Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Journal 1

Writing is creating! It is utilized to express feelings, thoughts, and emotions. There is an author who creates and an audience that finds meaning in the writing. Thinking about the definition takes me back to a reading from another class that talked about writing (specifically in books) as a way that allows an audience to enter your thoughts. In whichever media it is presented, I agree that writing is a way for its users to communicate as much as they want with others. However, dependent on the audience, their interpretation may be different from that of others. Writing evokes thought. It provides insight and evokes responses that lead to more of it. It is a vehicle that facilitates meaning. 
Writing is such a broad term in many aspects. It is presented in a variety of media, not a sole medium. It can be produced not only by a keyboard, but by a pen, pencil, or cut-out letters. Words can be reused over and over again yet they may carry different meanings and purposes based on the occasion they were created for. 
1. Creating: an art! It is produced by someone who has a purpose for it. 
2. Process: an audience must engage with the writing and process it in order to comprehend its purpose.
3. Story: a message that is conveyed 
4. Catalyst: writings are thoughts that evoke more opinions and views! It may lead to an audience understanding the purpose the writing was originally created for and formatting their own opinion based on their interpretation 
5. Platform: Writing allows a person to create something to encapsulate their thoughts in hopes that others will react to it in the way they desired. 
6. Free: Writing has no rules. It can be presented differently, so it is up to the creator how they want it to be presented. Ultimately, it is also up for the interpretation of an audience to generate their own meaning. Their interaction with the writing may produce an interpretation clouded by their personal values, background knowledge, and experiences. 
7. Essential: Writing is essential in order to communicate and foster understanding. 

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