Monday, February 27, 2017

Journal 6

A bare repetition is something that is repeated in exactly the same way as originally. For example, an assemblage, collection or gathering, of people in the movie Sweet Home Alabama to reenact the civil war is bare repetition, it's repeated in the exact same way. An ethical assemblage is an assemblage that takes and credits the work of others' used in the assemblage. An example of that would be a website of restaurant reviews, that give credit to the critics or customers of what their reviews are. It combines all different types of reviews and assembles it together, but never changes the originality of them.

We should respond to potentially harmful assemblages by honestly just letting it go, of course unless it goes past certain line. Some things could be hurtful to some and not to others, pleasing everyone is never going to happen, so potentially hurtful assemblages can be monitored but otherwise we should just keep on going. Of course, if an assemblage doesn't give credit to it's original creator and could affect the reputation of him or her, or the original piece, it should be addressed.

Fair use doesn't necessarily apply to bare repetition because bare repetition is just something repeated in the exact same way. Circulation can affect an assemblages' ethical status because whether or not it is being circulated with permission or not affects how ethical it is. For example, if the new assemblage makes money, that could add or more likely diminish it's original status.

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