Monday, February 27, 2017

Journal 3

For project one I chose to work with the key term audience, and work with Bitzers ideas in his work the Rhetorical Situation, with my three artifacts having relations and connections to this term.   All three artifacts that I chose to work with are in one way or another associated with Disney World, keeping all artifacts related on a level to one another making them easy to work with.  The first artifact is a video of a Disney television advertisement that I found on Youtube, the second artifact is a public service announcement against domestic violence, which uses a Disney Princess as the main focal point in the PSA and the third artifact I used is an article about an incident that occurred at Disney World.  Each of the artifacts I used are all connected to the key term audience as well, with each of them wanting to evoke a change in decision or call to action in each audience the artifacts are attempting to reach. 

I acquired most of my inspiration and research for project one from Bitzer’s Rhetorical Situation.   Bitzer believed that without audience there is no rhetoric, and I could not agree more.  The primary goal of rhetoric is to evoke some sort of change in thought process, decision making or evoke a call to want to take action and without and audience to reach or that is being reached then rhetoric has no purpose.  As stated in his Rhetorical Situation, “Since rhetorical discourse produces change by influencing the decision and action of persons who function as mediators of change, it follows that rhetoric always requires an audience.” (Bitzer 7)   This inspired me when choosing my three artifacts for the project in that I made sure that the 3 artifacts each had an audience and evoked a change in thought, action, and decision making processes in the audience the artifacts were each trying to reach. 

Many of my classmates also used the key term of audience and had artifacts of similar genres associated with the key term.  As Edbauer said each audience takes away different thoughts from an artifact, text or medium based on their culture and experiences. 

Word Count:361

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