Thursday, January 12, 2017

Journal 1.

Writing can be defined and explained in so many different ways depending on who you or ask and the context of the question. Personally, I define writing as a sequence of words that creates meaning. If what’s being written isn’t coherent than a valid document isn’t being formed because there is no general understanding. Proper writing, one that generates meaning, is key to the way humans communicate. Writing is the way people share their opinions, express their creativity, and provide information. Knowledge, expression, communication, purpose, and distinct are five ways that I define writing.

I chose knowledge as a way to define writing because I feel that one must have a certain level of knowledge in order to be able to write and also understand writing. The main goal of writing is to create something that an audience can pick up on and understand, so without basic knowledge this isn’t possible.

Expression is another word that can be used to define writing. When people write they are expressing themselves, whether it is their creativity or their opinions. Writing is about what you’re feeling and what you believe is right, thus it’s an expression of yourself.

Writing can also be defined by communication. Writing is a way of transferring information and ideas to the public or a selected audience. This communicates the writers knowledge or opinions with other people. This is what makes writing so important and a fundamental part of society. Documents, blog posts, social media posts, etc., all help people communicate with others.

Writing can be defined by purpose as well because there is always a purpose to why someone is writing something. Their purpose can be to inform, education, express themselves, and more, but regardless there is always a purpose there.

Lastly, I think writing can be defined by the word distinct. Every ones writing is distinct. Different purposes and different voices can make ones writing distinct, or something as simple as a different topic can add that distinct element. Whatever it may be, no ones writing is the same due to many different reasons. This is what makes writing so surprising and unique.

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