Sunday, January 15, 2017

Map of Key Terms

1 comment:

  1. In the Rose reading, the auter theory is descried as "the most important aspect in understanding a visual image is what its maker intended to show". In my map of key terms, i included the word "free" to emphasize the role an audience has in creating meaning. An audience, a group of individuals with different values and experiences, will most likely have different interpretations. While most may get the central idea that the maker was trying to convey, each one will have their own unique thoughts to contribute. That being said, I would like to keep the term "free" in my map.
    Something brought up in the Rose and Lundsford readings is the importance of the medium used by the creator. Like we all saw with the different syllabi forms on the first day of class, the medium definitely has an effect on how the audience processes and interprets a message. This is something I would consider adding to my map!


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