Monday, February 27, 2017

Journal 6

            The example I chose for my assemblages integrates both the quality of an ethical assemblage as well as a bare repetition. What I chose was a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. This event incorporates both qualities through the events that take place during the ceremony and the party that follows. The bare repetition takes place during the ceremony that is a tradition where the individual reads from the Torah to become a man or a woman through that religion. This is a tradition that has taken place for centuries and has not altered and continues to be practiced to this day. As for the use of ethical assemblage, it comes into play during the party that follows the ceremony. Although the tradition is alive and there are qualities that are involved that pertain to the religion and hold true to the culture, throughout the year’s aspects have ultimately changed to fit the appropriate setting of the time that these events take place. When my friend had her Bar Mitzvah, we attended the Synagogue to listen to her read from the Torah and then proceeded to go to her after party that was fitting with music we liked and an array of people were invited which is most likely very different from years ago, when responding to hurtful assemblages we should confront the create an express the effect that it had on us as an audience and the potential harm it could have on other audiences. If they do not act to correct this then maybe it is truly hurtful it should be taken to an authority. I Fair Use ensures that assemblages are more than just a creation of bare repetition by giving them the freedom and protection to create a work for educational uses and make it into something more and potentially something that can teach others. Circulation can affect an assemblage’s ethical status because people can take something and create it into their own that can potentially harm others without the original author knowing. The circulation of authors should be acknowledged with something is reassembled so that although they are not the top priority to be expressed they are acknowledged. The author for that assemblage will most likely be the important individual to the readers but they will also want to know where it originated from.

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