Saturday, April 22, 2017

Journal 8

Despite the different organizations that each group represented, although some were similar causes, many shared similar processes on the ways they tried to draw an audience in or network the organization. Many chose to use media outlets through the creation of videos or to utilize social media to reach a new and wider audience for the organization. Some even chose to make t-shirts which is a unique way of networking without having to the standardized text but rather much more mobile and diverse. Some of the organizations, including my own, hand communication issues with the organizations to figure out what they wanted as well as if they wanted them to continue with the campaign. Take Bethany’s group for example and how when they attempted to continue communication with their organization they completely stopped speaking with them. They continued to go on with the original campaign but the lack of communication with the organization raised some concern and was a hindrance. Haley originally was trying to work with Tallahassee Museum and they weren’t very welcoming in the process so this lead to them find an organization that was more fitting and needed their help more due to lack of networking. During our process, we didn’t have the communication flow with our organization which lead to use having to take some matters into our own hands to have artifacts for their organization. Also with the organization that worked with City Church was constrained with the lack of funds to fulfill some of the things they desired to do. Most of the group’s focus was that of reaching audiences they felt best suited their organizations cause. Many felt networking was best through the campus and reaching the FSU students as well as networking through social media apps. Many used similar forms of circulation by placing flyers around campus and placing information on their own separate social media pages as well as the ones they created for their campaign. Most materiality was based around technology, therefore, most of the materials were electronically based like Adobe or Canva to create flyers. A printer and paper were required to print out the creations as well. I think all the genres were relatively similar but effective. Many were through print and physical items that could be distributed throughout the community while many were also of the electronic genre and could be utilized through technology. After watching the other groups present, I was satisfied with my group’s work and am not so sure I would have done things different. However, if I had to choose I wish we would have done something a bit different as opposed to a flyer, brochure, or video and maybe have gone with the original idea on trying to get the dog out to Landis Green for a meet and greet. Despite that we had our own unique quality for the presentation with cupcakes attached to information and an app for the organization.

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