmitted to every new person that reads their writing.
Thought- Writing is the process of putting one’s thoughts into words. It however works the other way and provokes thinking out of the writer as well.
Record- Writing is the recording of thoughts and experiences at the time. Not to mention, once something is written down, it is recorded for future reference. History is an ideal example of writing used for recording purposes. So much of history is recorded due to written texts or people writing down things they have discovered through studying history.

Create- When writing, a person is creating their own text. Writing can require creativity and in many cases the writer is utilizing this to create their own world. Writing is based off the writer creating a way to articulate their thoughts into words to be written down.

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