Sunday, February 5, 2017

Journal 4

I think that the role that a genre plays in a text is extremely important. It allows the reader to already have an idea of what is trying to be communicated or expressed through a particular style or function. I think genre is something that we need to take into account along with the information we are trying to get across, along with thinking about the particular audience we are trying to reach. It is important to understand your audience and what would be most appropriate to best convey your ideas. If you are applying to a serious job, it may not be in your best interest to create a laid back E-portfolio with pictures of you cave tubing or with your dog. But if you are applying to be on a game show, that might be appropriate to show that you are a fun person. Genre also impacts circulation and distribution. If you decide to make a Youtube video or write an article on Buzzfeed, it will be much easier to share with family and friends on social media platforms and on the internet as opposed to printing hard copies and releasing them. I like that Devitt describes genres as “categories” and that that idea comes straight from our human nature. We are naturally inclined as humans to find some things more appealing than others, especially in different situations and scenarios. Genre, in my opinion, is something that can be an opinion or personal preference. I love that Devitt compares the two different pictures. She sees that they are similar in style and looks but also notices that their make-up is not the same. While they can be similar, because of their difference in materials, construction, and location, they are not of the same genre. She also discusses how genres “always exist within other contexts, and with other genres surrounding them”. To put it into perspective for her reader, I like that she uses the example of a TV show that could be nominated as a drama as well as a comedy. There isn’t exactly a clear cut definition of a genre and I think that is what makes it so interesting as a writer and thinker. We are open to explore new options of genre all the time.

My first artifact that I used for my project were articles that I had written for the FSU chapter of The Odyssey. It is something that I have been writing for for over two years now and I think it is something that will definitely stand out to anyone reading my Eportfolio, especially since I want some sort of job in Editing and Writing. The Odyssey is a media similar to Buzzfeed and I think that people respond positively to their witty and funny posts. Through this artifact, we can see that circulation is dependent on the medium that your artifact takes on. Because my artifacts are online, they have the ability to be shared and read by many people, even people I do not know. One of my most popular articles was shared 2,000 times. I think that is incredibly interesting seeing as how I do not even know that many people. 

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