Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Journal 1

Journal 1

Writing is a way of communication and information. When the alphabet was invented, ancient civilizations were able to communicate with each other for the first time without having to actually speak to each other.  Even though language was not the same, the act of writing something down and being able to carry it from city to city in the ancient world was a large feat.  

1. Bonds: We use writing for formal documents, laws, rules and regulations, etc.  These sorts of things not only help for our world to stay connected and in the know but also to form bonds and create a sense of loyalty and honesty.  

2. Education: In almost all forms of education, written books, journals, encyclopedias, news articles, magazines, etc., are used to teach students.  Reading is a great way to learn new subjects and for teachers to help their students understand difficult or challenging pieces.  3.

3. History: For many years scholars and historians have been recording history through texts and manuscripts.  When the printing press was invented, even more texts could be sent around the world spreading religions such as Christianity to cultures who had never heard of it before.  Without recorded history, much of what we know now would be lost. If our society never knew what the Bible was or the details of the American Revolution, we would be an entirely different human race.  

4. Information: Like I said earlier, writing helps societies communicate information to each other locally and around the world.  Through news outlets and social media we now know almost everything that is going on globally and within people’s personal lives on a daily basis.  We are able to read about a local robbery or the new president being elected.   

5. Entertainment: Novels, comics, magazines are all forms of entertainment we can get out of writing.  Reading a romance novel on a rainy day is always a great form of entertainment and is an easy way to get away from a stressful environment.  

I chose these words because I think they are good ways to express writing in our present day. We use writing to connect with one another via the Internet, mail, street signs, basically anything that has language written on it.  Though we don't think about every day, writing is everywhere we look and it is a source of information when there isn't a person speaking aloud.  

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