Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Feedback for Kelly's Education Group


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  4. 1) the keyword i see is circulation because they tried to make sure that everything they created for this project was well circulated throughout the community
    2)i learned that sometimes companies fail to edit their websites which was a constraint for this group
    3) i really liked the bookmark because i think that it is very practical for this organization
    4) i would use their distribution ideas by giving it to local places to use and distribute amongst themselves

  5. 1. I see that they used audience, assemblage, and circulation in their project.
    2.They had a ton of compositions and I think it all came together to creat an excellent project.
    3.The group was very knowledgeable about the history of their organization and I think it gave them a lot of validity in their project.
    4.I thought it was so smart for them to put up their project in the education building. Location is vital for advertising and I think they adequately adhered to that.

  6. 1. Audience is clear. Network is demonstrated. Genre is good. Remediation is showed through flyers that were created from website.
    2. They composed based on their new targeted audience and incorporated relations to the organization
    3. I liked the laminated book mark. It allowed for people to have something to remind them of the organization.
    4. I liked the idea of the video, i think i would incorporate the next time.

  7. 1. I would borderline call it remediation that they were given information from old flyers and turned it into a new text to distribute and circulate to an audience.
    2. Composing doesn't have to be original work, just an original product.
    3. I liked the idea of bookmarks. Snapchat filters are interesting, but they would've been a little weird when a bookmark makes much more sense.
    4. Distributed materials are extra important if they actually have to do with the program/organization

  8. 1. I saw the use of circulation in the types of artifacts that they used and the places in which they made a point of having the artifacts posted both around campus and on social media platforms
    2. I learned more about the constraints associated with every project.
    3. I liked the video idea the most.
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in communicating directly with the organization and how they had to work with all the constraints associated with an old fashioned organization.

  9. 1. They talked about assemblage when creating their flier, and how they assembled their information and the constraints they faced. And also circulation and where this organization would be best received.

    2. Their composition of the video was very thoughtful. The fact that it could be translated for non-English speakers was really smart.

    3. I liked the bookmark the best. It was cute and really useful, I wanted one for myself!

    4. Working together on one big aspect of a project (the video) helps group members to be involved and to make a project stronger by allowing different skills to be used

  10. 1. Audience- Tallahassee residents
    Design- understood design on the website and how to circulate it
    Network- in terms of circulation and how to spread it
    2.That the skills can be applied for any organization helping anyone of different ages
    3. Yay Literacy Education for all ages!
    4. Their professionalism

  11. 1. Audience- their posters speak to a certain audience. It resembles their website and they made it look like a chalkboard so it goes along with the theme well.
    2. A video is a great way of writing. It gave us all the info we needed in a creative and entertaining way.
    3. I loved their idea of a bookmark. Most of as us as English majors enjoy reading so it would be of use to so many people as well as getting the word out.
    4. I think their video was really great. It shows exactly what the environment is like and it says exactly what they do. I find this very useful.

  12. I think remediation stands out, because they talked about how they had to edit their poster a couple of times because the website information was inaccurate. I learned that in the composing process, editing must be an additional part of it. I think that’s a big lesson being an undergraduate too, and taught in WEPO. I liked their video. It was short and sweet. I learned the importance of updating your media.

  13. This groups presentation showed assemblage well by blending the organizations images along with information about WEPO. Their materials are also very well done. Editing is a major part of the composing process. Similar to this group, we had to redo an artifact because of incorrect information. I really enjoyed their video. It was concise, clear, and demonstrated a lot of features of the education center. I enjoyed their bookmark idea which is tailored very specifically to this kind of organization.

  14. 1. audience is clear: leon county for volunteers.

    2. color is important; it conveys a message. Ex. green for chalkboard feel

    3. video; its something I didn't even think about doing even though it's a nice way to help inform people.

    4. A video is a nice change of pace when compared to the usual textual analysis of everything.

  15. 1) Audience and Circulation though making a flyer, bookmark, and a video! These are three different ways they can reach their audience.
    2) The Video was engaging and very informative, so this may be a more effective way to share information.
    3) I like how they tried to model their designs to go along with their organization.
    4) Try and put flyers and such up where people would be most likely to help, like they did with the Stone building.

  16. 1. Circulation via Facebook and print, Audience
    2. Learned that you should circulate in a way that will cater to an audience that is actually interested in the organization (put flyers in the education building for people who want teaching internships).
    3. Love the teacher/chalkboard theme! It ties in with the organization's goals well.
    4. In the future, I will keep in mind that you need to be vigilant and vocal with organizations you're presenting before finalizing projects (the info on the website was inaccurate so they had to remake and redistribute all their texts)

  17. 1. Genre is very important in how the group created a bookmark related to the organization. Audience is also important as the group wanted to reach a wide variety of people.
    2. I learned about the importance of accessibility in creating texts to reach an audience.
    3. I liked the idea of translating the video into other languages to reach the organization's audience.
    4. I would utilize the group's variation of medium like the video and flyer.

  18. They have different groups to appeal to different audiences. The flyer is an assemblage of the different components that the organization stands for. I think the bookmarks definitely attracts a reading audience and networks through readers. The bookmark represents circulation because it allows for them to take it with them and other people to see it. It is also a remediation of the organization.

    Editing is seen through the video that focuses on important subjects that allow it to reach an array of people. Writing can be simple like on the bookmark and on something reusable to get the name out there. Composing can be done as a group in order to reach the same goal faster.

    I like the video because it can reach a bigger audience and just not one particular group.

    I like the bookmark idea a lot. I think taking what the organization represents and creating a text specifically for it is a really good idea.

  19. 1. Exigence: working to allow others to get a better education. Genre: video (which was so cool!!!) Circulation: through Facebook as well as the bookmarks left in the library

    2.Sometimes their are constraints while dealing with other people and the amount of information that people are willing to share.

    3. I like that they were creative in making bookmarks and linking that with education. It is a clever way to get the word out.

    4. I like that they distributed their flyers in the education building. Knowing their audience and who would be most willing to help the cause was really smart decision.

  20. 1. Their circulation was directly targeted for their intended audiences
    2. it comes in different forms, including a video.
    3. I like how they took their organizations needs and produced a bookmark as a text.
    4. I like how they mentioned their constraints and limitations

  21. They kept in mind when they made their texts how much it could be circulated to their audience. I really like the flyer, it was simple but appealing. I will apply to the future how they continue to work on their texts even though they already finished them. For example how they went back and checked on the bookmarks and also redistributed the flyers.

  22. 1. Circulation: using a video posted to youtube to see the organization live
    2. Circulation is all about different mediums
    3. The video because it helped connect with the organization
    4. Ask them about the different mediums they would like to advertise

  23. 1. Clearly outlined audience. Circulation was evident and well planned.
    2. Composition can be a video too
    3. Making a bookmark was super clever, I love the idea!
    4. Get involved. It's super important to get first hand experience.

  24. 1. Their project helps with many different audiences and that is really cool how they can affect different audiences.
    2. I learned that without getting correct info from the organization to not always rely on the websites info.
    3. I really like the book mark it takes their organization and makes it into a text
    4. The information video they made is really nice and I would make something like that next time I work with an organization.

  25. 1. I saw the key term of circulation being used through the circulation of their video on facebook, bookmarks through the public library, and fliers throughout boards on campus.
    2. There wasn't anything new from this presentation that I had learned about editing, writing, and composing.
    3. What I had liked the most from this presentation was that they had thought about the purpose of their organization in creating bookmarks instead of a different kind of artifact.
    4. Something that I could take from this presentation and bring to representing a professional organization is how their organization wanted translations of videos into different languages so that it could reach a wider audience.

  26. 1. Each of the artifacts had a similar design and feel. The genres used correspond with the function of the organization (bookmark-Education)
    2. I learned that the composing process can also include video editing, and translating could be another part of the remediation.
    3. I enjoyed the bookmark and video. They are unique and do a good job at portraying the purposes and goals of the organization.
    4. Incorporate the idea for a video advertisement.

  27. 1. i see all of the terms listed above.
    2. i learned about circulation through this project and how you can attract traffic to their organization through the advertising and promotions.
    3. great job with the video! super impressive that you guys took the time to make that, looked awesome.
    4. videos can be very visually pleasing and effective!

  28. 1. I see circulation through the ways in which the group was able to see if the texts they created had any effect on the awareness of the group. I see material through the materials the volunteering place helps communicate to individuals.
    2. I learned that often times you must take into account individuals who don't speak English or the language of your text and that this can be a constraint.
    3. I liked the video that they made because it is unique to the group and helps meet the specific need of the organization.
    4. I would use the consideration of other languages from this group because that's something I haven't really considered before.

  29. 1. A lot of circulation by putting the flyers around campus. Material also comes into play with the bookmark.
    2. Digital circulation can be more effective than physical circulation in certain cases.
    3. I liked the bookmark most because I thought it was unique and effective.
    4. I would take from them that if your organization is willing to do a video, that would be effective.

  30. 1. Creating a flyer for circulation and distributing it around campus. The bookmark for libraries (great idea!) and video for the website which appealed to an audience that was illiterate.

    2. For a group that had an organization about literacy, there are ways to network and circulate awareness to people who are illiterate or do not speak English. Creating a video is great way to do this.

    3. I liked the video most because it showed the center and volunteers working there so that we could get a feel of the place.

    4. There's always ways to get around constraints

  31. 1. I see a main focus on genre and material here. They centered their texts on educational themes which I think works well for the project.
    2. From this group I learned that it's important to get full updated information when collaborating with other organizations to avoid the distribution of false information.
    3. I like that they kept true to the educational nature of their organization. I liked that the poster had a "chalkboard" aesthetic. I thought it was really cute they did a book mark also.
    4. I would take their presentation theme into consideration. I liked that they had heir presentation with a chalkboard theme to match with what they were talking about,

  32. 1. Materiality played a key in their bookmark and made a lot of sense for their organization.
    2. I learned that not everything in the modern day has to be digital and on social media. It made sense for them to keep some things in a physical material.
    3. I liked their video and bookmark because both of them were very effective as far as reaching an audience and informing them.
    4. In the future, I will probably look to make promotional items that relate to the company I am working with so that it has more purpose and lasting effect.

  33. 1. Remediation is a key word the group enacted. Having to recreate the organization's website message through a flyer was an example of that. Assemblage was enacted as well with their video.
    2. Composition can include building on a previous idea.
    3. The video the group created, because it was probably vital to the organization.
    4. Assessing an organization's diverse needs.

  34. 1. Some of the keywords that I've noticed was how they circulate their information with including pictures involving education.
    2. I learned that with writing and composing you are open and available to new opportunities.
    3. What I liked the most about this groups project was the fact that they provide internship opportunities as well.
    4. I would apply a brief video that gives a run down of all the ideas that I'm presenting.

  35. 1) They circulated their artifacts by posting it on all of the Facebook FSU class pages. Their audience is anyone interested in volunteering for Leon County
    2) I learned that writing, editing, and composing is viewed differently by everyone depending on what the purpose is
    3) I like their video their most because its easy to see the hard work and time that they put into it
    4) I would take away making a video for the audience, its effective and grabs everyones attention

  36. The bookmark was a creative text to create and distribute! The video was very well done and informative. The flyer was a nice touch as it included a picture from the website!

    I liked the bookmark the most! I just think it is very creative and a unique text.

    This group seemed to be very dedicated to showcasing their organization, and that is important for projects like this. I would like to apply the same dedication for future projects.

  37. 1. I saw circulation primarily on Facebook with the video. They knew that Facebook is very popular and would be seen by college students. The flyer was circulated campus boards.
    2. I learned about constraints when working with organizations because you can sometimes gain unreliable information such as with the information they got from the website.
    3. I really liked the video and that they are going to convert it to different languages.
    4. I liked that they had teamwork in every aspect of the project, including communication and work on artifacts such as the video.

  38. 1. their audience did not necessarily speak english, which was an interesting curve-ball for circulation and genre, and Audience.
    2. They made texts, and writings, and videos that were appropriate for their genre. Great Job!
    3. The organization was appropriate, and the idea of a bookmark was spot on and creative.
    4. They dealt with a constraint well, it is a good learning process when dealing with an organization.

  39. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)
    Circulation/design/genre - different genres: bookmarks, video. Circulated video on FB to interest college student/young adult audience

    2.What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    Artifacts relevant to the organization's purpose feel more significant than a generic artifact.

    3.What did like most in this presentation and why?
    Incredible video! Very informative and gave a feel of what it's like to participate in the program.

    4.If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Have the organization formally ask its volunteers/participants how they found out about the organization and include the artifacts I made for them on the form in order to track how effective they were.

  40. 1. Circulation, audience, and material
    2. They catered to the intended audience really well, especially with the use of the bookmark and the chalkboard themed flyer.
    3. i really loved the idea of the bookmark.
    4. I would take into account that sometimes the companies information isn't updated on their website, so maybe contacting them immediately would be more efficient.

  41. Circulation, distribution, audience were all present.

    My favorite part was the video and the fact that it will be available in different languages.

    What I learned about writing is translating a piece of writing into another language is beneficial and can help you reach a larger audience.

    My takeaway for my own presentation is the idea of translation into other languages.

  42. 1. This group really broke down the various parts of their audience and how their artifacts appealed to these different sections.
    2. I learned that sometimes the most effective text is not just simply a text.
    3. I really liked the video because it gave an inside peek into how the organization works.
    4. From this I learned that it is important to utilize the members of the prof. org and their prior knowledge to create the best plan.


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