Sunday, January 15, 2017

Map of Key Terms & Comments

I made this as my map of key terms because I think that, in writing, passion is the "bridge" between the necessary/formal and the creative sides of writing.

Shipka says, "A composition is an expression of relationships—between parts and parts, between parts and whole, between the visual and the verbal, between text and context, between reader and composer, between what is intended and what is unpacked, between hope and realization. And, ultimately, between human beings," (349).  I feel that my map fits this definition due to how I chose to group each aspect of the map. The relationships between information, communication, text, and persuasion are shown by their grouping, similar to that of art and expression. The relationship between the two groups is shown by the bridge labeled passion. Shipka also discusses how, "Digital compositions then bring us together in new ways," (349). This is true in that rather than simply turning in a hard copy to a teacher, my map was posted online where it has been seen by many more people than it would have been otherwise. Rose says, "The most important site at which the meaning of the image is made is not its author, or indeed its production or itself, but is audiences, who bring their own ways of seeing and other knowledges to bear on an image and in the process make their own meanings from it." Because my audience consisted of mostly my classmates, I feel that this point was satisfied in that we all had the same instruction, so they knew what to expect and had similar knowledge to my own when viewing the map. Finally, Lunsford speaks a lot regarding the input of audiences. She discusses the need for feedback from the audience and switching roles between the audience and writer. I may have left some gray area in my map that could be made clearer such as the exact relationships between text, persuation, communication, and information. The direction that the map should be moved through should also be addressed. I look forward to adding these missing pieces in the next round of mapping.

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