Sunday, February 26, 2017

journal 6

One of the items have decided that resemble assemblage is the bible. I think that it represents assemblage because many different stories make up the one book of the bible. This is also an ethical example of assemblage. Since assemblage is something that has multiple parts to make up one item, I feel like the bible fits perfectly into this category. I could compare this to the music we read about in the article. Music is composed of different genres and has different sounds but it all comes together to be music. The bible has many different stories shared from different people that have made it in to one book. The second example of assemblage I have chosen is a cookbook. This is a good example because in a cookbook, you have many different recipes to make up the entire cookbook, just like the Bible. The stories in the Bible and the recipes in a cookbook are capable of being their own story or recipe on their own, but they both come together to make something bigger and better than what it could be if they stayed solo. The cookbook can contribute different recipes to an audience. Usually, cookbooks are categorized by entrees, desserts, etc. so it is easy for the audience to figure out what they want to cook. You can also find different genres of cookbooks, like a southern cooking, Asian food, pretty much anything you want to find a cookbook on, you could. This makes it more specific to an audience. With a cookbook, fair use is interesting to think about. Those recipes could be slightly altered and republished in a different cookbook. You also cook the recipes in the cookbook, which is what the cookbook is intended for, but technically that means you are replicating copyrighted material. This is where fair use gets hazy in my eyes. Technically, changing the recipe to make it your own would be okay because then it would be your own new recipe, but you are still using the idea you found in the cookbook, which would be violating fair use.

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