Monday, February 6, 2017

Journal 4 - Genre

Genre plays an important role in texts because it essentially "labels" the kind of work that one is producing or interacting with. We distinguish genres within the literary community along with the film industry ... classifying productions as either romance , horror , comedy , non fiction ; these genres can also interact with each other and create sub genres. I believe that there is really no such thing as writing in one particular genre, this is when the idea of how genre factors into the decisions we make when we compose. A texts genre is the first decision made them composing a text or producing a movie. It paves the way for what your text will be , what it will mean , who will read it or watch it , and even where it will be placed in a store. Genre's are what immediately connect to a specific audience, going back to the idea of it being the most important decision made when composing a text. If a book is classified under the "teen romance", then it will most definitely connect to a young group of girls. Genres are essentially created to classify compositions under a category but at the same time these categories immediately cater to a specific type of audience. This also impacts a productions circulation and distribution because it depending on its genre it will be distributed to certain stores, certain countries, and eventually certain people. Circulation dictates how a text is distributed over time, and genre also relates back to this. Some genres like "classical literature" will always be circulated across time and will probably still be read twenty - thirty years from now. But certain genres might only fall under a pop culture genre and will get out of style sooner or later. In essence, genre plays an extremely important role in producing texts , in the distribution of a text, the way it is interpreted, and what audience a certain text is being catered to.

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