Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Feedback for Rachael, Joe, and Erika's Group


  1. 1. audience is clear. Network was creative. Material was efficient.
    2. Composition is based around audience primarily.
    3. I liked the method of approach to reach audience.
    4. I liked the idea of a new website.

  2. 1)circulation was important and their key goal for this project and is present throughout it
    2)i learned that circulation is important in order to get your organizations thoughts and ideas out there
    3)i liked their facebook ad because social media is really important
    4)i would use how they circulated information through facebook in a professional setting with an organization

  3. 1. The center of their campaign was a super broad audience.. there was something for everyone!
    2. I learned about Facebook Ads...clever!
    3.I like that they found a special place and aimed to increase its visibility.
    4. I would take their enthusiasm. You could tell their interest was genuine! Their text is super colorful and easy to engage with.

  4. 1. Audience and Circulation. They clearly stated who their audience was and that they wanted to circulate information about Gaines Street Garage to increase traffic for their business.
    2. Writing, editing and composing can be fun and creative.
    3. I loved the flyers. I think they really matched the style of the store.
    4. I would take this groups creativity if I were to work for an organization in the future.

  5. 1) Aiming for an audience of FSU students and people living nearby. Circulating through Facebook because their target audience is very active on Facebook
    2) Making sure that their ads and flyers would stand out to gain more attention.
    3) I liked learning about this business because I drive by it all the time, but never knew what it was.
    4) Having an emphasis on the company name.

  6. 1. It was really important for this group's texts to reach a young/college audience. Network was also really important in reaching a wider audience.
    2. I learned about a few different ways to grab attention in writing, editing, and composing. The design of the texts really stood out and added a lot to them.
    3. I really like the business. I want to go there now!
    4. I would take away some design techniques, like bright colors as well as large text for what is most important.

  7. I think that circulation and networking were terms this group extenuated. I liked that they came up with the phrase, “something there for everyone.” This in itself caught my attention. I learned that words are important. I felt in the last projects I saw, the images were the strongest aspect. However, in this one, I think what drew me in most to Gaines Street Garages was the phrase they advertised. I learned the importance of phrases and mantras (?) when advertising a company.

  8. 1) I feel as if the group made an effort to connect with the organization and make what they needed.
    2) I learned that there are a lot of small businesses that need help composing.
    3) I like the picture for the Facebook event because I think that the background matches the organization's theme well.
    4) I can take the group's ability to be creative with their artifacts.

  9. 1. Design played an important role in their project.
    2. Making designs that standout amongst a road of other similar works. Success is what we are all striving for.
    3. I honestly enjoyed their whole project. Their company was really cool and interesting and their designs were very cool.
    4.I would work closely with the company to understand their purpose and themes so that I made it a point to uphold those standards throughout my designs.

  10. 1. Clear sense of audience and how to circulate the flyers which had an amazing design!
    2. Digital Catalogues- so cool!!!!!!
    3. I like how local the business is!
    4. I love the idea of a digital catalogue for a store such as this.

  11. 1. remediating a facebook page to fit a younger audience
    2. I learned that there are many different ways to engage with different texts
    3. I liked the way that they made their campaign into something that said "theres something here for everyone."
    4. You could apply the fact that remediating something that an organization has could do better to fit a target audience.

  12. 1. They were conscious of their audience and creating awareness for their org, they wanted to increase the traffic for their business and created texts to circulate and gain a larger audience for their org.

    2. Thinking of the audience of your business when composing texts for them is important, and wanting to showcase the business and draw audience attention can help in the composing process.

    3. I liked the fliers. They looked really good and were really bright and fun. It makes me want to visit the garage.

    4. Thinking critically about how an audience is going to view and engage your texts is something that this group did. They were really conscious about what texts would be received the best by audiences and worked their design around that.

  13. 1. Audience, circulation, networking with other companies. The company in general is sort of an assemblage of other people's things! Super cool.
    2. Their composition was antiqued, just like the company, and I think this correlation is important. All composition should correlate to the purpose.
    3. I love that you chose someone local to work with. Makes my heart happy.
    4. I appreciate the "following up" that you guys talked about. I think when a lot of groups did this project they jsut did it for the project. You guys seemed to really want to help the company and thought of the future of the business which is very important for business and professional organizations.

  14. 1. Circulation is included through distributing flyers.
    2. Writing, editing, and composing all work together.
    3. I liked that their ultimate goal was to just promote the business in general.
    4. They presented this company's information in a professional matter.

  15. Gaines Street Garage is an assemblage in itself. Circulate that this business was there. Audience was directed at FSU students. Networking to the campus and increase their social media following.

    Writing to acquire the biggest feedback is the best way to go. Editing the artifacts that the thought would be most appealing to the audience was a good idea. Composing knowing the desired affect you want is a good way to go, like making the text of the business the biggest to grasp attention. The posters orange color is also a good way to garnish attention.

    I like the poster because it definitely gets attention for the colors and boldness of it all ass well as the vintage quality. I love the digital catalog!

    I think the digital catalogue is a great way to see a businesses merchandise and would a great idea for a professional platform.

  16. 1. The campaign was all about making sure everyone knew there was something there that they would like. (focusing on audience)
    2. I learned that there are other things to make besides the basic video/facebook/instagram. The online catalogue lets people see the inventory without actually having to go there.
    3. I liked how they thought about design with everything they created.
    4. I would use the facebook ad because I never thought about doing that.

  17. 1. They talked about circulation and how they wanted to benefit their organization through it because they do not have a very large audience.
    2. I learned that they composed their ad to be more appealing to a younger audience.
    3. I liked how they stuck with a pretty similar theme throughout the project. It all had a vintage feel.
    4. I would take from them the idea to create an ad for Facebook.

  18. 1. Good use of design and clear understanding of audience.
    2. Large bold text will catch a viewer's attention.
    3. Unique organization, and goals were clearly outlined.
    4. I would look for organizations in places I wouldn't immediately think of.

  19. 1. Their main focus is circulation and network.
    2. This group taught me that when collaborating with other organizations, it's important to focus on the needs of the company. It helps the direction of the intended goal and the outcome.
    3. I really liked that they attached an old-style/vintage theme for the Facebook post. It was very attention-grabbing. Also LOVED the digital catalogue.
    4. I think the group did well at not just presenting but also advertising the organization at the same time. I would take that with me if I had to present for a shop. Very effective.

  20. 1. circulation: using facebook to generate awareness of the store
    2. when using flyers colors matter
    3. the digital catalog because it is a good way to let the audience know what they have without going there
    4. when working with a place that has a lot of items, use a catalog to show what they have

  21. This business is an assemblage in and of itself. Their audience was clear and their materials were varied and cool. It was nice to see that this group got a lot of creative freedom with this organization. I like their flyer. The colors and fonts don't give an exact gaines street garage feel but that can be a good thing. The idea of the audience not even having to engage with the text to remember the name of the business is a very smart marketing/advertising tactic. Actually, I just saw the digital catalogue and this is amazing. The idea is great and the execution is so neat! I have been to this store and it is exactly like a "hoarders house." I would definitely attempt to create something like this if I worked with a different business.

  22. 1. Assemblage and audience. Assemblage because they layered content and focused on that, and audience because they were wondering how each decision could alienate their audience
    2. Each decision within an artifact is integral to communicating with your audience
    3. Their work within the business
    4. How to find the organization's true meaning

  23. 1. CIrculation, audience, and genre
    2. The digital catalogue was a very creative way to compose with the project
    3. I really loved the catalogue ! It was really well put together and since it is online it makes it easier for different audiences to interact with it.
    4. I would take away the use of the digital catalogue! I loved this idea.

  24. 1. They saw an audience set up in the FSU student community that they wanted to reach out to and bring in a larger traffic from.
    2. What I had learned about composition is that you want to design something that stands out to an audience so even if they don't immediately engage they will remember the flier that they saw.
    3. I liked that they had recognized Facebook as being the social media that students use the most throughout the day in the creation of their Facebook ad page.
    4. What I think I could take from this and apply to a professional presentation in the future is that they thought outside of the box in the creation of an online catalogue that wasn't just good for spreading the word about the organization, but good for helping the company be organized as a whole.

  25. 1. They targeted the college students within the audience that the business already had in order to spread awareness. They also used social media and physical circulation.
    2. I learned that it is important to target an audience and to find the company's need.
    3. My favorite was the Facebook ad.
    4. The catalog was a great idea for a business such as the one that they were working with.

  26. 1. Increase "Awareness" through circulation. Draw audience's attention.
    2. When creating texts, it can be important to think about cost, social media is free.
    3. Their texts were different from the organizations normal texts, created an impact! Excellent presentation.
    4. Artistic freedom can help you with the "see a need fill a need" mindset within an organization. Make sure to have a steady communication.

  27. 1. I saw the use of circulation in the types of artifacts that they used and the places in which they made a point of having the artifacts posted both around campus and on social media platforms
    2. I learned more about the constraints associated with every project.
    3. I liked the Facebook graphic the most. Its simple design draws in an audiences attention and is clean cut and fits the theme of the company in a professional way.
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in communicating directly with the organization

  28. This is a very creative project! I like that their organization is a group that not many people are aware of, which I think is really cool.

    The text they made for the facebook page is very appealing, and can be circulated well with social media.

    The flyer stood out because of its orange color! It caught my attention, and I think it will circulate well because of its appealing sense.

    This group really tried to represent their organization to its best potential. I would take that dedication and apply it to my future projects.

  29. Gaines Street Garage (Picker Family)

    Audience, circulation, media

    I love the flyer! The orange color is very eye-catching and the text size makes you focus on the name of the shop immediately.

    What I learned about writing is that a digital online catalog is a cool option for a text.

    What I would use in my own presentation is the online catalog. That was cool!

  30. 1. They provided really neat ways to draw their audiences attention. There was of circulation seems effective as well.
    2. Writing is a way of life. its how we communicate and interact with each other.
    3. What I liked most about this group project was the different illustrations that they provided.
    4. I would apply the use of more visuals.

  31. This is a really cool local business and creating an ad for their facebook and flyers that say "GAINES STREET GARAGE" is a good idea for the audience now because FSU students love to go to Gaines street to hang out, eat, and shop.

    I liked the digital catalog so that we could see what they have in the store without having to go into the actual store. This group used a lot of different mediums that I really liked such as Canva and Wix.

    Social media is truly crucial for our generation and for small businesses like this one to keep running.

  32. 1. They really catered to their audiences with the three texts
    2. I learned that it comes in different forms
    3. I like how they tried to gear their design on the eyes of college students
    4. The fact that they improved the business, not just promote it

  33. 1) They used circulation through a facebook ad, which could be shared through facebook and through flyers, which they had circulate through print and the media. They posted the flyer in stroz and a lot of the dorms on campus.
    2) writing, editing, and composing
    3) I liked the fact that they were supporting a local business the most
    4) I would take away their use of wix

  34. 1. i see all of the terms listed
    2. i learned about the power of networking
    3. i liked your catalogue idea, very cool and creative
    4. from vamping up their social media, even though it was a wasn't the strongest of followings, you can already see how this attracted more people to follow and show interest

  35. 1. Audience is key to create texts for certain people. I like how they focused on college students
    2. Social media is an extremely important aspect to todays composing
    3. The flyer really caught my eye and I liked it
    4. I would use the website they had to bring everything together also their focus on social media

  36. 1. I see audience a lot because they wanted to revamp it to target young people/college age students.
    2. I learned that promoting social media via a flyer can be very effective for an organization that hasn't prioritized social media in the past.
    3. I liked the idea of their organization the most. It was so unique and made me want to check out the store.
    4. I would take that you have to be prepared for your organization to stop getting back to you.

  37. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)
    group had particular goals after meeting with the org.
    FB ad - "antique-y background," aimed at college student audience, contrasting dark background and white lettering. Intended to replace original banner.
    Flyer - bright and informative! Placed on 3 campus hot spots. Designed to be orange but too expensive to print a lot :(
    Digital catalogue for social media - new artifact that has not been presented! Perfect for how much random stuff they have. Remediated their scattered inventory into organized catalogue.

    2.What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    Sometimes people aren't always in touch with the most popular or relevant forms of composing so it's helpful to know less popular composing tools that older audiences are familiar with.

    3.What did like most in this presentation and why?
    How bright and well-designed all their artifacts are.

    4.If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Their color strategy

  38. 1. Audience, Network
    2. I learned that some people don't necessarily want to move to digital marketing
    3. I loved the statistics you provided! 7%(?) increase in social media followers
    4. I would keep in mind how schedules conflict and try to plan ahead for times to meet up

  39. WElp my comments got deleted
    1. Audience: FSU students, Material: digital and print.

    2. I think that constraints have been a huge trend through these projects. We are learning that we have some stops along the way

    3. I liked their style and design. It was clever and true to the company.

    4. I think that they did a great job of working with the company as best as possible, even though they were constrained by not having great communication with the company.

  40. 1. This group did a great job addressing the lack of circulation of the brand and widening the audience.
    2. I learned that when composing for a specific organization, you must put their needs before your own ideas.
    3. I really liked the flyers because they were bright, informational and continued with the vintage theme.
    4. I could take away from this that professionalism throughout your work will lead to great results.


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