Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Journal 1

Writing can have many different meanings to many different people. Some people use writing as a tool of expression, some to show creativity, and others to tell a story. To me, writing is all three of those and more. I use writing as a way to express my thoughts and feelings whether it's in a journal, through a text, or just jotting down some thoughts on a piece of paper. Getting out my feelings and emotions in a non verbal way is very satisfying to me. Writing is also a form of showing creativity. Everyone is creative in their own way and to be able to put pen to paper and express those creative thoughts to tell a story, give directions, or answer a question is really interesting because people are going to have a different approach to how they show creativity in writing. I think that people most commonly associate writing with telling a story. When creativity and expression are combined to tell a story, the results are always one of a kind. No two stories will ever be the same because words can be recycled to tell different stories, show expression, and show creativity.


Creativity- The way in which something is written, the words used, and the writers own thoughts are all forms of creativity.

Expression- Writing is expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions, and creativity. When people get to choose what they want to write about it gives them a freedom to express themselves.

Delivery- Writing is a delivery of words to create a story, or to express oneself. When we write we are taking something small and making something big out of it.

Form-There are many different forms of writing, whether a book it is through a book, a paper, a journal, blog, or text. There are many different forms of writing.

Knowledge- Writing is creating knowledge for someone else to take in. When a writer is putting together words for an audience to read the writer is creating something new for the audience to learn.

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