Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Feedback for Macrae, Seamus, and AJ's Group


  1. 1. circulation is good. material and network coincide nicely. remediated through website to flyer.
    2. I learned that editing is key
    3. i liked the newsletter because it demonstrated the goal of the organization well.
    4. I thought the newsletter was a great idea and would use that

  2. 1. Clear exigence and audience.
    2. logos are great examples of composing too.
    3. Great organization!
    4. Representing an organization can mean promoting an event, instead of just fundraising or raising awareness.

  3. 1. Audience was clear and the circulation of their artifacts was clearly laid out. They also understood the materials they were dealing with
    2. Circulation on social media is very important
    3. Their website design and the professionally of the page
    4. The passion for the project

  4. 1. I saw the use of circulation in the types of artifacts that they used and the places in which they made a point of having the artifacts posted both around campus and on social media platforms
    2. I learned more about the constraints associated with every project.
    3. I liked the newsletter the most because its design is very effective, easily accessible and can circulate well through a campus too.
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in communicating directly with the organization and really how they wanted different audiences to learn about their cause.

  5. 1. Making the flyer for the college students audience to get involved is really awesome
    2. Circulation is key to get people involved
    3. Love this organization and always have so its nice to see someone working with them!!
    4. I like the idea of using both print and social media

  6. 1) i saw the use of material and circulation throughout their project because they said that their organization wanted them to get their information out there
    2)i learned that circulation is important in getting people to see the information you are trying to put out
    3)i liked how they made the event page for their project because i feel liek that will work really well
    4) i would use how they used the facebook page

  7. 1. They talked about audience and how they posted their flyer around campus because that's who they wanted their audience to be.
    2. Their newsletter was mainly about writing. It included a lot of text and I thought it was interesting because you learn so much from it.
    3. I liked that they created a newsletter because that is easy to circulate in places like newspapers and magazines. It was something I had not seen before.
    4. I would take and apply their newsletter because it was such a cool idea.

  8. 1. circulation would've been effective to people in the entire county, audience wax targeted: FSU students.

    2. Learned that you CAN make a page for a single event to raise awareness for that specifically

    3. I liked the newspaper the most because of how it could be circulated

    4. I could apply the same type of FB page for another organization

  9. 1. a newsletter is a very interesting form of circulation. it involves voluntary signups so the audience is specific.
    2. a newsletter involves writing, editing, and composing. when using important information for distribution purposes, it's very important to make sure the piece is edited to show all correct information
    3. once again, the newsletter. if somebody is interested in an organization, a newsletter is a perfect text to distribute because they can put as much information as possible while knowing that their audience wants to learn
    4. facebook pages and newsletters are a good way of grabbing the audience that's already there and wants updates, flyers are a good way of grabbing the audience that isn't already there.

  10. 1. Audience and Assemblage was enacted by the group. The group chose certain assemblages due to their audience. This makes their assemblage more affective because it is trying to connect with an audience.
    2. Audience can determine the effectiveness of writing or composition
    3. I liked how the group created an event, it's another level of composition others wouldn't take.
    4. Take your audience into consideration.

  11. 1. Circulation of flyers, audience of Big Brother Big Sister.
    2. I felt like there was a lot of text on the flyer and I wouldn't actually read it if I saw it around, but otherwise the composition was well prepared.
    3. The group was well prepared and I love the organization they chose. I have a lot of friends that work with, or through, the program and I know how much of a difference it makes.
    4. I definitely could use the facebook page idea as an idea for a professional organization I work for in the future.

  12. Their texts are effective in reaching out to their audience. The flyer and newsletter are easily circulated and appealing. I really like their presentation! I will apply how they really considered their audience in all that they did.

  13. 1. Audience (related to multiple groups on campus including frats and sororities), circulation
    2. --
    3. I like the event page on Facebook- it's informative and incorporates the organization's logo while reaching a wider audience.
    4. I would keep in mind their event dates and plan accordingly!

  14. 1) All of the keywords were used through the artifacts because of colors and circulation of the artifacts.
    2) I learned that composing is effective if it uses color.
    3) I liked the Facebook event because I think it was effective in circulation.
    4) I can take away the way they structured their Facebook event.

  15. 1. Circulation: Flyer that is hung around campus. newsletter. Audience: FSU students who would want to be involved.

    2. I learned that targeting your audience is important.

    3. I loved that they made a newsletter that informed readers not only about the organization, but about the events.

    4. I would definitely have liked to see more of their knowledge about the company and actually working with them. Getting to know your company is important.

  16. 1. Circulation was a big idea for their project.
    2. Timing of circulation is key to success of the distribution.
    3. I like the website that they used to present on.
    4. I will keep in mind timing and circulation in future projects.

  17. 1. Circulation is very important with this group's texts (especially the newsletter. Another important aspect was the younger audience that the group was trying to reach.
    2. I learned most about the importance of medium in relation to audience.
    3. I liked the organization and the idea of reaching out to young people.
    4. I would integrate the group's attention to audience.

  18. 1. I see audience in the way that they are able to identify the students of fsu as the target group. I see circulation in the ways that their artifacts were distributed. I see network through their organization's connection to big bend. I see genre through the different choices of genre their texts cover.
    2. I learned that creating multiple genres help to make a message more easily distributed throughout multiple media.
    3. I liked the idea of a newsletter because it creates an idea that can be used throughout the following months and events.
    4. I would take the idea of a text that can be used multiple times by an organization so that my positive effect can be long-term.

  19. 1. I like that they circulated on campus since that's where the event is.
    2. Creating a newsletter was interesting because it's different than just a normal flyer.
    3. I liked the newsletter idea a lot.
    4. I would add a newsletter to my idea board in the future.

  20. 1. One of the keywords that I noticed was how they used circulation and assemblage by recreating a facebook page and making a newsletter.
    2. I learned that with composing, you have the ability to share your work with others and that as well can circulate.
    3. I liked the idea of the newsletter. I thought that was pretty cool and a great way to pass around information.
    4. What I would apply from this group is the newsletter idea, i thought it was unique and different.

  21. 1. circulation of the flier. Audience in terms of the newsletter, informative. Also the genre of informative newsletter. Circulation of the newsletter as well, putting it outside of the campus bowling alley to inform them of the bowling-themed fund raiser

    2. They composed a newsletter, with information about the org as well as the fund raiser they were promoting.

    3. I liked the newsletter the best. It looked nice and was really professional.

    4. I could take a newsletter from this org. They didn't give us too much other information.

  22. 1. I saw circulation used throughout this presentation by AJ describing where and why they would post the flier around campus and Seamus describing putting the newsletter into the newspaper for students to find it.
    2. There wasn't any brand new information that I had learned about editing, writing, and media from this presentation.
    3. What I liked most from this presentation was the consistent color scheme throughout all of their artifacts.
    4. What I think I could take away from this presentation and use later in a professional setting is how they had a live active site to use in their presentation, not just a mock up of one.

  23. 1. Circulation played a major role for this group.
    2. The importance of social media.
    3. A Newsletter is an interesting text we haven't seen yet!
    4. Hosting an event can be a great way to help an Organization.

  24. Cool newsletter which is a unique idea for networking to a different age group and audience. The facebook page is good for the younger age group.

    I liked the aesthetic of the artifacts and the design/coloring.

  25. 1) They made an event page for the bowling event and it can be circulated through Facebook by invites and shares. Their audience is anyone interested in getting involved in Big Brother Big Sisters.
    2) Writing, editing, and composing isn't something that needs to be over thinked or taken too far, it can be simple and creative.
    3) I really like how they created a wixsite to display their artifacts on. The page looked clean and professional.
    4) I would take away their wixsite for dispalying information in a professional way

  26. 1. They focused on FSU students as their audience, so they designed their text to best capture their attention.
    2. I learned that circulation is better on facebook for college kids.
    3. I liked the website and organization!
    4. I would take their ideas about the website and newsletter... I love newsletters!

  27. Their audience was clear, their circulation dealt with their target audience, and their remediation of the previous designs was great. Composition is a process that takes many forms. I liked their newsletter idea because it covers a lot of time and can be circulated well. I really liked that the target audience for this group was specific to the university although the organization is not related to Florida State.

  28. 1. Audience and circulation- on fb this helps. It is for a Specific event so people will know exactly what they are looking at and decide if they want to participate.
    2. They composed multiple things and said they had problems circulating but hopefully with time it will.
    3. I liked their flyer because i think that always gives the info that is needed and I liked the design of theirs.
    4. I would use the design of their flyer.

  29. 1. Facebook was easy to circulate and to target college students, especially with the Crenshaw lanes location.
    2. I learned that it is very important to know your audience and what they like.
    3. I really liked the Facebook idea.
    4. I would apply the fact that they really took time to know their audience and what that audience would respond to in regard to advertising and circulation.

  30. 1. i saw all of the terms listed above.
    2. i learned about how the composing process sometimes can not be instantly effective and can take time.
    3. i liked the Facebook one that best, because my group did something similar and i really enjoyed that.
    4. really good job everyone!

  31. I think that the audience of college students was important because their project was based around an event. I learned that the exigence of your composition is important. I like how they decided to share their event through social media, and I like their event in general. I thought it was good when you take their audience into account. I would apply that exigence is important, and the audience paralleled with the exigence is even more important.

  32. 1. I see audience and circulation at play here. All of their texts are placed on a medium that allows them to be distributed easily.
    2. This group showed me that the composing process is easier when there is a targeted direction in mind.
    3. I liked that they created a news letter for their organization. I think it is beneficial to advertise the organization and attract audience.
    4. If I were to take something from this group, it would be how direct and straight-forward they were with their presentation.

  33. 1. Audience was a keyword that stuck out out to me. It seems like they were targeting college students so they handed out flyers at locations where students would see them.
    2. Social media is a good way to help circulate.
    3.I liked their facebook page. It was a great way to circulate among college students.
    4. In the future if I were to represent another organization I would take this groups confidence.

  34. 1.Each of their texts worked differently to bring awareness to different audiences.
    2. I learned that composing is different for everybody, but you can still come to the same conclusion
    3. I really liked the newsletter and how it served a different purpose then the flyer.
    4. How each of their texts provide different information

  35. The desired audience is adults who would like to help younger children. Networking on campus to reach the desired audience of FSU students. Assemblage through the newsletter with all the information they gathered from the organization and upcoming events. Circulation is done through the Facebook page by creating a page specifically for the event.

    Writing can be done through a electronic platform to reach a desired audience. Composing with aa desired event outcome and audience helps direct the goals. Editing by taking an event and creating a page specifically for it.

    I liked the organization itself because I think it is a wonderful thing to do by helping out little children.

    I really like that in their newsletter they include information about the organization in a clean and organized way.

  36. 1. I see network for the Facebook page, audience in Facebook's ability to target students.
    2. I learned that putting together a Facebook page for a specific event rather than promoting on their general page can be more effective.
    3. I liked the Facebook page because I felt it would definitely be most effective in reaching the target audience.
    4. I would make sure the organization had their information ready earlier so I could give the promoting more time to circulate.

  37. 1. Audience, Circulation, and Material
    2. I like the idea of using the newsletter, this was definitely something i would not have come up with.
    3. I really like the newsletter, it was very original
    4. I would take with me the use of a newsletter!

  38. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)
    Flyer, newsletter, FB page
    audience/circulation/network/design - tried to reach out to college age audience using Facebook. Strengthened the organization with a newsletter that would help keep its volunteers and families updated.

    2.What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    Newsletters are still relevant.

    3.What did like most in this presentation and why?
    The newsletter

    4.If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    I'd consider creating a newsletter if the organization seems out of touch with its participants.

  39. Circulation, audience, and material were all present.

    My favorite part about the presentation was the newsletter. It looked really well done.

    What I learned about writing is the use of social media in sending out messages is vital!

    I would use their designs!

  40. 1. Assemblage came to mind when I saw the Facebook page with all the information reassembled into a new genre.
    2. I learned that the process of composing an effective text does not happen overnight.
    3. I really enjoyed the newsletter because it was a modern twist on a traditional genre.
    4. I learned that you must be patient when complying with an organization.


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