Sunday, February 26, 2017

Journal 6

According to Arola and Arola a bare reputation is one that insists upon doing something the exact same as it has always been done without giving any room for change. An example of this bare repetition would be performances of Shakespeare done by the Royal Shakespeare Company. They follow all of the original script and stage directions and perform all of the plays as close as they possibly can to how they would have been performed during Shakespeare's lifetime.
Creative repetition is used to create ethical assemblages, according to Arola they repeat in a way that pays homage rather than insisting upon essences. I think an example of this definition of ethical assemblage could be the new CW show Riverdale. The show is based off of the Archie comics with all of the same main characters and relationships, but strays from the original comic in its new live action format and storyline that is more dramatic for the new modern audience its made for. These two examples contribute different things to their audience because the Riverdale TV show is obviously flexing and changing in order to suit a modern teen audience's wants and needs while the Shakespeare performances present to an audience a way of traditional English theater; one is changing with time while the other stays more stagnant.
I think that we should respond to potentially harmful assemblages by acknowledging them for what they are. By making sure to be vocal about their harmfulness instead of being silent, ignoring it, and pretending that it doesn't exist because being vocal will allow someone else to hear about the possible dangers of an assemblage and think about/realize how it may be harmful to others. Fair use does ensure that assemblages have to be more than bare repetitions because if something is copyrighted another can't just go about creating a repetition of it and claiming that it is an assemblage because it wouldn't fall into the definition of fair use. Additionally, fair use allows for assemblages to exist because it allows one to combine and use the works of others in a new creative way. Circulation may effect an assemblages ethical status because depending on how the assemblage is being shared with others can very easily effect the meaning that it will take for an audience. The distribution and circulation of assemblages may position the authors in realizing things about their works that they hadn't yet seen because it was being displayed to them in this brand new light.

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