Genre is
the basis for the choices we make in any creation. Per Devitt, genre is all the
smaller parts and each of those are their own separate genres and when put
together they have their own unique quality that she states is beautiful. This
ties into what Wysocki is stating by the discussing the different aspects of
text and how they should pertain to the audience that you are trying to
attract. When Miller and Shepherd were discussing the blogs, they discussed how
they were broken up into genres based on the audience that they were trying to
attract and the context of their blogs and how this aspect is important. When
we are composing, we are debating on the genre of what we are composing
depending on the audience that we are trying to attract. Audience is crucial to
the consideration of genre because people are going to be attracted to things
that interest them. Consider the many different genres of blogs, if the
audience is interested in politics they are going to want to read blogs that
have this topic. Genre topics impact circulation and distribution by whether
the genre is one that interests a big audience. For people to want to share the
work you have composed they must be interested in it. Wysocki also discusses other aspects of what
attracts an audience. The color scheme and organization are also aspects that
come into play when trying to attract an audience. People will acknowledge
these things and could lead to them either overlooking your work or engaging
themselves in it. Not to mention, the way that you set up your text will
determine the kind of audience that you are trying to attract which Wysocki
also mentions. If you are trying to attract the audience of a business
professional than you will ensure that what you are composing has professional
qualities to it like organization and is basic so not to focus on how the text
is delivered but more on what you are delivering. On the other hand, if you are
trying to attract a more casual audience you will take that into account when
composing. The example Wysocki uses is that of a children’s book and how you
will want to create something that will spark their interests with lots of
bright colors and large text. Ultimately, genre interrelates to your audience
and affects the purpose of yout composition and the way you go about delivering
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