Monday, February 13, 2017

Reflection on Exhibits - Desiree DeMarco

1.     The exhibit that stood out most to me was the 9/11 booklet that focused on the different audiences of the tragedy. It encompassed the different audiences throughout time, starting with those immediately effected by the attack (a newspaper article released shortly after), family and friends of the victims (the memorial), and the people learning about it today (the anniversary). The project has a deep emotional feel and I can tell the creator spent a lot of time working on it.
2.     I learned that, more often than not, terms go together. Audience and circulation and exigence all play hand in hand with each other, but can also mean completely different things.

3.     Regarding composing, I learned that it is a process. You have to be creative and focused but also have fun with it. Everyone thinks differently in terms of the same topic or key word, and it is interesting to see the different takes a person can have.

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