Sunday, April 23, 2017


Most groups sort of just used the same layout for everything, but not really in a bad way. We aren't taught to be creative, we're taught to be able to be creative. It doesn't stick with some people. It comes naturally for others. I'm glad that some groups hopped out of Powerpoint mode, I'm glad that some groups made interesting things like press releases or original posters. I just didn't see too much deviation from the norm. After writing notes for each group in the blog, I was becoming legitimately tired of writing "this group circulated a material to an audience." I wasn't mad, it's just the same thing over and over.

How do I say this properly. We were given a task regarding an interest we shared with others. We got to choose what we wanted to choose. We called the shots. We made phone calls. We sent emails. We had a campaign! We almost all had the exact same results, even with such different details.

I think part of the takeaway here is that there are different levels of the key terms in WEPO. I would rank a word like "audience" or "circulation" as easy tier, "genre" and "material" as medium tier, and "remediation" and "exigency" as hard tier. Something like that.

We all followed similar paths to a certain extent. We all ended up with similar results. But why? Did we all just do semi-minimal amounts of work since we're busy as shit and can't spend more than a few hours a day or two a week on this project? This one was time consuming based off of how you handled it and I could see the process that went into it for each person that way, especially for the ones that didn't have to meet physically with their organization. We're all different.

I personally think our group did well, and especially with our actual results provided through surveys. I didn't think my photography would have it's own rhetorical value behind it in the beginning, but as soon as I had one candidate say, "Don't post that one!" I knew I was gonna have a lot to talk about. I wouldn't change a thing though.

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