Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Project 3 Update

Organization: Homeless Shelter 


Our local exigence is the homeless population around central Tallahassee and how we can provide awareness for volunteer work to our community through advertising and circulation.  

Our organization that we contacted was the Kearny Center in Tallahassee. They said they have a need for people to advertise their business. We have faced two challenges and constraints thus far. Originally we wanted to work with Big Bend, which is a business that assists the homeless find homes. However, they said they have no need for our assistance. We then moved our focus to the Kearny Center. In contacting them, we faced a small constraint. Their phone lines were constantly busy. However, eventually we were able to get in touch with them and they gave their approval to work with them in our project.

Project Three Update

Our original plan was to work with the Tallahassee Museum but after calling and talking to them that plan fell through. This was a constraint for us but we quickly thought of a new organization to work with which is Autism Speaks. They have a walk coming up in April that we hope to help spread the word about. We still have to figure out the final plans but we are finally on the right path!

Update on Project 3

Jaime has reached out to a local animal shelter and we are waiting to hear back from them. The local exigence is the need of animals to be adopted in Tallahassee. There have been no constraints thus far, but we're still waiting on an answer from them. The timeline of this project will be over the next month. The name of the organization is Big Dog Rescue.

Project 3 Update

We plan to work with a local animal shelter, Big Dog Rescue, to raise awareness for the need to adopt animals. Jaime has contacted them and we are waiting on a response. So far we haven't faced any constraints, but we will know more whenever they reply. We plan to work with the animal shelter over the next month.

Project 3 Update

For our project, we would like to work with a local animal shelter. Our local exigence would be trying to promote animal adoption. We would like to work with Tallahassee Big Dog Rescue for this project and I have already contacted them with this email:

Hello, Tallahassee Big Dog Rescue!

My name is Jaime Garcia Montes and I am a student at Florida State University. For one of our classes here, we have an assignment that aims to have us, as a group with several other students, create a campaign which helps accomplish a local organization's goal. As an animal lover and former adopter from your organization, we would love to represent your organization and your goals! Our campaign goal would focus on promoting animal adoption and advertise your organization in and around FSU's campus. Please let me know if your organization would be interested in letting us represent you!

Thank you for your time,
Jaime Garcia Montes

As a group, we have not faced any constraints thus far and I assume there won’t be many constraints that we face with this project that we won’t be able to overcome. Our intended audience for the rhetorical situation that we are composing is anyone in or around FSU that is considering getting a pet. I assume our timeline for this project will be completed by the deadline of this project, I can’t really give an estimation until I have acquired confirmation from out organization.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Project update

Meagan Magee
Desiree DeMarco
Hannah Sharpio
Haven Talley

In our project, we are working with City Church to promote their organization. The specific event we want to help them promote is their Easter celebration in the Civic Center. We have sent an email to the organization last weekend and are waiting for a response. Here is an example of the email we sent;

Good Evening, Zach!

My name is Desiree DeMarco, I’m a junior at Florida State University double majoring in Media Communication Studies and Editing, Writing, and Media. One of the classes I am currently enrolled in is Writing and Editing for Print and Online and one of our projects for the semester is to contact a local company that is willing to let us represent them in a campaign project and I was wondering if City Church would allow my group to work with them! The purpose is to learn City Church’s goals, brand identity, and audience and then compose a project for that specific rhetorical situation and distribute our creation(s). For example, if City wants more advertising on FSU campus we can help create or pass out fliers, shirts, etc. I know City holds Easter at the Civic Center annually, so if that is something you would want advertised, we could definitely work something out regarding that! If you would be willing to meet with me and/or members from my group, please email me back at your earliest convenience.

Thank you!
We also included the person we knew who worked for the organization in our final email. We hope to design fliers, make a promotional video, spread their social media, or any other promotional needs we can fill.

As soon as we receive a response we will begin working with the church to complete all steps necessary to successfully promote the Easter event.  

Journal 6

            The example I chose for my assemblages integrates both the quality of an ethical assemblage as well as a bare repetition. What I chose was a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. This event incorporates both qualities through the events that take place during the ceremony and the party that follows. The bare repetition takes place during the ceremony that is a tradition where the individual reads from the Torah to become a man or a woman through that religion. This is a tradition that has taken place for centuries and has not altered and continues to be practiced to this day. As for the use of ethical assemblage, it comes into play during the party that follows the ceremony. Although the tradition is alive and there are qualities that are involved that pertain to the religion and hold true to the culture, throughout the year’s aspects have ultimately changed to fit the appropriate setting of the time that these events take place. When my friend had her Bar Mitzvah, we attended the Synagogue to listen to her read from the Torah and then proceeded to go to her after party that was fitting with music we liked and an array of people were invited which is most likely very different from years ago, when responding to hurtful assemblages we should confront the create an express the effect that it had on us as an audience and the potential harm it could have on other audiences. If they do not act to correct this then maybe it is truly hurtful it should be taken to an authority. I Fair Use ensures that assemblages are more than just a creation of bare repetition by giving them the freedom and protection to create a work for educational uses and make it into something more and potentially something that can teach others. Circulation can affect an assemblage’s ethical status because people can take something and create it into their own that can potentially harm others without the original author knowing. The circulation of authors should be acknowledged with something is reassembled so that although they are not the top priority to be expressed they are acknowledged. The author for that assemblage will most likely be the important individual to the readers but they will also want to know where it originated from.

Journal 6

Journal 6
An Ethics of Assemblage

When I think of ‘bare repetition’ I think of monkey see, monkey do. The concept behind ‘bare repetition’ is when something ethical to a culture is copied and used. There isn’t necessarily an intended purpose behind its usage. An example of Arola and Arola’s bare repetition is when a dancer is learning a tribal dance to be performed. The dancer is copying each step exactly from the instructor. There is a direct repetition of the dance moves without any changes. An ethical assemblage respectfully incorporates aspects from a different culture and is used to appeal to a different audience. An example of an ethical assemblage is Kanye West song “Ultralight beam”. In this song he adds snippets of religious song and mixes his own lyrics while still remaining respectful of religion.
We are surrounded with assemblages and it’s important to keep a look out for potentially harmful assemblages. I think to reduce harmful assemblages, we should be mindful when we are composing to make sure we don’t disrespect cultures and/or our audience. 
Circulation is a major component in assemblages. In order for an assemblage to be successful, it needs to be able to reach an audience. Proper circulation allows for an assemblage to be interacted with. Circulation also gives the assemblage an opportunity to be assembled into other works.

Fair use allows for an assemblage to be more than bare repetition because it needs to be used for specific purposes like adding to it, taking away from it, developing it more, etc.

Journal 6

The idea of "bare repetition" as described by Deleuze is simply just repetition governed by nostalgia.  Specifically in this context, it is a dance being performed in exactly the same way as your ancestors.  An example of a bare assemblage could be the Hail Mary Rosary prayers. Although I am not Catholic, from what I have learned from friends and family is that the words of the prayers are verbatim, and have not changed for as long as they were created.  Certain words and phrases may even sound outdated, but the purpose of the assemblage of the necklace and the words is to keep it in it's original form.  To its audience, it contributes religious meaning.  This includes faith and hope as the feeling it might give to some people.  To others, it may simply be out of routine, or their parents encouraging them to do so.

I don't think fair use applies to bar repetition assemblages because something new is not necessarily being created.  Instead, something is simply being repeated.  Credit may still be due to the original creator, but since everything is in the same form as it originally was, fair use doesn't play a role.

In a some examples of assemblage, specifically a religious on like this, circulation may affect it's ethical status.  Things could change through circulation, so people of a certain religion may be offended by this.  This also brings me back to the idea that assemblages may potentially be harmful.

Journal 3

For project one I chose to work with the key term audience, and work with Bitzers ideas in his work the Rhetorical Situation, with my three artifacts having relations and connections to this term.   All three artifacts that I chose to work with are in one way or another associated with Disney World, keeping all artifacts related on a level to one another making them easy to work with.  The first artifact is a video of a Disney television advertisement that I found on Youtube, the second artifact is a public service announcement against domestic violence, which uses a Disney Princess as the main focal point in the PSA and the third artifact I used is an article about an incident that occurred at Disney World.  Each of the artifacts I used are all connected to the key term audience as well, with each of them wanting to evoke a change in decision or call to action in each audience the artifacts are attempting to reach. 

I acquired most of my inspiration and research for project one from Bitzer’s Rhetorical Situation.   Bitzer believed that without audience there is no rhetoric, and I could not agree more.  The primary goal of rhetoric is to evoke some sort of change in thought process, decision making or evoke a call to want to take action and without and audience to reach or that is being reached then rhetoric has no purpose.  As stated in his Rhetorical Situation, “Since rhetorical discourse produces change by influencing the decision and action of persons who function as mediators of change, it follows that rhetoric always requires an audience.” (Bitzer 7)   This inspired me when choosing my three artifacts for the project in that I made sure that the 3 artifacts each had an audience and evoked a change in thought, action, and decision making processes in the audience the artifacts were each trying to reach. 

Many of my classmates also used the key term of audience and had artifacts of similar genres associated with the key term.  As Edbauer said each audience takes away different thoughts from an artifact, text or medium based on their culture and experiences. 

Word Count:361

Journal 6

In “Arola and Arola an Ethics of Assemblage,” the idea of “bare repetition” is introduced. This notion, created by Deleuze, is the idea that repetition is governed by nostalgia. An example that is given relates to someone performing an exact dance from his or her ancestors in order to honor a tradition. An ethical assemblage, on the other hand, changes the original piece while still crediting the original work. In the article, ethical assemblage is considered creative repetition because it expands on the original assemblage.
An example of a “bare repetition” assemblage is anything that is used again but not changed at all, such as a traditional song or prayers. When I was growing up I would go to Sunday school at temple, and there I would learn how to read or recite numerous songs and prayers. My teachers would tell us that these were the exact same prayers that our parents, grandparents, and so on have read. This is an example of an assemblage, because we are using the prayer in a different time in a place but the content of the prayer hasn’t been changed at all.
An example of an ethical repetition could be anything that has circulated through out the media and has changed the original content. When you share a post on Facebook, but add your own caption to the post, that’s an example of creative assemblage because you’re adding a new meaning to the post, but the original content is still there.
We should definitely still take into consideration potentially hurtful assemblages and analyze them the same way we would analyze safe ones. Although these assemblages will do more good than bad, by reviewing them we can still learn a lot from their essence. I don’t personally think Fair Use does anything to ensure that assemblages do more than create bare repetition.

Circulation can definitely affect assemblage’s ethical status. Every time something is circulated people have the ability to create their own assemblage out of that work. This can possibly diminish the author’s work or put them on a pedestal, it really depends on how the work is being circulated.

Journal 6

My first example of a bare repetition assemblage would be The Nutcracker. Not only is it done the same way every night when it is running at a theater, it is always going to be the same story line and music wherever you see it done. An ethical assemblage would be a production of The Nutcracker set in Nazi Germany with the rat king being portrayed as Hitler. It once again is the same music and storyline but it is now adding an element of history and prior knowledge that audiences already have.

Something this contributes to an audience is seeing the ballet in a new way. Realizing themes and motifs that were not there when the original production was done. This can help an audience to always look for the underlying meaning in something that seems so simple and childlike. This can potentially be a harmful assemblage however, and an audience who feels that way should respond accordingly. It is always good to know where to draw a line when working creatively and if those boundaries are exceeded the creator knows now to step back.

I don't think Fair Use does anything to ensure that assemblages are more than just bare repetition because fair use was created in order to protect the rights of the one being mimicked or copied. It doesn't change the fact that the person could or could not be copying it fully and giving the original artist credit. Say I was making a slideshow about The Great Gatsby. I didn't do anything to change the original story but Fair Use does allow me to use it and talk about it as long as I am crediting Fitzgerald.

I think circulation can affect an assemblages' ethical status because many of the cultural habits we have in America are frowned upon by other cultures or religions. If an assemblage of a woman in a bikini was circulated to a country like Iran, where women are legally obligated to cover their entire bodies except for their face, it would be deemed very offensive to their culture and if they are Muslim, their religion. Distribution and circulation puts the authors' into the public eye. They could become well-known, looked up on the Internet, sought after, because of how easily circulation works in the modern world.