Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Peer Review Free Response

When dealing with peer review in the past, I have found the activity and information it generates to be useful and insightful. I generally love the opportunity to see if the work I am doing follows the same format as my classmates, or if I might need to re-think some aspects of my work. It is a great chance to make sure you know all of the information and do not forget any major details of whatever you are reviewing. A second pair of eyes never hurts.

The kind of feedback I find most helpful is feedback where I am told what aspects of my project are unclear or need changed to fit the best. Sometimes it is hard to see projects from the outsider perspective and peer review allows for that step to take place. I also enjoy getting feedback on questions I have about my project that I simply do not know the answer to.

The one thing that can be frustrating about peer review is if your peer parter did not bring any material to help them with, or if they do not give helpful feedback on your project they are reviewing. So basically lack of effort can be annoying in peer review.

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