Monday, February 13, 2017

Reflection On Exhibits

1. The exhibit that stood out to me the most was the one with the record player and the board display. I found the artifact of the record player to be very intriguing and unique and it made me want to view that exhibit first.

2. I learned more about each of the key terms from the course through this project and viewing other peoples exhibits, such as better knowledge of the term discourse from looking at a students exhibit on the term.  I especially learned more about my key term, audience, helping me to further understand the term and its ideas such as there having to be an audience in order for rhetoric to occur, according to Bitzer.

3. I learned that composing can be difficult, that everyone has their own style, and that the audience is important when it comes to composing because they are who is viewing your work and who makes the opinion on it and who is akin away the message that is trying to be composed by the composer.

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