Monday, April 17, 2017

Feedback for Desiree, Meagan, Haven, Hannah


  1. 1. they circulated by putting invite cards on people's cars. their audience and network have to do with the religious pull, and the material is more a physical process with the invite cards and fliers.
    2. the invite cards were designed and distributed physically
    3. I didn't like the invite cards because I don't like when things are put on my car and I usually don't even look at what it is when something gets put on my vehicle.
    4. spreadable media can make or break the circulation process. it's great to circulate that way since it forces people to interact with the text, but it can also turn people off in that same sense.

  2. 1. It was very obvious that the group knew who their audience was when they were presenting (students and people in Tallahassee). They made invite cards and flyers to promote Easter at City Church Tallahassee.
    2. They talks about LLyod Bitzer and how they had constraints. This is important to notice because their are bumps in the road.
    3. I liked how prepared the group was. I didn't feel like they were all over the place presenting. They knew what they did and were confident in their work and that showed.
    4. I would try to be more prepared and on top of my work. It was obvious they had practiced and knew what they were going to say. I also like the video they created. It incorporated their design.

  3. 1.I think the group did a great job at circulation. They went out of their way and even put flyers on cars which I think was great effort on their part.
    2.I learned from this group that trial and error is sometimes essential to get to a common ground and create text that is successful for all parties involved.
    3. I really liked that they made a video. It was very creative and innovative. It was very well put together.
    4. From this group, I would take how clear, direct, and professional they were to carry out their project.

  4. 1. Audience was people on campus, a circulation of fliers around campus, they networked with the people at their organization, and remediated their organization's artwork into a new design.
    2. They composed fliers and a parking pass. They communicated through digital technologies, and learned that "less is more" in the realm of digital texts. They also composed a video, another digital text.
    3. I liked their professional attitude and presentation. It was very well-done and impressive.
    4. I could take away from this presentation a focus on digital texts, such as videos and digitally-designed texts

  5. 1) i think that they did a great job with audience and having thier project reach out
    2) i learned that circulation is important
    3)i really liked the little flyers
    4)I would work as deeply with their organization as they did

  6. 1. Assemblage is the keyword that was truly enacted by this group's work. The group focused mainly on combining texts and mediums to spread their organizations message.
    2. There are many constraints to how a message can reach an audience no matter if you're composing, writing, or editing.
    3. The effort the group went to spreading their organizations message. They really looked at every option.
    4. The way they worked around their constraints

  7. 1) Audience and circulation through handing out the little flyers around campus in very different ways. They were trying touring more people into the City Church community.
    2) Digital expectance and that less is more with a successful digital text.
    3) They were trying to bring people into a community which is very helpful because community is very healthy thing to have.
    4) They seemed to have a lot of good collaboration work with their group.

  8. 1. They focused a lot on distribution when it came to flyers and invitations. I enjoyed their discussion of constraints. They also used many quotes and vocabulary from class which helped tie their project into what we were doing in class.
    2. I enjoyed their lesson of "Lesson is more" in relation to modern media and the direction it is heading in.
    3. I enjoyed their flyers and invitations and found it cool that their organization was very focused on helping them with this project and working together.
    4. In future professional settings, I will most likely make sure to collaborate with sponsors and partners.

  9. 1. They had a great sense of audience with students and people within Tallahassee. Circulation was also huge for them because they put the flies everywhere. Material was also cool because they used fliers as well as car decals.
    2. I learned that sometimes texts have constraints in different areas and you can't always control that.
    3. I loved how put together their project was. They used Bitzer and two other sources to support their texts and projects. I loved the simplicity of their texts as well.
    4. I think it was really cool that they did such an affective job. I didn't realize that they were the ones who created those fliers but they did a great job of circulating because these fliers were in my sorority house and all over campus. They were dedicated to spreading and using their texts.

  10. 1. Assemblage of the flyers/cards presented a good way to create an exigenic state for the City Church. They provided a good way to circulate the knowledge of the service.

    2. I learned that sometimes you don't need a lot of text in your composition to make it effective.

    3. I liked the design of their objects because they geld an attention grabbing design that would make students more likely to read the cards.

    4. From this group's presentation, I learned that sometimes, less is more. I don't always need an incredibly wordy presentation to make it effective.

  11. 1. The exigence was very clear, and constraints were outlined well. The audience was evident and connection with the organization was good.
    2. Composing is sometimes a collaborative effort.
    3. Very professional looking flyers, with good design and clean glossy prints. The video was also a nice touch.
    4. I would be much more persistent with keeping in contact with my organization.

  12. 1. Circulation- see #4.
    Remediation- Their flier basically was transformed into the video they shared.
    Assemblage- they both came up with their own design and then collaborated with them and combined the designs.
    2. Composing in a video was a really cool aspect of this presentation. It's a different approach to bringing awareness which was refreshing.
    3. I liked how she started with a quote because it provided some background insight and it was an interesting way to get the audience's attention.
    4. I like how they put flyers on people's cars in various parking garages in FSU because owners of those cars are forced to look at them which helps with circulation and awareness.

  13. 1. Circulation is a very important part of this project. Audience is also very important as the texts were distributed widely across campus.
    2. I learned about the digital modes of communicating in writing, editing, and composing. This heavily affected the writing of the texts, how they were edited down, and the composing process overall.
    3. I liked the video and the combination of music and text.
    4. I would apply the professional manner that the group integrated in their presentation.

  14. 1. There was circulation through passing out the cards and flyers around campus and they appeased their audience by working directly with CITY Church.
    2. I learned more about the constraints that are constantly being dealt with when it comes to projects with writing, editing and media.
    3. I liked the use of the different media in their project. Their video at the end was a great way to engage everyone and wrap it up at the end.
    4. I liked the way they talked about how much team work is necessary in coming up with projects for professional organizations.

  15. 1. I see circulation because of the flyers placed around campus. Audience was also a big aspect because it reached out to a specific audience (religious).
    2. I learned that constraints can come way too often when dealing with a picky organization.
    3. I liked the parking passes the most because they were definitely unique.
    4. From this presentation, I learned that as hard as you might try on something, you cannot please everyone. (Mostly from the disapproval of the original parking pass).

  16. 1. Circulation: posters handed out to their audience, Material: flyers that people can physically hold and look at
    2. That you have to keep your audience in mind when composing a piece: creating the parking passes
    3. I liked the video the most because it was a good way to see what the event was like and what they were working for
    4. Make sure to get their approval on everything that you do before you finalize it, or even create it

  17. 1. Audience, Circulation, and Remediation in the designs and spreading of the flyers and video. They definitely knew their audience was christian students at Florida State
    2.That any subject matter can be covered
    3. The part of their presentation where they talked about what they could do more and what they took away from it
    4. Their attitude about working with another design team was great and I hope to be that way in the future.

  18. 1. Some keywords that I'm noticing during their presentation are constraints and material. They talked a lot about the constraints they ran into as well as the material they used in their design work.
    2. This group seemed to have a lot of editing to do because of the amount of constraints they came across.
    3. I really like their flyers. I think their flyers did the best job of circulating.
    4. I would take their professionalism with me if I was to do this again in the future.

  19. 1. This group did an AWESOME job in applying the theories from all the rhetoricians we have learned this semester. They mentioned Bitzer multiple times and keywords like constarints
    2. I learned to apply more theoretical knowledge
    3. I liked their ending video! They actually saw their event come to life.
    4. I would take their professionalism and application of rhetorical theory.

  20. In this group, I saw the key words genre and audience. I think that their project was directed towards a Christian audience, mostly who are involved in City Church. I learned that there are many ways to help professional organization, even in little things such as parking passes. I liked their Easter service graphics the most. I think that the design was really appealing. This group exemplified the importance of professional organizations to advertise not just through social media, but also through putting cards in car windows or mailboxes.

  21. There audience is obviously geared towards religion and to reach a younger audience. There circulation was through flyers that were handed out as well as a poster that allows for them to reach a wider variety of individuals but not just posting on Facebook and hoping it circulates electronically. Their flyer was an assemblage because it covered both Easter and Good Friday on the same flyer and advertising both events.

    Composing can be done with simplicity to get their point across. Writing doesn't have to cover the text but rather be placed strategically to get the point across. Editing was obviously done through the video to send a powerful message.

    I thought the video was beautifully done and I really thought that the flyers were well done without doing too much but rather as she stated "less is more".

    I really like how they articulated their information about their organization and seemed passionate about the cause which I think is crucial to any project at hand.

  22. 1. The group talked about the key word Design. They talked about how it was a factor when making their flyer and info card. They also talked about circulation and how it was hard to figure out just how much the different texts had circulated.
    2. I learned that editing is an important factor because they had to edit their original designs based off of what the organization wanted.
    3. I liked the video a lot. Everything looked very professional and I though they did a great job of sticking with the theme of things.
    4. I could take and apply from this presentation the amazing work they did on the flyers and infograph. I would love to know what they used to design them as well as they did.

  23. 1. They used a lot of sources to relate their project back to the course.
    2. In designs there doesn't always need to be a lot of information. Sometimes less is more.
    3. I liked how closely related the church is to FSU and that the events were right here on campus.
    4. Practicing the presentation beforehand is extremely helpful.

  24. 1. Audience, Circulation, and Material were all used. Reaching out to audience members that take part in celebrating Easter... circulation of the event and the material used (the parking pass)
    2. Composing seen when creating the parking pass and the video helped with understanding the event.
    3. I enjoyed the video because it helped me get an idea of the event.

  25. They really focused on their audience and worked with City Church to make sure everything was suitable for the message and people they were trying to reach. I learned how sometimes in writing, more is less. I really liked their video, you can tell they put a lot of effort into it. I also really like how dressed up the presenters were to give their presentation. I will definitely apply how they had to keep revisiting their ideas and go back to the drawing board.

  26. 1) The group does a good job of pointing out how they used the different key words through their presentation and how they explained their process.
    2) I learned that it's okay if it doesn't work out the first time.
    3) I like the video they put together because it really tells the audience what the organization is about.
    4) I now know that a video is extremely effective.

  27. City Church

    Key terms present in your organization: circulation, composition, audience, genre.

    What I learned about writing is that less is more and you can say some things better using images and video rather than word. I enjoyed watching your video!

    My favorite thing about your presentation was the fact that you were able to find a church and help them with what they needed in time for Easter! I know it might not have been planned, but it worked out perfectly!

    What I would apply to my own presentation is that less is more!

  28. 1. I see the term audience in that the group appealed to a religious audience for an event that happened around the time of the project due date. I see network because they were working through a network of previous designs and a network of religious individuals.
    2. I learned that composing can be a group process and often involves collaboration and changes to the original ides
    3. I liked that the designs all operated within a network of the designs the church used already for the event
    4. I would apply this groups communication and facilitation of a big group in order to utilize their resources.

  29. 1. Through this project I see the words audience, assemblage, circulation and genre used. I see this because it was intended for specific people, it made an idea made into a new text and was circulated through different methods, thoroughly.
    2. I learned that less can be more, but I was very confused because I don't think one of the artifacts was even addressed at all. It was just passed around.
    3. I liked the video. I thought it was super creative and know it probably took a lot of time.
    4. I liked how professionally they presented themselves and how hard they worked to make a video of the event itself.

  30. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)

    I saw audience, circulation, design, network, material in this presentation. I saw these Easter invitations all over campus over the last week and thought that the organization itself spread them; I had no idea it was part of our WEPO class. They utilized various materials, including those materially circulated and digitally circulated.

    2. What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?

    3. What did like most in this presentation and why?
    I liked their idea of the parking pass, I would've never thought of how useful that could be. Even though it functions as a permit, people walking by the cars will wonder what its for and then become interested in CityChurch, even in the slightest.

    4. If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?

  31. 1. I really liked the way this group helped City Church itself in the way that they made the parking passes as well as the flyers for circulation and networking.

    2. Sometimes an organization will reject your idea but it doesn't mean you need to give up, just simply try again.

    3. I liked the flyers and the cool design that it had on it as well as the way that the design went with the video that was showed in class.

  32. I liked how this project included their constraints in their project. They had some issues, but they overcame them. They distributed their flyers around campus which showed great circulation.

    I loved their video. I could tell they put a lot of time and effort into this project, and the video was great.

    They spent a lot of time brainstorming with City Church, which I think is important for a project like this, which is something I will take with me for future projects.

  33. 1. Their audience was focused on campus because the events that they were promoting were happening on FSU's campus and were directed toward our campus.
    2. I learned that collaboration is key!
    3. I loved the contrast they made on the card advertising the Good Friday and Easter services. The dark and bright colors were very effective.
    4. They were very professional and it was obvious that they had effectively prepared and had good contact with their organization.

  34. 1. The keywords played the most in the design and editing process. A lot of remediation was done, specifically the event pass. Collaboration was done on the design of the artwork, and (possibly) an assemblage of the two designs was used.
    2. Editing process takes time. Companies will not always approve of your work.
    3. I enjoyed the video. Cool stuff
    4. I could take away the remark the organization gave on the "Easter eggs" on the card.

  35. 1. Audience and circulation were used in this project. They composed and circulated parking passes and flyers on behalf of the city church and reached an audience by doing so.

    2. I learned that composing can come in many forms, such as a video.

    3. I liked the video, it was very interesting and creative and could really draw in and audience.


  36. 1. Circulation was evident through their spreading of invite cards and fliers throughout campus, and they appear to have a fairly obvious audience of christians even though they didn't discuss this.
    2. What I learned about composing from this group that often collaboration with peers outside of who you normally work with may be necessary, as seen in this group having to work with the design team from the church.
    3. What I had liked most about their presentation was that they discussed the constraints that their group faced and how it wasn't a completely straight forward project.
    4. What I could take away from this and apply to a professional setting is that they were extremely prepared before hand with their talking points laid out on notecards before hand.

  37. 1) Their artifacts were a parking pass, a flyer, and a video. All three of these artifacts use circulation because they were either passed around or shared on social media. Their audience is people who either belong the City Church or are interested in joining City Church.
    2) I learned that writing, editing, and composing doesn't always have to be an actual written out piece of work.
    3) i liked their parking pass the most, i thought it was very creative and also helpful for the church
    4) If i was tasked with this, the only think i'd do differently is related to the actual presentation they gave. i probably would've went more into detail about each artifact.

  38. 1. they really took consideration in their audiences and how they can circulate their product. Their design was a key highlight because it determined what exactly they would be circulating.
    2. I learned that design is essential because it allows for these words to connect
    3.I really liked their distribution process because I received their flyers on my car.
    4. they were formal and very well spoken

  39. 1. The project was very well put together in the fact that their audience was very well distinguished. Also, they did a great deal of networking.
    2. I learned, as the group stated, that sometimes less is more when it comes to composing texts.
    3. I really enjoyed the video. It was very well put together and professional.
    4. From this project, I will take away the point that when working with organizations you must overcome many constraints to be effective.


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