Monday, February 27, 2017

Journal 6

Bare repetition could be described as something that has stayed the same throughout time but is seen over and over again. An example of bare repetition would be The Hunger Games movies that were created from the book series. These movies are a repetitive assemblage because they are created from different parts in the book and resemble the book almost identically. Often movies that are created from books do not follow the exact story line but The Hunger Games Series actually sticks with the original story pretty well. All the different scenes being put together to make a larger thing is what makes this example an assemblage.

An ethical assemblage is when you take something but add on to the original thing, respectfully, rather than keeping it the same. An example of this would be when someone takes the beat or lyrics from a song and transfers it into their song. They are getting permission from the original artist to use their work in a new way. An ethical assemblage gives access to more culture in a way because many people learn of things through an ethical assemblage.

Circulation can potentially harm an assemblages' ethical status because people circulating it might not give credit to the original author. Facebook posts often circulate with no mention of who created the post of what account it was originally posted from, this shows how circulation can affect the status because people are not being given information that shows where it came from. People also can alter the information for no reason at all.

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