Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Journal 1

The exact definition of writing is very fluid in my opinion. Writing has been used for thousands of years for many different purposes or reasons. When I think of writing, my brain immediately thinks of a book or a story that someone has written for entertainment purposes. While I am aware that writing is not solely for this purpose, I do believe that thinking this way has lead me to see writing as a form of solidifying a story in a way that the writer themselves can use their own creativity and thoughts to build the text. Ultimately, writing is used for communication and the wide distribution of information.

In order to define writing using other words, I would use the words creativity, solidification, individuality, communication, and distribution.

Creativity: Writing is the way in which I express my most inner thoughts or feelings. Writing is meant to be an exercise in which the writer can express himself or herself in any way they please. Writing should not be limited, monitored, or judged.

Solidification: When I think of the basic foundation of writing as a practice, I am taken back in time to when writing was used solely to keep track and record of events that occurred. Once something is written down, it becomes concrete and unchangeable.

Individuality: While everyone has the ability to write, no one writes exactly the same. Writing is meant to be different and have many styles and variations. Writing shows the author’s personality and should be able to be differentiated from other pieces written by other people.

Communication: The basis of writing is to communicate ideas, thoughts or stories with an audience whether that audience is broad or individual. Communication is key in human society and without writing, the amount of knowledge that we have access to would be extremely limited.

Distribution: Writing is used so that ideas and thoughts can be distributed. A person may have certain ideas or thoughts hidden away in their brain, but they cannot be properly spread to other people without the act of physically writing them down. Distribution of texts, such as books or magazines, have changed the way that people are able to share their own way of thinking.

Words: 370

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