Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Project 3 Update

For our project, we would like to work with a local animal shelter. Our local exigence would be trying to promote animal adoption. We would like to work with Tallahassee Big Dog Rescue for this project and I have already contacted them with this email:

Hello, Tallahassee Big Dog Rescue!

My name is Jaime Garcia Montes and I am a student at Florida State University. For one of our classes here, we have an assignment that aims to have us, as a group with several other students, create a campaign which helps accomplish a local organization's goal. As an animal lover and former adopter from your organization, we would love to represent your organization and your goals! Our campaign goal would focus on promoting animal adoption and advertise your organization in and around FSU's campus. Please let me know if your organization would be interested in letting us represent you!

Thank you for your time,
Jaime Garcia Montes

As a group, we have not faced any constraints thus far and I assume there won’t be many constraints that we face with this project that we won’t be able to overcome. Our intended audience for the rhetorical situation that we are composing is anyone in or around FSU that is considering getting a pet. I assume our timeline for this project will be completed by the deadline of this project, I can’t really give an estimation until I have acquired confirmation from out organization.

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