Monday, April 17, 2017

Feedback for Magen, Ellie, and Geneva's Group


  1. 1. The genre of materials they used was very cool. I love Canva and the circulation of the flyer and social media posts did very well.
    2. I loved learning about the idea of templates being used over and over again to be remediated for different platforms. Thats great for businesses.
    3. I just love pets so this was obviously a great project. The group was well prepared and professional.
    4. As stated before, i think the idea of templates being used for different platforms is a great idea and some that can be presented to organizations when trying to work with them.

  2. 1) i liked how they used circulation with the flyer for the events
    2)i learned that circulation is important and working with your organization closely is important to be able to fit the needs for the organization
    3)i really liked they posted they created in canva
    4)i would apply how they used social media to circulate their information and how they created a flyer template that could be altered for different events

  3. 1. I could tell they thought about their audience before creating their artifacts. They knew what to add on the artifacts such as the poster because of who their audience is.
    2. I learned that working on a digital platform can become a tangible artifact.
    3. I like how the flyer was a template so the company could use it again.
    4. I would use an info graphic because this is something I had never thought about but it helps get the word out with important information.

  4. 1. Audience and Circulation were clear, the audience was Tallahassee residents while the circulation was primarily through social media.
    2.How important hashtags are!!!!!!!
    3. ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this organization and what they do!
    4. The professional design elements of the artifacts.

  5. 1. In the flyer they made the material is extremely important because like they said in their presentation the organization can use it in future years.
    2. Social media, social media, social media
    3. I love the organization and their purpose
    4. I would use the website creator like they used to make a clean presentation

  6. 1. circulation of these texts can continue by the medium the texts were created within.
    2. Writing can be a mixture of professional and fun, the creativity added to the overall composition.
    3.I like the organization itself, I think they made excellent texts with fun graphics.
    4. It helps if you are passionate about your organization. It added a little more life to the project.

  7. 1) Audience and Circulation because they are targeting an audience with pets and went about different way to reach out to them.
    2) How effective #hashtags can be.
    3) Helping animals is a super rad thing.
    4) Make a texts that is timeless so the organization can continue to use it over time.

  8. 1. Circulation! They targeted the social media sites that their audience used the most.
    2. I learned their use of assemblage in the infographic.
    3. I liked their use of a hashtag.
    4. The hashtag! Such a neat idea.

  9. 1. Exigence was well outlined, and the infographic was a great assemblage.
    2. Ambient sound can negatively impact lectures and presentations. It is important to speak loud and clear.
    3. I love rescue pets, so this aligns with my interests. Artifacts looked very professional.
    4. Presentations can be done with websites instead of powerpoints or prezis.

  10. 1. i see all of the keywords listed throughout this project. they had a specific audience, the texts were circulated, different genres, remediation of old texts, etc.
    2. i learned about the important of hashtags and pictures that are visually pleasing.
    3. i absolutely love the infographic. super professional, clean and cute.
    4. love that you guys had goals, clean texts, consistency, etc. good job!

  11. 1. circulation and audience here, they're circulating an infograph to people that they want to adopt pets, which is their audience.
    2. composing of infographs and pictures can be simple or complex, depending on what the audience prefers. as long as the information is there, it will be fine
    3. the infographs were very accessible and simple. cute animals and information is all the audience needs.
    4. I don't like hashtags. I don't think most people actually click them. they're like QR codes, good concept but nobody really uses them. I would stray away from those things because I think people may feel like jumping into them.

  12. Audience is definitely for animal lovers ad to get their attention. Having a post that they can use for different social media and can reuse is a great way for circulation. The are also networking through a digital world and utilizing it to their advantage. Creating cover photos adds for new material to their FB page. The genre is also mainly online which reaches a digital community.

    Editing was done by recreating their cover photos for their FB. Composing is once again done for a cause that is meaningful to them as well as playing to the emotions of their audience. They also considered long term effects. Writing can be sent through simple messages to get the point across.

    I like the cause they are representing and I think it is a great way to get the information out there.

    I like that they focused on what they wanted but took their artistic freedom and got thoughtful about their text.

  13. 1. Circulation was strong in this project because it was circulated on social media and via flyer.
    2. I learned that hashtags can be effective in this type of organization.
    3. I liked the infographic because it was definitely visually appealing and very cute. I would definitely be moved by it if I saw it.
    4. I would make sure that the organization was ready to circulate my texts in time for me to present about them.

  14. 1. they circulated their artifacts really well before the event that it was tied to, and they remediated images of animals that were already given to them. They also created facebook banners, which could be circulated on other social media sites.
    2. They took a lot of information about the org that they were given and composed new texts in a fun and visually interesting way that was also informative.
    3. I loved the infographic, it was very cute and informative, it makes me want to go adopt a dog.
    4. I liked how they were concerned with circulation and actually considered how many shares and likes their artifacts might get. that kind of goal-oriented thinking was very smart

  15. 1. The use of audience, circulation, and material
    2. I learned about the influence that infographics have when connecting to a specific audience. Easy way to get an organizations goals across.
    3. I really loved the infographic, it was soooo ciute!!!
    4. I would take the use of the infographic into consideration.

  16. 1. Familiarity was a key idea they offered their campaign. The use of templates that could be recycled but up to date was a cool feature.
    2. Design aesthetic was information for their projects.
    3. I really liked their comments on how their artifacts were made on Canva and how they could be reused for different campaigns.
    4. I would probably use canva designs in the future to recreate popular texts.

  17. 1. Genre is a keyword that I thought worked well with this group. Their 3 forms of texts were all in the genre of social media.
    2. This group stayed in the same genre while writing, editing, and composing.
    3. I liked the info graphic the most. I thought it was really creative.
    4. I would take this groups fluidity and organization. I thought they were fluid with all 3 texts by using the same color schemes and they were very organized.

  18. Pets Alive
    Audience, Text (longevity), Circulation (before April 1st and did very well)

    I loved all of the fun flyers and infographics you created! They were very eye-catching and seemed like they would grab anyone's attention, especially animal lovers.

    What I learned about writing is to coincide your text with your organization. Make sure you meet their standards and keep close connection with your supervisor/sponsor.

    What I would apply to my own presentation is the thoroughness shown in the infographic and other texts created.

  19. They made texts that could be easily and effectively circulated, which is very important. I learned how sometimes composing a broad text can be most effective because they can be used now and later. I really like the infographic, I think it was very creative. I will definitely apply in the future how they included ways to find out more information and contact info on their texts.

  20. 1. They talked about circulation and how the flyer they created circulated a lot.
    2. The texts they created were very cute. I learned that when composing you must take into consideration the platforms that the text will be shared on and how it will effect it.
    3. I loved the headers that were created for their Facebook. I thought they were very cute and made me want to adopt an animal.
    4. I thought the last text they created was so cute. It made me want to go back and recreate my text for project 3 because I thought theirs looked so good.

  21. 1) They did think a lot about how their designs would reach their audience, especially when thinking of the infographic.
    2) Some texts are more popular than others.
    3) I like the Facebook event picture because it's very visually appealing.
    4) I've learned that an infographic is an easy way to lay out information.

  22. 1) Their artifacts are a facebook event flyer, two different facebook cover photos, and an infographic. Thus, their artfiacts were circulated through social media. The material they used to create these artifacts is canva. Their audience is anyone interested in adopting dogs.
    2) I learned that writing, editing, and composig is the most effective for a given audience when it is done creatively. This groups artifacts were super cute and creatively related to their organization, and they were very effective for that reason.
    3) I loved the infographic. It went above and beyond by being inventive, well designed, and effective for the organization
    4) From this presentation, I would take away the template idea they mentioned. They made a flyer through canva then gave the company the finished product and the template so that they could fill in different information every time they have a new puppy up for adoption.

  23. 1. the artifacts the group created incorporated social media, circulation and audience. They created fb pages, a header and an info graphic. Social media and the info graphic will be shared and therefore reaching the audience they desire by being circulated.

    2. I learned that they composed an info graphic as one of their artifacts to reach their audience and help out the RSO.

    3. I liked the infographic, it contained alot of information on the RSO and how to help the organization.

    4. I would’ve created a video for this RSO to be shared on Facebook and instagram. Almost Everyone loves animals and has a special place in their heart for them so i feel that a video would be a good way to each a large audience with this RSO.

  24. I think that the word “material” stood out in their presentation. I really like that when they made artifacts for the company, they did it with longevity in mind. I think this creates value to their material. I learned that writing, editing and composing all involve creativity, and I think this group portrayed that really well. Their artifacts were all really creative. I liked not only the artifacts, but I like that this group was so obviously passionate about what they advertised. I learned from this project that creativity can be remediated ethically, as exemplified through their infographic.

  25. 1. Circulation- the Facebook post created on canva was beneficial to spread awareness because people will see it on this platform and the picture is an actual picture of their adoptable animals which provides some insight on what they have to offer at the shelter.
    2. I learned that going the extra mile ( in their case- creating the Facebook ad rather than just posting a picture of the animal with a caption) can really make all the difference.
    3. I liked the info graphic because it used ethos to show what the pets need and that can get people to donate.
    4. I like how they created a hashtag because that is such a smart way to help this business circulate.

  26. 1. Circulation: posters and flyers to hand out and social media (hashtag), Assemblage: pictures of cats and dogs along with text
    2. Images can really help a cause, especially when working with animals
    3. The Facebook event because the flyer was really well-designed
    4. Use pictures of animals (if working with an animal organization)

  27. 1. I see the term circulation in the texts because the purpose of the event was to circulate and appeal to the audience. Is see remediation because the use of a template allows the text to change.
    2. I learned that appealing to emotions through the infographic can help make the text more effective.
    3. I liked the infographic because it helps appeal to the emotions people have for animals.
    4. I would incorporate emotional texts in order to appeal to the pathos of individuals.

  28. 1. I see the key word remediation being used as they discussed how they had created one of their artifacts keeping in mind that it could be changed by the group later for different use. The artifacts had a large circulation option in everything having the capability to be shared on social media online and the infographic being able to be shared physically as well.
    2. What I had learned about composing, writing, and editing is that sometimes it's a good idea to create something and keep in mind how it can change and be transformed for the future.
    3. I liked that the artifacts that they created had been very personal for the organization, using actual photos of animals from the organization instead of some random stock photos.
    4. Something that I could take away from this to use later in a more professional presentation is that they had created several artifacts that could be used repeatedly and didn't just have a one time use.

  29. 1. Audience is Tallahassee. Circulation of the artifacts is clear through both social media and poster. remediation of template is helpful.

    2. I learned that you can apply multiple ideas to a single artifact.

    3. I liked that they created something to be used for the long term rather than for just an event.

    4. This presentation helps show that finding the items of an organization that haven't had the time to be fully or properly developed is incredibly helpful to the organization you're working for.

  30. Circulation was used through the creation of a graphic and template for a flyer that can be changed depending on the situation. The infographic was also really useful to pull in the audience.

    I liked the infographic the best because it was really cute and showed photos of animals that make me really want to donate toys.

  31. 1. Circulation is seen through the use of social media. The audience was social media followers. The texts were assemblages made on canva.
    2. I learned that the cohesive element of composing is important. They used blue and white colors throughout all of the pieces because those are the representative colors of the piece.
    3. I liked the Facebook event post the most. I thought it was really cute and showed that using imagery is more successful than a text only post.
    4. The hashtag was a great idea! I would love to use one in the future.

  32. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)

    FB Adoption event post - audience/circulation/design/exigence/genre. Made on Canva can also function as a easily changeable template - awesome!

    FB/Twitter Banner - design/exigence/genre

    Infographic - exigence (for donations)/circulation/design/remediation. adorable, tugs at the heartstrings. Remediated the "anatomy as a rescue dog" idea from image to infographic.

    2. What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?

    3. What did like most in this presentation and why?
    When Magen mentioned the growth after circulating her event posting from 3 shares to ~15 shares.

    4. If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Working on canva to provide the organization with templates they could continuously change for any event or other exigence.

  33. 1. I saw the use of circulation in the types of artifacts that they used
    2. I learned more about the constraints associated with every project.
    3. I liked the info graphic the most.
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in communicating directly with the organization

  34. 1. Assemblage because the group focused on making a message known through the artifacts themselves.
    2. Not all compositions are circulation oriented.
    3. The involvement with the organization.
    4. How to truly understand the where an organization is lacking.

  35. Their circulation seemed to be well executed, as their texts were shared on social media, which is a huge platform.

    The infograph was an appealing and sweet text that caught my attention. It caught my eye and shared a sweet message.

    All of their texts were very creative and appealing, and I like how much thought they put into their texts. That much creativity and thoughtfulness is something that I would want to use for my future projects.

  36. 1. Circulation is important for this campaign, seen through the # that is used. The ads are multi-functional and are not designed for a single outlet.
    2. Designing texts for events/FB/other social media outlets should be a representation for the company. Colors used matched the logo of the company, etc. It played off of the pre-established identity of the company.
    3. How each of the artifacts could be used on multiple platforms.
    4. Designing things that visually reflet the company the ad is for.

  37. 1. In terms of circulation, they really took in consideration how their audience would interact with it.
    2. I learned that perspective is key because our generation is more computer savy so we're able to contribute texts outside the box
    3. I like the fact they included the hashtag of the organization because that helps with the process of circulation
    4. I would take the fact that their texts can be reused for other contexts the company would like

  38. 1. Key terms I noticed were audience, circulation, and genre.
    2. Having a recurring element in design keeps everything looking professional and put-together.
    3/4. I loved that they thought long-term (their text could serve as a template for future texts). I would definitely keep this in mind in the future.

  39. 1. Assemblage came to mind when I saw their artifacts because of the many groupings of texts and pictures of adoptable animals to create a new text to raise awareness.
    2. I learned that when composing you must be aware of what genre will be the most successful.
    3. I really liked the info graph because of the creativity.
    4. I would take away from this that creativity and individuality really stands out in the professional world.


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