Sunday, February 26, 2017

My two examples of assemblages are child-raising techniques (bare repetition) and the March on Washington in 1963 (ethical assemblage).

I see some particular methods of raising children as bare repetition because many parents look to how their parents raised them and use those same techniques as guidelines to how they plan on raising their own children. Sometimes, these methods of child-rearing go back to beyond even the parent’s parents ways of raising children, but to their grandparents and generations before that. Some examples are religious beliefs, disciplinary actions, and respect. The audience of child-rearing techniques are the children. I think these techniques instill in them at a young age what kinds of behaviors are acceptable and which aren’t.

My ethical assemblage example is the March on Washington in 1963. Marches have been going on for centuries and one of the biggest to date is the March on Washington. Over 200,000 protestors joined together in August of 1963 to march on Washington, D.C to seek equality in jobs and equality in all aspects of life for all the colors and races that make up mankind. The audience to this march was the world, since it was televised, and the outcome of the march and other civil rights movements supporters and events was ultimately the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlaws discrimination based on race, sex, and religion.

I think that if an assemblage is deemed as potentially harmful and could hurt someone, physically or emotionally, then it should be at least closely monitored. There have been gatherings in the past that have erupted into chaos and I think that by having a close eye on the situation, things could have potentially been avoided. Lines are blurry though because of freedom of speech, so that’s why I think monitoring may be one of our only options at times.
Fair Use makes us have to think outside of the box at times and I personally think that it does make artists have to try harder so that their work isn’t just going to be bare repetition.

I think circulation can make an ethical assemblage into a non-ethical assemblage because it passes into many hands and people have the power of tweaking things to the point that the original meaning can be hard to find.

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