Monday, April 17, 2017

Feedback for Julia, Bethanie, and Ashley's Group


  1. 1. student foundation seems like some sort of network of students trying to reach out to an audience for donations. they circulated physical fliers which are a form of material.
    2. composing on a site like canva is limited while using art applications is less limited, but requires more experience
    3. I like that the poster was designed personally and not from a template website like canva, you can tell just by looking at it that it was designed more freely.
    4. having an artist in your group is always a good thing

  2. 1. They knew who their audience was (students) and created their artifacts from this.
    2. I learned that where your artifacts go is important. This can help circulation as well as who's eyes it pulls in.
    3. I liked that they wanted to do a fundraiser for the organization. This was a good idea even though it hadn't been implemented yet.
    4. When working with a different organization I would try to learn about different ways to create things. I like that this group didn't use Canva for the poster because it was a different view than a Canva poster.

  3. 1. Circulation is not only big on social media but also through manually posting things around campus.
    2. Social media is huge!!!!!!!
    3. I liked that they worked on campus making it much more relatable
    4. I like that they were able to use a PowerPoint but not include a lot of facts so they could still make a presentation.

  4. 1) A clear audience of FSU students. Made a poster that they circulated throughout campus.
    2) promoting awareness is a good thing.
    3) They decided to work with a student group!
    4) Exploiting people.

  5. 1. Audience was clear to be Florida State Students to donate- although they should be appealing to their parents because college students are poor. Circulation through facebook, sharing and manually circulating the posters throughout campus.
    2. Communication with your organization is key to learn from mistakes/ goals/ everything.
    3. I liked how the organizations goal was to be run and funded entirely by students.
    4. The fundraiser idea was amazing!

  6. 1. Circulation is a strong keyword for their project. They did a lot of circulating through social media accounts and through personal relationships.
    2. I've learned that there will always be constraints during writing, editing, and composing.
    3. I like their fundraiser flyer and that it was held at blaze pizza. I thought it was a good idea to help everyone participate.
    4. I would take this groups optimism with me after the constraints they came across.

  7. 1. Circulation was evident in their distribution of flyers, remediation is evident through their different mediums, they used different platforms to create their artifacts and produce different genres.
    2. I learned that a lot can go wrong and composing isn't always easy and a lot of editing might have to go into a project.
    3. I liked the simple design of the flyer they created! It caught my eye without being too much. I also liked that they talked about what went wrong.
    4. I think their difficulties that they faced helped me prepare for things I could face in the future.

  8. 1) circulation was very present in thier presentation. they did a great job of getting information out to their selected audience
    2)i learned that promoting awareness is important
    3)i liked how the had the idea of doing a share it night
    4) i would implement the use of the share it night fundraiser to raise money for the organization

  9. 1. They focused on audience for their artifacts, focusing those on audience participation and involvement rather than informing them. They really focused on involvement and creating a network. Circulation of their facebook post and the avenues they used to get it to a wider audience was interesting.
    2. I learned how they composed their flier, what tools they used, and how their wrote their facebook post and circulated it.
    3. I liked the facebook post the best, and how she creatively solved the problem of a lack of circulation.
    4. I would steal their ingenuity. They were unable to communicate with their organization regarding their fundraiser, so they created their own fundraiser that still supported their organization. I thought that was very brave and showed a real dedication to their organization and their jobs at representatives.

  10. 1. Manual circulation and accessible design was a major focus of their project.
    2. Communication through throughout the process is important in the composing process.
    3. I liked the focus on the FSU community.
    4. Efforts to raise money through the campaign was a cool focus.

  11. 1. Audience: placing flyers around campus because the organization is geared towards students
    2. Different texts are important
    3. That they recognized their faults but still moved forward in order to finish the project
    4. Make sure to communicate with the organization effectively

  12. 1. I saw the use of circulation in the types of artifacts that they used and the places in which they made a point of having the artifacts posted both around campus and on social media platforms
    2. I learned more about the constraints associated with every project.
    3. I liked the share it night idea the most.
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in communicating directly with the organization

  13. 1. Circulation, because of the group's focus on spreading their artifacts.
    2. Composition isn't limited to third party mediums, a personal medium can be used.
    3. I enjoyed how scrappy the group was to get some circulation.
    4. How they implemented people they knew to spread their messages.

  14. 1. Audience and circulation.
    2. Make sure to be prepared for changes when composing and writing for anything besides yourself.
    3. The flyer was appropriate for their organization.
    4. Always be prepared and look professional, if this is lacking nothing else can be taken seriously.

  15. 1) The group definitely tried to reach a bunch of different audiences.
    2) I like the idea of using a drawing pad to design.
    3) I liked the idea of a share-it night!
    4) This makes me think about how hard it is sometimes to have communication with organizations.

  16. 1. i see all of the keywords listed within this project.
    2. from this i learned about the issues that can go wrong with working with an organization that a writer or student needs to be prepared for.
    3. i liked the idea about blaze, sorry about what happened to you guys!
    4. i like that the posters were circulated manually around campus but it might have limited your audience because of this.

  17. 1. This group talked about circulation and how they circulated their different texts.
    2. I learned about different ways to compose. Julia talked about about how she used her art tabled to create the flyer which I thought was cool because it is something I had never heard of before.
    3. I liked the fundraiser flyer that was created. They used the blaze symbol and even made it relate to blaze, which is where the fundraiser is at.
    4. I liked how they talked about "where did it go wrong?". I thought it was a good way to acknowledge the difficulty of this project and how to go about doing it better next time.

  18. The circulated their information through a flyer and were able to physically post it throughout campus. It was intended to get the interest of the audience and give them basic information about their organization.This networks to a non-digital community and others outside of FSU. FB post was posted on FSU pages to get awareness to an audience and she utilized her sorority networks to network more.

    Composing can be a physical act and not just a writing concept. Writing and focusing on the main aspects is a powerful way to get the point across. Editing was done through taking the information and changing it to use for different platforms.

    I liked that they were very realistic and honest about their struggles and what went wrong. It gave it a realistic feel.

    I learned that organizations can not always be reliable and sometimes that is not your fault at all.

  19. 1. material/circulation through flyer and facebook posts appeals to random people and followers of the page through the site, club down under, notice boards, etc.

    2. the fundraiser was a great idea for composing and one that's often used but only something I've seen for greek philanthropies.

    3. links

    4. Again, the links present in this are something I dint think of. The versatility of attaching a link to the artifact adds a separate type of composing to the presentation that people could open up themselves.

  20. All of their texts were circulated differently and reached different audiences. I like how simple the flyer was, I think that was effective. I learned how sometimes communication can fall through and you just have to overcome the obstacles. I can take and apply their effort and triumph over obstacles to my future.

  21. 1. Circulation was vital to this project as the group integrated different methods of distributing the texts. Network was also very important in sharing texts like Ashley's Facebook post.
    2. I learned about writing, editing, and composing in terms of dealing with an unstable organization.
    3. I really liked construction of the first flyer.
    4. I would take the resilience of this group with me in presenting in a professional environment.

  22. 1. Audience: wanted to encourage students to donate to the organization. Circulation: posted them all over campus. Material: digital and print. Network: posted it on different Facebook pages all over FSU.
    2. Sometimes simplicity is better. I learned that composing has strengths because of communication with the people that you work with.
    3. Sometimes it is hard to get people to donate, but raising awareness is also a win.
    4. I would definitely make sure that the company to work with is one that is reputable and one that will hold up on their end. I did appreciate that they still were professional and worked to help promote their cause.

  23. 1. Circulation- posted posters around campus on notice boards to get people's attention and trying to get them to donate.
    2. I learned that when working with people like this- sometimes it's hard to get in contact with people so a back-up plan is needed.
    3. I liked the pizza event idea because everyone loves to eat and that's a great way to get people to support the cause.
    4. I learned that you need to be in contact with the business a lot.

  24. 1. Circulation, media, and audience
    2. I keep learning how important social media can be and that things dont always work out the way one intended them to.
    3. I liked the idea of having a share it night for the student foundation.
    4. I would use the idea of doing a share it night.

  25. 1. The flyer was circulated around campus on notice boards, so FSU students were the primary audience. The Facebook post was circulated on FSU social media but didn't connect as much with the audience because college kids don't usually donate.

    2. I loved the colors in the blaze pizza advertisement. The contrast was nice and it was a good idea to connect the audience to the organization.

    3. I liked the flyer the most. It was very simplistic but effective in design.

    4. Communication is key!

  26. 1. I see network through the use of the Florida State University community and the organizations on campus. Circulation is seen throughout the way the texts were distributed. Personal Networks were used to help circulate the text.
    2. I learned that often times communication can be a constraint.
    3. I liked the fact that the poster was physically handed out in the class for us to see the text.
    4. I would utilize the information gained about fundraising in the future.

  27. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)

    Poster - circulation/design/assemblage/material. different platform Paint Tool Sai

    FB Post - circulation/network. used Sorority network

    Fundraiser - circulation/exigence/

    2. What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    A fundraiser can act as a composition.

    3. What did like most in this presentation and why?
    Their desire to move forward despite being cut-off from the Student Foundation.

    4. If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Looked into the restrictions they faced with the organization before proposing or moving forward with the creation of any artifacts.

  28. Student Foundation

    Purpose: raise awareness of the org., Audience: students, making them aware, Circulation: around campus on bulletin boards,

    What I learned about writing is that plans don't always go through and to make sure you have a backup plan.

    What I loved most about your presentation is the fact that you addressed the issues you had during the project and explained how you would go about fixing them if you had more time.

    I would take that and apply it to my future presentations.

  29. 1. They had used circulation through circulating fliers with information about the organization throughout campus where students (the organization's audience) could view it and learn more information.
    2. From this group's presentation there hadn't really been anything new that I had learned about writing, editing, or media.
    3. What I had liked about their presentation was how one of the group members had discussed how after they didn't gain a large amount of response from the first social media post they continued to post and got their friends to post in order to have a larger reach.
    4. Something that I could take from this presentation for later professional use is that occasionally you need to prepare a back up plan for the off chance that something could go wrong.

  30. The flyer looks really good and the idea of the fundraiser at blaze is a really good idea because almost everyone at FSU loves that restaurant and it would have been a great circulation event and a great way to reach out to an audience.

    It is hard to work with a local organization that is student run sometimes because the students are just as busy and unexperienced as we are.

  31. 1. Attracting an audience of students (identified the constraints of having college students as an audience). Circulated texts physically and digitally.
    2. Composing on Canva can limit what the composer can do
    3. I liked the creativity of the texts. Especially the 3rd one that was unfortunately not circulated.
    4. Communication is difficult, but important. The process of creating an event with another business is tedious

  32. Their texts were distributed and circulated differently, which added nice variation to the texts. Their fundraiser plan was very creative. I really liked how they thought outside the box, where they did a share-it night for the fundraiser, instead of just trying to raise money by just asking people to donate.

    They had a few obstacles, but they still continued with the project. Their dedication is something I would want to take with me for future projects.

  33. Circulation was an important term for this group given their artifacts: flyer, Facebook post, and promoting their fundraiser. I also can see the importance of networking. This is because the group was “cut off” from the Student Foundation. I really like that they were honest with what happened with their organization. I learned that it is important to clearly outline your goals. This way, the company and you both know what to expect. In the future, I would know to give the organization a clear outline of my goals for the company.

  34. 1. They mentioned circulation a lot and the constraints they had with the distribution of their text.
    2. I learned that it may be tricky to work with an organization.
    3. I liked that they still kept trying after not hearing back from their organization.
    4. I would take the knowledge they shared about the fundraiser... I didn't know how tricky it was!

  35. 1. I think the group did a good job at circulating. They put up flyers and went the extra mile to make sure the Facebook post was circulated.
    2. I learned that editing, writing, and composing can be a difficult process when another party is not responsive. There needs to be constant communication.
    3. I liked how they continued to try and broadcast for the organization despite their lack of communication.
    4. I respect that they mentioned where they went wrong. It shows growth and a group and gives them credibility despite their lack of success for their third text.

  36. 1. Audience was super important. Most FSU students can relate or recognize the organization.
    2. Things don't always go according to plan and you have to roll with the punches sometimes!
    3. I liked the fundraiser idea.
    4. If I were to represent an organization again in the future, I would consider this group's optimism and persistence.

  37. 1. Networking seemed very effective in spreading their message.
    2. I learned that not everything goes the way you had hoped it to and you must be able to create a backup plan.
    3.I really liked the fundraising Idea, it was quite creative.
    4. I learned that when writing and composing you must follow all guidelines set by the client.


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