Monday, April 17, 2017

Feedback for Carley, Claudia, Kinsley, Piper


  1. 1. I see circulation, audience, and network through the use of social media to reach more people for their adoptions
    2. uploading photos to the internet with the purpose of adoption is a form of composing. the person writing about the organization is obviously writing. I would assume the writing and photos were possibly edited.
    3. I like how this is a less obvious form of composing but it still fits in perfectly. the fact that it doesn't seem as integrated into WEPO makes it make more sense on a real world level.
    4. specific social media networks may reach audiences, but not all the ones desired. by just having a facebook, the organization loses the crowd that uses instagram more. it's good to expand across as many networks as manageable.

  2. 1) in the first artifact they used networking really well
    2)i learned that circulation is really important for information to get out about organizations and that social media is the key way to do so.
    3)i really liked their Facebook page
    4) I could apply using social media for circulation to a professional aspect in the future. social media is ver important in this day and age.

  3. 1. The circulation of the cat photos was important. The awareness of the audience played a large role in the art auction.
    2.The importance of social media in advertising for all types of organizations.
    3. The graphics were excellent and interesting, and all the pictures looked professional.
    4. Make sure to make the media effective by having many followers for better circulation of the organization.

  4. 1. They went to an art auction and took pictures to raise awareness about this org, applies to networking and genre, assemblage of pictures. Circulation because it actually reached an audiencd. Combined social media (bidding) and real life for the art auction, two diff genres
    2. They posted pictures on Instagram with informative captions, engaging & informative. Combining the social media bidding with the real life bidding was an interesting and forward-thinking approach to sharing information.
    3. I like the photos from the art auction, shows actual examples of the organization's work
    4. I could immerse myself in the org and showcase their work to the world

  5. 1. They used email to network with various organizations around Tallahassee to find someone to work with. Their materials were very digital (Instagram) and very well presented. Their audience was local tallahassee citizens.
    2. I really liked how they composed their project into a wix by showing their different forms of media that they used. It was well organized and well presented.
    3. I loved their instagram. The photos were very well edited and made me want to know more about "IMON." The event they attended looked really cool. Also, an art auction sounds so cool! I wish I had known because I would've gone.
    4. My group was lucky in that we found our organization on one try. If I was tasked with this assignment again, I liked that they sent out a mass email to find someone to work with. I'm sure it was very professional and well composed.

  6. 1. Circulation was a huge impact on their piece because of the Instagram and Facebook, especially since she has a friend who now wants to write an article on it. I also learned about audience and how they relied on the followers on Facebook and Instagram to like the posts and come to their events.

    2. I learned that there are different ways of composing and creating. From the picture of Instagram to the event page on Facebook.

    3. I really liked their Wix site. it was clean and concise. I loved that they did their research and went to the events.

    4. I think that it was cool that they really dove into their project and went to their events. I love that they made the event page, which is something that has become a great way to circulate events. I would definitely use that.

  7. 1. The group utilized the words of audience, circulation and genre. They reached a desire audience, people who could potentially adopt the cats, by using social media, circulated the project via social media with apps such as instagram and the genre used is social media.

    2. I learned that there are many different ways to compose online, for example creating a website like Wix.

    3. I liked how they created an instagram page for the organization, it was creative. I also like how they created a Wix page to present their project.

    4.I think that creating a WIX page was a good idea and would definitely consider creating one for a project like this in the future. It made the project very interesting and creative and easy to follow and find information.

  8. 1. Networking seemed to be the keyword being used by this group the most. The group spent the majority of this project connecting with shelters that could help with the organization's purpose. Circulation was also prominent due to the use of social media.
    2. Composition is limited by its medium, but can expand its reach through the circulation of the artifact
    3. The part of the presentation when the group speaks about their part in organizing an event. It shows the diverse use of composition the group used throughout their project
    4. Networking can determine a project's success or failure.

  9. 1. The group reached a fairly wide audience through different mediums of texts. The Instagram posts are also a great example of circulation on social media. Circulation even went outside the bounds of the post, inspiring another student to write an article about the organization.
    2. I learned that writing, editing, and composing differ based on the medium of the text.
    3. I liked the design of the different texts like the Facebook page because it was creative and attention-grabbing.
    4. If I was tasked with representing a professional organization I would consider this group's use of multi-medium texts and their design tactics.

  10. The keyword circulation is enacted through all the ways they advertised their company, and they made a real effort to promote the organization and event. I learned that in writing, editing and composing, it is important to have an exigence and to work with the company. For example, I like how this group promoted an event for the company. I liked their Instagram because I think that because the company didn’t already have one, it was a good idea to put one out there to promote. I learned the importance of working with an event, and the means you can take to promote a specific event.

  11. 1. The group created an instagram for the company which can help reach a larger variety of people (students)- circulation. When looking at audience they decided that creating an instagram could reach more types of people around Tallahassee.

    2. I learned that instagram is an easy way to show pictures with text, maybe showing if one of the cats is for sale.

    3. I love the facebook page to sell art. This gives the company another way to reach out to people, especially people who couldn't physically attend the auction.

    4. I never thought about making a facebook page to sell things of my own or for a company. It helps circulate rather than it just being physical. I also loved the poster with the tabs. I would use this for different organizations because it is a physical thing someone can keep with them.

  12. 1. They attempted to circulate through their instagram page to reach a large audience. The network of instagram is large enough that they'd be reaching a huge group of people. They also made a facebook event for their art auction which circulated and reached similar audiences to instagram. Their third artifact was a poster that varied in the genre and material than the first two, and they did that successfully.
    2. Stuff about design
    3. I liked the organization they chose- I think it's an important subject that people need to hear about!
    4. The functioning of their instagram page was cool and I'd probably take away some ideas they gave us about designing and keeping up with an instagram page.

  13. 1. In their first artifact the keyword network was very apparent because they we able to make an Instagram for the organization and get them involved in social media. Also circulation is huge with social media because more people can learn about the organization.
    2. Social media is an extremely important aspect of working with organizations these days.
    3. I really like the flyer they created for the organization. It was really focused on us college kids.
    4. Creating a website with all of the information is a helpful tip.

  14. I'm seeing a lot of network and circulation used in this project because of their instagram page and their Facebook. Both forms of social media are open to the public allowing the audience to like, comment and share. Their website that hold the instagram and Facebook are good examples of composing. I liked their poster the most because I thought it was really creative and how it was geared towards students. From this groups presentation, I would take their organization. They seemed very organized and prepared like they had been rehearsing for weeks.

  15. 1. I think they did a good job at circulating, networking, and remediation of the event for meow or never. They distributed the information on different medias and circulated their text well because they were put on social media.
    2. I learned that writing, editing, and composing can be done in multiple ways and can be adapted to fit the needs of the rhetorical situation at hand.
    3. I liked that they created an instagram account for them. It must really help them out and allow them to attract more audience since instagram is so heavily used. I also liked their wix site. It was professional but also festive with images and their text.
    4. I think what I would take from this presentation is their organization, flow, and subtle humor that was involved that lightened up the atmosphere.

  16. 1) Circulation is seen in the project through their social media posts. They posted on instagram so that their audience could view the posts and like/ comment on them. Their audience is anyone who loves cats or is interested in rescuing cats. Their material is a wixsite page with different tabs to seperate their work.
    2) I learned that writing, editing, and composing are done together when based around the same topic. Since all three elements related to the cat club, all three elements flowed together easily
    3) I like the fact that they presented their artifacts on a website rather than a slideshow. It was creative and very effective. Their three artifacts, which were an instagram, facebook event cover, and poster, were all displayed very nicely using the website.
    4) i dont think i would do anything different for their project, i think they did a great job.

  17. 1) Circulation was big in this project. They helped their organization expand their social media by creating an Instagram fro them. Network and audience were shown in their different social media pages they mad not help spread the word of this organization.
    2) Good design tips from their poster.
    3) cats. i like cats.
    4) They seemed to bear very upfront and took initiative early on, which benefited them in the long run.

  18. 1. Network was used by circulating on Instagram. Audience was used by reaching out to people on Instagram, which is mostly younger people.
    2. I learned that having a good organization with someone who is great at communicating back and forth is helpful.
    3. I liked the flyer the most because it was funny and related well to college students because of the roommate comment.
    4. Good communication with the sponsor would definitely be helpful to me in the future when working with a professional organization.

  19. 1. Circulated via social media, and was remediated into a journal article by another source as a result.
    2. Composing is more than just writing, especially now in this generation.
    3. The organization was a good cause and the fact that they had an art auction was a great mashup of my personal interests.
    4. I would attend or even host real events. Maybe instead of advocating for an entire organization, just circulate with a specific event in mind. Also the poster with the tabs was a good way of monitoring how many people were interested.

  20. 1. The focused on growing circulation for the company. The used networks to do that and social media to increase that.
    2. Through this project, I learned about different markets of audiences and using different media to reach different people. For example, it was interesting to use instagram to reach a younger audience of people that was not the target audience of the event, as well as using the flyer to reach college students on campus.
    3. I like the use of a website to flow through their presentation. It made it easy to move through, but also made it accessible after the presentation was over and so that worked really well.
    4. In the future, I might consider using a website as a platform to present a campaign. It was well organized and ever lasting.

  21. 1. Circulation: getting the event out to people and writers wanting to write articles about the event
    2. I realized that there are man different ways to get your point across and your exigence
    3. I liked the instagram profile the most because lots of college students are on the platform so it is a good way to reach them
    4. I could create more social media accounts since people are constantly sharing posts and events to help circulate conversation

  22. 1. I see the key word circulation in the creation of an instagram to easily show the information. Also audience is seen in the instagram and the Facebook in order to reach the people interested in the events
    2. I learned that composing is a lot of working with people to represent what they need instead of what you perceive they want.
    3. I really liked the creation of an instagram. I think its a really creative way to reach out to college students because they are so active on social media.
    4. I would take using a website to display all the information in a interesting and accessible way.

  23. 1. Through the use of their three artifacts, I see how they are trying to appease to the audience, and circulation especially because of the use of social media platforms.
    2. I learned how our creations can really circulate and make differences in the success of organizations.
    3. I like the way they presented their artifacts on the WIX site.
    4. I like the way they presented their artifacts and I think it would be a great way to present to company's in a professional and organized way.

  24. Audience is prominent because they decided to post to Instagram in order to reach a new or wider audience. This also allows for a new form of circulation that was not previously accessed for this organization prior. This allowed for a girl to want to write an article for them as well as people begin to follow the page. This is new way to Network because social media is how everyone is able to Network others in general. Many businesses utilize social media in order to Network their business and get themselves out there. The Facebook Page for the art auction allowed to focus on a particular event that they were partaking in. This is a remediation of the physical pictures that are utilized and reaches an audience that may not have been previously accessed. This also gives them the a wider genre of the internet that was previously not accessed to them. The poster was also a remediation that allowed for them to take the organization on paper which is a new genre as well. This also networked by having the pull off tabs for their name to get out there.

    I learned that composing can be many different genres in order to reach an audience. Writing doesn't have to be linear but could have some many more qualities to it. Editing was done by creating a new Facebook page for a particular event.

    I liked the Instagram artifact because I think it really gets their name out there to a new audience and truly thought it was a great way to go about it.

    I liked how clean cut and explanatory their presentation was. As well as the feedback that they included from their campaigning with the pull tabs.

  25. 1. Networking comes through their use of flyers and social media. I can also see remediation of their facebook page into an instagram page which goes hand in hand with the circulation of everything. Audience could ben anyone who saw the posters or liked/shared the instagram.
    2. From this presentation, I learned that composing is influenced by the platform you're working with. The re-vamped facebok page that was focused on the specific event was a way to breathe some life back into an old platform.
    3. I liked the instagram the most because it included the event that they were focusing on as well as the pets themselves.
    4. From this presentation, I learned that remediation of something that an organization already has can be a very useful object (facebook to instagram) in circulation and adapting to new audiences.

  26. 1. Audience- they created new artifacts like Instagram to target a new, preferably younger audience which I think is great. The Instagram pictures really showed work that they created. This account leads to circulation. I also liked how they mentioned how someone contacted them wanting to write about IMON and that shows that people did see the account and awareness about IMON will continue to grow. The Facebook page was also a great example of circulation because they linked it to their home page and people could click and see about the auction they were having which brought them business.
    2. I learned that there are multiple, fun ways to beta message out that actually grasped people's attention, it grasped mine!
    3. I really enjoyed their artifacts. They were so vividly pleasing and were easy to read and I could get the information needed in a quick time period.
    4. I like that they went to IMON's event. That in itself is a great way to meet people and get the word out about their new Facebook and Instagram pages leading to more awareness.

  27. 1. They talked a lot about circulation and how it was shown through their project. They mentioned that someone had contacted them in hopes of writing an article on Meow or Never because of the things that they had done to promote it. I also saw Design in their project because of the different texts, such as the poster.
    2. I learned that it is important what you put on a flyer or website because you have to write exactly what you want the audience to see.
    3. I liked that they presented their project through a website. I thought it made it easier to view things and it was nice that it was all in one place. It is also easily accessible to the public unlike a powerpoint.
    4. I would definitely take and apply the instagram idea that this group did. I thought it was awesome that they used that to promote the organization and it made me wish my group had done that.

  28. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)

    They used Instagram to reach a wider audience who also are most likely ages around 8 to 30s. Without the Instagram, the college girl who followed the event would've never had an idea to write about the rescue. They created a separate page for the art auction to notify people not at the event which art was gone, keeping everyone informed. Though It's Meow or Never had a generic poster available, this group took it upon themselves to design a new poster specifically for the organization. It spoke to a young adult audience, asking if they "need a new roommate" and then was posted in places where many students would pass.

    What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    Even though something already exists (like the flyer), take it to the next level and make it even more specific audience with new design elements or functionalities in mind.

    What did like most in this presentation and why?
    I liked how involved they were with the organization. The communication between the group and IMON seemed crystal clear, leading to a smooth production of helpful artifacts for the organization to use in the future.

    If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Their willingness to reimagine the organization's already-used platforms like Facebook and the flyers.

  29. They kept in mind their audience, for example Instagram was a good way to reach their audience and have a high circulation. Facebook also provides a high circulation. I like how they had a print medium as well. I liked most how much effort they seemed to put into their presentation and their artifacts. I would definitely apply in the future how much they seemed to be in contact with the organization. I learned that even the slightest attempt at advertising can lead to someone wanting to write an article about your organization, that's cool!

  30. 1. The one keyword I see working the most for this group is circulation. Each of the artifacts works together to spread awareness for the organization. The artifacts can help circulate each other.
    2. I don't know if I learned anything about composing/editing/writing. I think the biggest takeaway was planning each different campaign ad should work together.
    3. I thought the illustrations/animations/photos were entertaining and enjoyable.
    4. The different approach they had to the assignment

  31. The texts really catered to their audience of college students with the social media aspects of their texts, as well as posting the flyer on campus. The Instagram seemed very engaging and interesting. Their facebook page was a creative twist on a usual facebook page- it's cool how they incorporated an auction on the page. The flyer was very appealing and caught my attention.

    I liked the flyer the most. It was a creative take on a usual flyer, by including pull-off tabs, and it really caught my attention with the color choices.

    This group said they were in constant communication with someone from the organization they chose, which is something I would apply on projects to come.

  32. 1. Audience, assemblage, circulation, and genre were very present in this presentation. The poster was targeted towards a specific audience.
    2. I learned that an existing text could always be improved: ex: the facebook event
    3. I love the pull tabs on the poster! Great way to measure effectiveness.
    4. I would liek to apply their presentation. The website was a good idea.

  33. I love the fact that your group went to a event with your sponsor and really got involved with your organization. It felt like your group cared and were wanting to not just get a grade for this class but wanted to help the organization.

    You gave very good details in how you distributed your texts and how they will reach and affect your audience. I thought that using Facebook and Instagram was a good idea since your target audience was college students.

    The thing I liked the most about your presentation was the enthusiasm shown during the presentation. I could tell your group was excited about the project.

    What I learned about writing is that there are many ways of composing something that will potentially affect college students and that you should look at the needs of your audience when you start composing.

  34. 1. I saw the keywords circulation and audience highly enacted throughout their presentation. In the creation of the organization's instagram page they were able to circulate a large amount of information and a brand new audience leading to an outside media organization to reach out to them and the poster allowed for a huge amount of circulation by audience members being able to tear away and take the info with them for later.
    2. I don't think there is anything new that I have learned about writing, editing, and composing from this presentation.
    3. What I had enjoyed most about their presentation was that since the event that they were helping to promote has already passed they were able to show us direct results of their artifacts.
    4. What I could take away from this group's presentation is that they had reached out to many organizations instead of focusing all of their effort on just one, so they were able to have options.

  35. 1. I saw how the group used circulation by distributing the flyer all around campus and using the instagram and facebook to show the different events IMON was having.

    2. I learned about the different aspects of design and materiality that one can use for flyers and digital media.

    3. I liked the flyer most because of the design and color and the way it caught my eye.

    4. Any organization whether it be about animals or anything else can be used to help circulation and maintain audience.

  36. 1. The group immediately began circulating for their campaign by creating a Instagram specifically for their organization.
    2. I learned that writing, editing, and composing does require participation on the audience side.
    3. I love how they created a website for their presentation. It was easy to navigate and showed their process of campaigning. I also appreciated how they connected their campaign to college students by stating how cats are easier to take care of.
    4. I would definitely take their idea of creating an Instagram for the organization because it clearly helped with gaining recognition. Most people shy away from Instagram, but this helps with the younger crowd.

  37. 1. One of the main key terms I recognized in their presentation was circulation. The group reached a considerably wide audiences through social media sites like Instagram, which even got them recognized by a journalist who wants to write a piece about their organization.
    2. This was something I already knew about writing, editing, and composing, but their presentation reinforced the idea that all works can be remixed or updated to fit an audience.
    3. The Instagram was a really great idea! Who doesn't like to look at pictures of cute animals?
    4. If I were to represent an organization, I would consider this group's use of multimodal texts.

  38. 1. The main keyword that stands out within their project was circulation. Their message seemed very well distributed and effective.
    2. Their project taught me more about the use of the web as a great distribution of texts. Very interesting how online mediums and print mediums can both be effective.
    3. I really liked the design of their Facebook page because it was very well organized and created a very simple platform to promote their auction.
    4. If I were representing an organization, I would apply this groups innovative ways to spread their texts.


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