Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Project 3 Update

Organization: Homeless Shelter 


Our local exigence is the homeless population around central Tallahassee and how we can provide awareness for volunteer work to our community through advertising and circulation.  

Our organization that we contacted was the Kearny Center in Tallahassee. They said they have a need for people to advertise their business. We have faced two challenges and constraints thus far. Originally we wanted to work with Big Bend, which is a business that assists the homeless find homes. However, they said they have no need for our assistance. We then moved our focus to the Kearny Center. In contacting them, we faced a small constraint. Their phone lines were constantly busy. However, eventually we were able to get in touch with them and they gave their approval to work with them in our project.

1 comment:

  1. Why did you choose to put the objects together the way you did? What rhetorical work does this do? We separated them by genre which included, objects with text, things that can sell (logos, labels). The advertisement of the product gets people to buy it.
    What do you feel this text communicates to an audience? Who is that audience and what is the text’s context? It communicates that we're college students, busy, schoolwork related. The audience is people who are in school.
    How did you feel about this activity? Was it freeing, stressful, fun, silly? Can you see intellectual potential in the work you just made to communicate meaning to an audience?
    We didn’t go through the whole composing process, if you could revise and continue to evolve this text, what would you do next? What would you add, edit, re-arrange, etc.?
    What are the affordances and limitations of using material texts to compose? How is this different than working with just words?
    Compared to the textual assemblage you made last class (both are remixes, btw), was this easier or harder? More meaningful or less meaningful? Looking at your composition, do you feel you are the author of this text? Why (not)?
    Is this composing? Should we teach students to compose in this way? Can you see anything you did/learned here today transferring to new situations?


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