Monday, January 16, 2017

Key Terms Map

I drew a lot of my terms from what I define as writing, while borrowing some ideas from Bitzer.  Writing and creation are driven from rhetorical situation. My map reminded me of Rose's Visual Methodologies because of her map that lead to meaning.  However, I would say my map is most similar to the ideas of Shipka.  I focused heavily on rhetorical situation and context, which reminded me of Shipka's focus on experience, which is individual to one person.  That is how context works, it is individual to a particular situation.  Similar to my map, Lunsford discusses the connection between the audience, the speaker, and the message (AKA the rhetorical triangle).  My inclusion of rhetorical situation in my map is similar because it is discovered through evaluating a specific rhetorical triangle.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,
    I enjoy your map! Very neat! However, I would like to comment that isn't rhetoric arguably a form of "knowledge-making"? So wouldn't you consider it a part of rhetorical situation? I also understand that rhetoric in itself can be extremely objective! I am just wondering what other people think of this.


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