Monday, April 17, 2017

Feedback for Andrew, Victoria, and Jaclyn's Group


  1. 1. Circulation and purpose was well outlined.
    2. Websites are compositions too
    3. Seemed like a really good cause and was very professional sounding. Slogan was clever
    4. I could make not only a social media site, but also more specific things like a branch or even just a post.

  2. 1. They noticed what the organization needed and worked towards it. They are now the reps of the organization. (Network)
    2. I learned that social media is an easy way to reach out to people of our age and to become more aware of the organization. Making a social media is one thing, but they decided to make an instagram about cardiac arrest.
    3. I loved how they are now the reps. They can use this to network or work on their own social media to move forward.
    4. In the future I would try to learn more about the organization I would be working for. I feel like if you know more, you can feel more connected and it would be realistic.

  3. 1. They networked with friends to find an organization they wanted to work with. They used social media which appeals to the proper audience of young adults who are affected by cardiac arrest.
    2. I thought it was cool that even though they faced the constraint of there already being social media, they took initiative and made a subset of it.
    3. I had never heard of this organization, but I really love it. My mom is a pediatrician and works closely with cardiac arrest in young adults. Very cool presentation and well prepared.
    4. I learned that there is always something one can bring to the table and that you shouldn't give up in the face of adversity, in their case the issue of their already being social media for the organization.

  4. 1) audience was very present during this presentation because they targeted a specific audience
    2)i learned that social media is very important for circulation in this day and age
    3)i liked the instagram page i think that it is really helpful in circulating information
    4)if i was tasked with working with a professional organization i would take the idea of placing facts on social media to get out the information about my organization

  5. 1. raising awareness for cardiac arrest would be circulation/audience because they're trying to circulate a message about a particular topic to an audience of people. since they're talking about student athletes, they're going to aim towards that crowd for their audience
    2. the original message of cardiac arrest being bad is one thing, but the organization edits the original message to aim towards student athletes and better construe their message to a particular audience
    3. I like that they made their own social media for a more specific location since a conglomerate page may not represent every city. I see this more and more with particular organizations in many cities
    4. social media can change city to city and it's good to make specific sites for specific areas, but only if it makes sense

  6. 1. audience, circulation, and media
    2. many different ways of connecting to audiences, especially with the infographic! i would have never thought about including one of those to inform audience members on cardiac arrest.
    3. i really liked the infographic, it made me want to learn more about Who we play for and cardiac arrest.
    4. i would want to use an infographic in my next presentation!

  7. 1. Audience, circulation, genre were used in this project. They used forms of social media and an info graphic in order to each the audience, their work was circulated via social media and the genre is print and social media.

    2. I learned that there are ways to create branches of a social media page when composing and this can help reach even more of an audience.

    3. I like how the group created a branch of the organizations original social media pages.

    4. I would create a different project such as a WIX or maybe a video as an artifact for this RSO.

  8. 1. Audience- teenagers and young adults who play sports. Circulation- Social Media- creating a separate branch for the page with cardiac arrest facts and other things. Remediation of their logo and their social media sites
    2. Social Media circulation is hard to navigate with an already established organization
    3. How they helped raise awareness about cardiac arrest!
    4. Their attitude!

  9. 1. Networking is a keyword I'm seeing a lot of because of the way they circulated their social media accounts for this organization.
    2. Their writing editing and composing strongly focused on circulation and networking.
    3. I liked their Facebook post the most. I think it was the most successful form of circulation.
    4. This group has a lot of knowledge about their organization and that's something I would take with me if I were to work with another organization again.

  10. 1. I definitely notice networking in their organization since that's pertinent fro non-profit. The audience is also clear (teens), and

    2. I learned that re-vamping social media can be just as beneficial as creating a branch on a different platform.

    3. I liked the infographic a lot simply because it's not something that people think about and therefor its largely unknown.

    4. Through this presentation I learned that even if someone is present on a platform, that doesn't mean they don't need help re-representing themselves.

  11. 1. The focused on grabbing a new audience. They worked specifically with grabbing a specific type of audience. They used assemblage to bring new information together.
    2. Their focus on facts showed a different type of response to exigence that many of our projects will most likely neglect.
    3.I really liked their info graph. It was well organized and a pleasing design.
    4. In the future, I might relook at using straight facts to gain credibility and audience.

  12. 1. through this project i noticed purpose, audience, circulation, remediation (recreating for local purposes), genre, networking
    2. from this i learned that the composing composing should be done with visual sensitivity in mind and one should be mindful of how the audience will perceive their content because of the way it is demonstrated. i say this because i thoroughly enjoyed the infographic and thought it was visually pleasing.
    3. i liked the infographic the most.
    4. i like how far you went just to work with a non-profit, it shows that you were really dedicated to your work.

  13. 1. Social media focuses a lot on circulation to spread their information across a large audience.
    2. Once again social media is a very important aspect in composing these days.
    3. Really liked that they worked with a non-profit organization because they need the most help.
    4. I would use the approach that they used in posting more facts about the organization on social media to make people more aware and connected.

  14. 1) the audience of their project are young adults who are sports players interested in learning about WWPF or people who have been personally effected by cardiac arrest through sports. Their materials are an infographic, facebook page, and instagram, and they displayed this on a powerpoint presentation. Their genre is charity.
    2) I learned that writing, editing, and media can be effective even when done using small amounts of texts such as an infographic for facebook post.
    3) I liked their infographic the most, it was an effective and informative artifact
    4) I would take many ideas from there, such as the inforgraphic and facebook page

  15. 1. Audience- wanted to reach an audience that didn't know a lot about cardiac arrest.
    circulation- used social media to reach the younger audience
    2. They didn't want to out power the social media accounts they had already so they figured out a different purpose for their social media.
    3. I like how they drew in us college kids by saying cardiac arrest is the number 1 cause of death in student athletes because there are many student athletes we look up to at FSU and we want them all to be safe so it is beneficial to be aware of this organization.
    4. I liked how their Facebook page was highlights of different people from the organization and they talked about who they played for, etc.

  16. 1. Network played a large role because through their work, they tried to increase the network of awareness for their company. Circulation relied on social media because of the age group they were trying to reach.

    2. Your ideas can be based on trial and error due to constraints.

    3. I really liked how professional their pieces looked. They were clean cut and easy to follow. I love that they also created their own Facebook page that allowed people to tell their stories.

    4. Their group wanted to make sure that their different pages portrayed their links for donations and important features well which was something that I would definitely use.

  17. 1) Audience and Circulation. They are just trying to brand this organization out in Tallahassee because it isn't bug yet.
    2) Social media can be hard to work on when an organization already has social media pages.
    3) I thought it was great they worked with an organization that has such great goals!
    4) Do research and find out who the target audience is and catering to them.

  18. 1. Very Audience based, lots of network connection to targeted audience.
    2.The infographic was a better way to catch my attention, and a more effective circulation tool than I imagined.
    3. The who we play for was an interesting concept, very different from many of the other groups projects.
    4.Make sure to ask what the organization needs over everything. But, don't be afraid to suggest new ideas.

  19. 1. The audience is incredibly important in this project because of the use of social media. Network is also very important as the different social media pages all connect back to the main platform.
    2. I learned about how writing, editing, and media apply to different specific needs rather than just one overarching platform.
    3. I liked the concept of representation over taking attention away from the organization.
    4. I would definitely take into account how the group integrated uniformity across texts.

  20. 1. Their focus on audience and remediation really hits well here.I liked that they focused heavily on social media and extended the companies social media sites for further circulation.
    2. I learned from this group that writing, editing, and composing allows us to improve and branch out existing text.
    3. I liked that they wanted to contribute to the companies growth and focused on the companies targeted audience.
    4. I liked how organized the group was with their presentation. It was very well put together.

  21. 1. I see audience which is focused on college students mostly. I also see a lot of circulation via social media.
    2. I learned that even though an organization may be very well organized and put together, there is always a way to add more.
    3. What I liked most was their persona as a "brand embassador" because it was different.
    4. I would contact and FSU organization as well because college students seem easy to work with.

  22. 1. I see audience in that the campaign appeals to everyone and helping to save lives. I see network in their reference to the larger texts created by the organization
    2. I learned that composing could be narrowing down your audience from the larger all encompassing organization to the local level to engage the intended audience.
    3. I liked the idea of narrowing down the audience to a local level to make it more personal for Tallahassee.
    4. I would apply the use of social media to narrow down the audience from the national level to more of a local level.

  23. 1. They talked about audience and how they wanted to reach a wider audience. They wanted to reach more people than what the organization had been doing.
    2. I learned about composing because they brought in the different things they composed. They composed texts that were simple and easy to read.
    3. I liked all of their texts that they designed. I also thought their powerpoint was very well put together and seemed professional.
    4. I would take their comfortable presence and apply it. I thought they seemed very comfortable up there presenting which is something I strive to be.

  24. 1. Circulation and Audience: social media geared towards their target audience
    2. Facts are important depending on who you are working for
    3. The page telling all of the facts and why it is an important organization
    4. Know everything you need to know in order for the audience to know what they need to know about the organization

  25. 1) They thought about the audience a lot and how they could circulate the company's information well online.
    2) I learned that working with another organization sometimes requires creative thought.
    3) I liked their infographic because it was well framed.
    4) In the future, I can take after their ability to be flexible with organizations.

  26. 1. This group had a very narrow audience (FSU students) which was evident in the creation of their artifacts.
    2. I learned that social media can be expanded through different branches.
    3. I liked that they created the social media platforms specifically for FSU students. The group called themselves campus reps, cool!
    4. I would take the concentration in audience of this group.

  27. 1. I would say network is important to this group's campaign plan. Each of the pages/artifacts is connected to one another. They play off each other and create a network.
    2. Composing separate texts can combine to form a larger one.
    3. I liked how you didn't want to take away from the main social media accounts for the company. You were able to find a way to help an already established organization gain even more of a following.
    4. Creating/controlling different social media accts. for a single company, and connecting each of them.

  28. 1. This group did well with networking on social media and creating new social medias for the organization as well as a banner.

    2. Even if an organization already has a social media, you can make them a new one that will connect more with a younger audience.

    3. I liked the new banner the most because of the design and coloring.

    4. Any organization, whether it is obscure or seems like it doesn't need help can always use extra circulation or material.

  29. They came to the conclusion that their audience is young adults so they made sure their texts would circulate predominantly to that audience. I learned how sometimes it's best to connect some artifacts to other artifacts to be most effective. I liked how dedicated they seem to be to this organization and the cause. I will apply how they carefully considered how each text could reach what group of people.

  30. 1. They circulated by piggybacking off of the Facebook that the organization already had in addition to reaching out to the Tallahassee environment and including information where they saw it was lacking. They also provided a direct connection to the website so more information is immediately available.

    2. We were able to learn how to take advantage of the followers that an organization already has in order to spread more information. They did this by making a Facebook page branch rather than a new page.

    3. I really liked the infographic. It was well designed and will grab a reader's attention.

    4. They used prior connections to have more effective contact with the group that they wanted to represent. It is always good to be able to evaluate who is the best person to make contact.

  31. Audience, genre, and text were used.

    What I learned about writing is how many people it can effect.

    My favorite thing about the presentation was the amount of images used and the topic discussed was very relevant and important.

    I would apply their form and clearness of voice in my own presentation.

  32. Since their audience is mostly young adults, they used social media for their texts which was very smart! They really thought out how they would use their texts by creating rep pages.

    I liked the thoughtfulness behind this project. When their first plan of creating social media texts wasn't going to work because the organization already had accounts, they found a way to still create these texts but in a different way.

    They had a lot of passion for this project, and I think that is an important part of doing a project like this. That is something I would like to have in my projects to come.

  33. Directed audience was college students due to the lack of money and wanted to focus on Nonprofit organization. Also focuses on student athletes initially and people that are more health aware. This group networks by traveling to campuses to talk about their cause. This group found a new way to access a new community through new social media apps. The made a branch of their social media site to focus on the disease itself of cardiac arrest. This focuses mainly on what the organization represents and is a remediation of the original texts. Their FB is an assemblage of different qualities of experiences and facts that link to the information websites and that circulates the information more. The genre is mainly based through a digital aspect in order to reach a wider community. The materials required were just a little of social media knowledge as well as access to a computer.

    Composing sees to be most powerful through a digital world and sometimes its good to focus on the cause that the organization represents and give information for that. Writing can sometimes be required in order to give all the information needed but having individuals share their personal experiences adds a new quality. Editing doesn't necessarily have to be editing the original text but taking part of it and creating something new with it.

    I really like that they gave information more on the disease at hand and personal experiences with it.

    I think that their social media apps looked professional and that they had powerful and necessary information.

  34. Remediation stands out to me a lot because of the way they took their old Instagram and Facebook and implemented a new one. I learned that it is important to stay local with your exigence, and it can be beneficial to do so. I feel that they were able to do more by bringing this national company local. I liked that they localized this organization, and I like how they did shout outs in their Facebook page of personal stories. I learned the importance of keeping things local, and how this can be beneficial.

  35. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)

    Network - Victoria used her contact at Zimmerman to find an organization that needed help.
    Exigence - need to spread word about cardiac health.
    Audience/circulation - looking for a larger younger audience so they focused on social media.

    2. What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?

    3. What did like most in this presentation and why?
    Their infographic - informative without being boring or overwhelmingly informational.

    4. If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Proposing to the main organization multiple branches focusing on different audiences.

  36. 1. I see the keywords of audience and circulation being used through their Facebook and Instagram pages bringing in an audience from Tallahassee and circulating information specifically in Tallahassee.
    2. I can't think of a specific element about composing, writing, or media that I have learned about from this group's presentation.
    3. What I had liked most about this group's presentation had been the infographic that they had presented because it really stood apart, I think, from other artifacts that we've seen that seem heavily focused on social media and it gets across the message of the organization, not just info about the organization itself.
    4. What I could take away from this group's presentation and apply to representing a professional organization in the future is that they had discussed constraints that they faced in their process.

  37. 1. The group members used networking to find their organization which was effective.
    2. Always feed your audiences need.
    3. I like the inclusion of if they thought their campaign was success. their honesty made realize a few things about our campaign.
    4. I would take the their vision of laying out everything the organization had and determining what they could improve or enhance

  38. 1. Audience- wanted to reach as many people (teens especially) as possible since their organization isn't super well known. Circulation via social media.
    2. I learned you sometimes have to compromise in order to be effective (making a branch on their FB page since they already had one instead of making a whole new one).
    3. I liked how educational the infographic was because not many people are aware of the issue.
    4. If I were to represent an organization again in the future, I would consider finding one I truly thought was helping the greater good- something I was as passionate about as the group itself.

  39. 1. Their genre choice was very effective for the cause and the message seemed well circulated.
    2. I learned that text must be arranged in an appealing way in order to grab the reader's interest.
    3. I really loved the info graph, it was very visual captivating.
    4. I would take away from this all texts can be remediated into new genres to attract new audiences.


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