Monday, April 17, 2017

Feedback for Elizabeth's Quidditch Group


  1. 1)i see circulation in their project because they used social media to allow for more people to be able to see what the club was all about
    2)i learned that it is important to try to aim for a specific audeince, i this they used FSU students
    3)i really liked the twitter header
    4)if i was tasked with this, what i would take from this project is their great use of digital media

  2. 1. The audience is Florida State students who are interested in playing Quidditch because they wanted them to make a flyer for the event that is going on over summer.
    2. When looking at the twitter header you can learn about composing because they focus on a few different aspects of the team rather than just a random picture from practice.
    3. I loved the twitter header, they included professional pictures as well as different aspects of Harry Potter and FSU. It ties it all together.
    4. I didn't think about making a twitter header for a company so I would definitely look more into that. It was an easy, but professional way to show part of their team through a quick picture.

  3. 1. the quidditch team seems to be some sort of network/audience of people obviously interested in quidditch. I might even consider genre since sports isn't a topic that's touched very often for an english class.
    2. they composed a graphic of the gameplay of the sport which teaches me that the symbols of the quidditch brooms, active gameplay, and team like stuff with jerseys may encourage people to want to join.
    3. I liked how the actual gameplay and team aspect is shown in the graphic because it's a very important way of grabbing people's attention and making it seem like the group is inclusive and fun.
    4. actual images of the activities to be expected are incredibly important to show people what they can expect and encourage them to participate

  4. 1. Their audience was very evident and the assemblage they made in the twitter header was very well prepared. They used the flyer to exhibit circulation and remediation. Well done.
    2. I learned about the passion that goes into composing and I never really thought about it that as an aspect.
    3. The group really knows who their audience is and I loved that they worked with different mediums of social media.
    4. I had never thought about twitter header's as a form of advertising, so that is something I could bring to the table when working with a future organization.

  5. 1) Circulation and audience. They are trying to grow their involvement in the sport and club in campus and getting more FSU to join the group.
    2) It is important to have the group you are representing shown very visible in the pictures you have, like the Twitter photo where they were always in their jerseys.
    3) I love Harry Potter, so Quidditch is really cool.
    4) Find the specific audience like they did and target them heavily.

  6. 1. Audience was clear- Florida State Students that like Harry Potter.
    The assemblage of their twitter header and the pictures taken at practices and the design.
    2. That any form of editing and composing can be directed towards one specific audience and no one else.
    3. QUIDDITCH!!! Also their first artifact the twitter header
    4. Their love for the subject matter

  7. 1. Just like I learned about editing, writing, and media a big keyword would be audience since they are focusing on FSU students and Harry Potter fans. Cute!!
    2. Audience is key.
    3. Love Harry Potter so super relatable!! First artifact looks really nice as well as including Harry Potter symbols.
    4. I wouldn't create a PowerPoint because it then feels like you are forced to read what is on the screen.

  8. 1. I see a lot of design and remediation in this groups project especially with the twitter header. The group took a twitter header and remediated it into something with more design.
    2. I learned that this group projects 3 forms of texts are all related somehow through their writing and composing.
    3. I liked the flyer for the slumber party, it matched everything else really well and caught my attention the most.
    4. I would take this groups creativity with me if I were to represent another organization in the future.

  9. 1. The audience was very clear (college students), and the circulation remediation is equally understandable when looking at "re-vamping" their twitter page.

    2. see #4

    3. I liked their twitter page the most because it really brings the sport to life instead of being something unofficial like I expected.

    4. This group presented artifacts that included links which is something I didn't think about using however it would be incredibly useful.

  10. 1. The group enacted audience by trying to raise interest in a sport and create growth with its members. Remediation was also implemented by the group through revamping the organization's logo
    2. Editing, which was what the group mainly did, can be a form of writing and composition.
    3. I liked the revamped logo because it really took into account all factors of creating an important message.
    4. The use of editing.

  11. 1. Their goal was to increase the audience of quidditch games, and who that audience is. Create circulation.
    2. The importance of being professional when dealing with organizations, while also incorporating the style they need.
    3. The twitter banner was excellent and they gave excellent information about the banner and their reasoning behind it.
    4. Make sure to listen to the needs of the organization, and fill those needs above and beyond what they expected.

  12. 1. I see audience in their use of appealing to people in their texts. I see assemblage/network as they use the Harry Potter objects as reference and to gain understanding.
    2. I learned that sometimes a group will ask you to create for events far in the future and circulation may not be immediately available.
    3. I really liked the professional banner because it does help add an element of professionalism
    4. I would apply the appeal to humor and a focus on what will appeal to the audience and get them to click on the event.

  13. 1. They used audience because their team wanted them to create a more professional and appealing header for their audience. Material wise, they used Facebook, Twitter, and in print. The used fun and upbeat themes and genres to appeal to their audience.

    2. I learned that creating and composing text in this sort of project
    requires listening to their organization and designing based off of that.

    3. I LOVED the header! It was so creative and clever and definitely hit the nail on the head in regards to the professional and appealing theme.

    4. I love that they made sure that their organization had their voices heard. They used their creativity to add to the personality and needs of the Quidditch team which was really cool. They relied on humor because that would be appealing to their audience.

  14. 1. I noticed keywords of genre (flier and banner) and audience, that being the quidditch team and those interested in playing the sport. they remediated photos taken at practices to create a header for their organization's facebook page.
    2. They edited photos to create a new text, and incorporated already existing images. this combination was a new composition.
    3. I liked the facebook header the best. It looked really well-done and made the organization look professional and the sport fun.
    4. I could apply a real focus for what the organization's goal was in the real world. They had several texts that focused on one event and really brought in the themes of that event and portrayed them in a fun and interesting way.

  15. 1. they addressed the audience (FSU students) purpose, circulation (posters, fb, twitter, etc.), assemblage, remediation, genre.
    2. I learned about what catches our attention and draws you in through the composing process, such as humor or color.
    3. i love the new twitter header. it's clean, exciting, passionate and really drawn you into the school, HP and the sport. good work and details throughout.
    4. i like how they tied in the school so heavily to the sport, all while still representing harry potter (quidditch) shows good support for both and i can tell everyone worked hard on the detail.

  16. 1. Audience- included several pictures with FSU players in their jerseys, and on posters used FSU colors because it is aimed at FSU students so they tried to focus on what would attract them the most.
    Circulation- twitter is a great way to see information and see #3 for more. Also the poster around campus is a great way to get students to see it.
    2. Using humor can be a great way to reach an audience.
    3. I loved the new twitter header! It was very captivating and visually pleasing. Definitely would catch my attention.
    4. I like how some of their artifacts involved humor because we are college kids, and most of us enjoy humor so that is a great way to gear this towards us.

  17. First off I love all things Harry Potter so they immediately drawn me in. This is obviously geared towards the "Harry Potter Generation" and all those that have love for their books. They redid their social media in order to Network a more professional audience and to make them look more professional. The also targeted the FSU community.They circulated information about the organization through a flyer about an event they were having.

    Composing can be powerful when you have a desired audience in mind as well as enjoyable when you have an interest in the subject as well. Editing is what they did on their social media app by recreating their cover photo for their FB page. Writing needs to include the information that is most crucial to the cause.

    ALL OF IT. Why? Because I love Harry Potter and I think they put great thought into incorporating Harry Potter significant qualities as well as focusing on their audience. I love when people get inventive and add those extra details that will get an audiences attention.

    They took into consideration what the organization wanted and made sure that they kept it in mind through their composing process.

  18. They focused their circulation on reaching college students which I feel like they did a good job of catering everything around. I really like the twitter header, it is very appealing and school spirited. The flyer was also really creative. I'm very impressed with all the designs. They really tried to tie the event with the theme to all their artifacts, and that's something I will apply in the future.

  19. 1. Audience is very important in this project because it is specific to Florida State students. The assemblage of Harry Potter-themed aspects is also very important to the message of the texts.
    2. The condensation of writing, editing, and composing for these texts is really impactful. I learned about the importance of amount of text based on purpose.
    3. I really liked the colors of Florida State and Gryffindor being mixed in meaning.
    4. I would incorporate this group's use of assemblage.

  20. 1. Audience: FSU students, it appealed to them by showing actual players/students and on social media, Circulation: flyers to be handed out and social media
    2. That it is very important to know your audience when wanting to advertise an event
    3. I liked the twitter heading most because it is very well-designed and it appeals to its audience
    4. We could offer help with redesigning their social media accounts, if they have one

  21. 1. Audience, Circulation, and network
    2. Catching the audiences attention is very important.
    3. I really loved the twiiter heading, i think it was very eye catching and made me want to join the sport club. The facebook cover photo was also really funny and intriguing.
    4. I would want to learn how to make those cover photos!

  22. 1) I like that they try to really appeal to the audience with the design of their artifacts.
    2) I learned that I need to learn how to use photoshop.
    3) I love the banner they made for the group. I think it looks very professional.
    4) I learned that not everything needs to be so serious and put together.

  23. 1. They directly included the audience in their powerpoint which I thought was nice. It gave us an idea of who exactly they were directing their project towards.
    2. We learned that composing and editing is important because of how they executed each of their texts. They edited and composed a new header for the twitter page which looked really good.
    3. I liked that they made everything fun because it was relatable to the audience. Since it was targeted for Florida State students I felt that it really drew me in and made me want to check out the quidditch team.
    4. If I was to take an aspect of their project and apply it to mine I would take the funny, light-hearted aspect. It definitely makes the audience more drawn in.

  24. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)

    Design/Assemblage/Audience - twitter header. Awesome, passionate action shots of players in their uniforms split by the sleek brooms on an important social media platform.
    Design/Assemblage/circulation - cute flyer with bold colors and relevant elements like event information and a huge pillow to communicate the sleepover aspect. Easy to digitally circulate, thus revamping their social media presence.
    Design/Assemblage/audience - funny banner for FB event. Assemblage of HP elements (Hogwarts, owl, snitches). Silly headers = more attention. Communicates fun nature of the sport.

    2. What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    Headers can be just as important as other artifacts. They are visual hooks to draw an audience on their first glance of an account or event page.

    3. What did like most in this presentation and why?
    Loved how well HP and FSU blended so well in the artifacts.

    4. If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Their balanced combination of humor, Harry Potter, FSU, and focus on digital circulation and social media.

  25. 1. Clear exigence and specific audience
    2. Design and theme is important
    3. Aligns with my interests and was well represented
    4. I would try to work with an organization that aligns better with my personal interests.

  26. 1. The idea of quidditch is very interesting because there are a lot of Harry Potter fans in our generation which is fun and easy to find and attract an audience for.

    2. I learned that literally anything can be used to remediate, like photos of Harry Potter and aspects of the books and movies.

    3. I liked the idea of quidditch and the fact that anything about it can be used in so many different ways to create flyers and banners.

    4. I could take the way that they used the pictures from the sport to create a creative twitter banner because I had never really though of that idea before.

  27. 1. They were very considerate of their audience in creating the flyers.
    2. I learned about the critical relationship one must have with an organization's PR.
    3. I liked their selection of organization. It was for and by FSU students.
    4. I would like to apply their knowledge of the organization . It is a benefit to work with an org you are already involved with.

  28. 1. I think the group does a great job at targeting their audience. They kept that the main focus which I think contributes to the success of the project.
    2. I learned from this group that writing and composing is so creative and can incorporate so many different context and aspects.
    3. I LOVED their twitter header. I think it was so awesome and creative. I liked that they incorporated different aspects of the sport. Really loved the harry potter feel.
    4. Not sure if this was intentional, but I liked that they wore workout clothes to correlate to their presentation. I would incorporate this if I was presenting for a fitness based company or gym.

  29. I like how they created an assemblage of pictures and text for the twitter banner. That was a creative way to incorporate a term that we discussed in class. The poster incorporated several different aspects, like the colors and themes of Harry Potter and FSU, which was well thought out.

    I like the twitter banner the most. I like how it is assembled and includes the sport as well as FSU.

    They took basic texts, like a poster and social media banners, and made them special. They put a lot of time into making those things represent the event. I would definitely use that thoughtfulness in projects to come.

  30. In this group I was the key word “network” to be prominent. This is because the Quiddich team was something that they had to know people through, and one of their group members was a part of. I learned the importance of working with your age group. I think this is a really important aspect and what made their project so cool, because we were able to relate to it. Not only that, it was something that we as the audience could take part in. I think that would also have to be my favorite part. I learned from this project that it is important to like the audience and the company you’re working with. You’re much more likely to do a good job and reach their needs, and I feel that this group represented that.

  31. Audience: FSU students interested in playing Quidditch and with an interest in the Harry Potter culture.

    What I learned about writing is that you can take older things and combine them with new things to create something new that would be more appealing to audiences.

    My favorite thing about your presentation was the topic and that you looked to a organization on campus to work with. The group made me (someone who liked the movies but hated it when Quidditch came on the screen) want to know more about the game.

    What I would apply is the composition! I really liked the artifacts you all came up with.

  32. 1. Considered the audience for quidditch in every ad. Incorporated elements of the events and the story its based on.
    2. Composing process can be collaborative.
    3. I enjoyed the use of Harry Potter in each of the posts. It represents the largest portion of the audience for this "sport".
    4. Creating twitter headers/FB headers for student organizations.

  33. 1.This group used a lot of remediation and made their texts fit their audience.
    2. I learned that its okay to add some personality. Our texts can be a little informal to gain the recognition we want.
    3. I love the fact that they wanted to add humor to their banner because it does draw in an audience.
    4. I would take the idea of incorporating the organizations in every text they produced (colors, brooms, formats, snitches)

  34. 1. I saw audience because it was targeted at college students who liked Harry Potter.
    2. I learned that composing can be easier when its relatable to the composer (a college student).
    3. I liked the flyer the most because the pillow was cute and it would probably be something I would click on.
    4. I would contact a professional organization that is run by college kids because it seems a lot easier to communicate with them.

  35. 1. I could see audience in that they were reaching toward the students at FSU that hadn't heard of the club before. Specifically, the Facebook header was an assemblage because they used different elements from different pictures to make up the sleeping Harry Potter image. They circulated through social media.

    2. I learned the importance of being able to make changes and updates to output. They had to update the date of the event.

    3. I really liked the twitter header. It made the club look very professional and tied in a lot of the aspects of it.

    4. They worked with an organization that they already had a relationship with, so it shows the importance of having good connections.

  36. 1. I see how they used the circulation through the type of artifacts they used and they way in which their artifacts can be circulated throughout different platforms.
    2. I learned more about how constraints are so present in every project.
    3. I liked their twitter header the most.
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in working with the FSU team and with each other and i think that is a vital tool is working on projects for professionals in the future.

  37. 1. One major key term I recognized was audience. Their project was geared not only toward FSU students but athletes and Harry Potter lovers.
    2. I learned you always have to stay on top of your work in case of important changes (like time or place).
    3. I loved the banner- having Harry asleep with a broomstick and a starry night with Hogwarts in the background was super creative.
    4. If I were to represent an organization again in the future, I would remember how connected this group was with their own organization and attempt to make connections like theirs.

  38. 1. Remediation came to mind when I saw their presentation. They did a lot of revamping on the website.
    2. I learned that pictures can speak volumes.
    3. I liked their twitter header. It was ver professional and transformed the entire page.
    4. If I took anything away from this, it would be that humor can be effective when needing to draw attention to a message.


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