Friday, January 13, 2017

Map of key terms

1 comment:

  1. Shipka requires her students to produce a highly detailed SOGC for each of the texts they produce. Through my process of producing this map, I did ask myself some of those same questions. I even went through multiple drafts to try to get those exact points across. What I found interesting in Shipka's text was the activity lost found and what it essentially offers. Next go around, I would love to participate in this activity so I can add to my map of key terms and possibly learn more. In the Lunsford text, the first sentence inspired my map of key terms. I wanted a map that sparks up a conversation that is ongoing. Not only can you relate to some of the word choices, but it can invoke a response of agreement or disagreement. Honestly, I wish I had paid attention to the rhetorical triangle while completing my map because I'm still not sure if my audience are getting the same meaning I am. I definitely want to clarify message and have it in synch. Rose's term of compositional was definitely a key factor in the production of my map. Since I have a word map, formal strategies was necessary. How and where the words are placed? Content? (I had to make sure my audience agreed upon at least one word) Overall, I couldn't just think about myself, but the interpretation of others as well. My next go around, I would love to mix it up a bit and change the image itself. I wonder what it would be like to produce this map on a computer. All in all, these scholars not only helped me recognize my process, but added upon it too.


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