Monday, February 13, 2017

Journal 5

            I would define writing by describing it as the actual act of putting pen to paper, or typing up a paper, blog, statement, and so on. Writing is putting the thought down and crated a completed piece of work. Composing is more of the whole picture behind the writing. Composing would be all the ideas that went into the writing. The brainstorming and any outlines that were made through the whole process are all a part of composing. Composing doesn’t just have to be making outlines, or jotting down ideas. It can be done over conversation too. Bouncing off ideas with someone or a group of people to help guide the writer in the right direction is still part of composing. From being in school for a long time I have become accustom to writing and composing, even if I didn’t realize it. As students we are constantly doing both, especially in a course like this. Because in school we have been assigned to do constant writing assignments over the years I believe that this has dumbed down our view of writing. I know that sometimes times I think that writing is just writing a paper, but it is much more than that. When writing and composing I try to always think of my audience. The audience to an extent will determine what you are writing. If your audience is a history professor then you are going to more than likely write about something involving history. Exigence would be another word that is very important when writing. It is important to know why you are writing and to be able to convey the message of what you are doing. Creativity is very important in writing. You want the reader to be captivated and with this sometimes it is better to go about your writings in a way that is different, but will catch their attention. Intention is important to writing, why are you writing what you are writing? Delivery is also very important in writing. Delivery and creativity can go together to make fun read that the reader is able to understand easily.

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