Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Feedback for Haley's Autism Speaks Group


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  2. 1. audience was demonstrated. Circulation is great (t-shirt), network is brought through FSU
    2. I learned that t-shirt is an interesting form of composition
    3. I liked the shirt because it is a new way to bring circulation
    4. I would do a shirt to inhibit participation and promotion of event/org.

  3. 1. Circulation- they had a hard time getting info out so their texts really helped bring awareness.
    2. I learned that a media release is a great way to give info to the public. Seems very professional.
    3. My favorite thing was the tshirt design. This was different than what anyone else did and it stood out and everyone loves tshirts!
    4. I really like how they chose Autism speaks. I think it was really beneficial because they truly needed their help and they really personalized their texts around the organization.

  4. 1. Circulation of TShirts, Audience, Assemblage, Networking when the first organization they wanted didn't work out.
    2. The way they created a template for future endeavors for the company was really cool and shows a lot about their ideals about composing and writing.
    3. The group was well prepared and funny in their presentation which made it easy-going, but still professional.
    4. I think being personable is super important in a presentation and in the professional realm and I think this group gave great examples of how to do this.

  5. 1. Circulation was most important to this group as their main goal was promotion.
    2. I learned about the intricacies of a media release in relation to writing, editing, and composing.
    3. I really like the t-shirt design.
    4. I would incorporate the group's use of creative genres like a t-shirt.

  6. 1. t-shirts are a form of material and by giving them out, they're circulating their message to an audience of passer-bys who see the message wherever they go
    2. a media release requires intense editing to insure correct information since it's being distributed on a large scale
    3. a media release is something I haven't seen from any other groups and it's probably the most important thing I've seen since the reaching out to media organizations reaches a large amount of people, and especially since non-profits make the publications look good
    4. connections are important and things don't work out always. the whole roommate thing was awfully convenient in a situation like this

  7. 1. The shirts will help with circulation about the club because people will wear them around.
    2. I learned what a media release is.
    3. The tshirt was a really good idea, something I definitely wouldn't have thought of.
    4. I would definitely think about making a tshirt in the future, it's easy advertisement.

  8. 1. They talked about audience and circulation and how it affected what texts they decided to make.
    2. Composing was talked about in this project because they had to compose their media release in a specific way.
    3. I liked that they had such different texts than what is normally seen. So many new ideas!
    4. I loved that they made a t-shirt because that is such an easy thing to circulate. It also is very outside of the box which is cool.

  9. 1. They really paid attention to their audience and figured how to best design their text.
    2. I learned about a media release... I never thought about this as a text. Do all media releases have to follow that specific format?
    3. I liked that they work with an organization on FSU campus.
    4. They saw areas for improvement and decided to take action!

  10. They put a lot of time, effort, and thought to their texts and how they could be most effective. I liked how they included the puzzle pieces in their t-shirt. The press release was a really good idea, and I will definitely keep that in mind in the future.

  11. 1) The group was active about making sure their artifacts reached the public and did what the organization needed.
    2) I learned how to speak with an organization.
    3) I really liked the t-shirt because it connected FSU with the organization on a larger scale.
    4) I like that this group was so creative, so I would like to use that creativity in the future.

  12. 1. I see networking in this project. One of the group members was rooming with the vice president of their organization, which allowed them to gain awareness of the org's needs and boosted their ability to help. Their texts are very diverse in genre (a shirt!) and is conscious of their audience and circulation of their texts that could be put in newspapers.

    2. Composing a media release and following the format of a media release limited their ability to write and compose.

    3. I liked the shirt the best. It was so cool-looking, and really unique!

    4. I could take from this presentation the idea to think outside the box. With the shirt, it was really well-done and so unique, and not something that I would have thought to do myself with working on a project.

  13. 1. circulation is a big part of this project since they needed a bigger outcome at their Autism Speaks U walk

    2. I learned that composing isn't always on paper or even digital. int his case, it can be on a t-shirt.

    3. I liked the t-shirt the best. Its a really unique way to spread awareness of the club as well as the disease.

    4. I'd apply their idea of thinking outside of the box. Their modes of circulation weren't exactly conventional and that makes them memorable.

  14. 1) Audience and circulation through t-shirts and trying to get more people to know about their organization. Their name could help get circulated through people walking around with the shirts.
    2) I would like to know more of how they created their design for the shirt because it looked really cool!
    3) I liked the idea of making a t-shirt and that sounds like a fun thing to do. Everyone loves t-shirts.
    4) Make three different texts in three different genres because that will expand the desired audience.

  15. 1. Circulation due to how all the artifacts were meant to spread around different mediums. Audience as well with the appeal to FSU students with their T-shirt
    2. All three are meant to circulate
    3. The thought of creating a T-shirt and media letter.
    4. Always appeal to your audience.

  16. 1. Networking is the main focus of the groups project. All the text work well to broadcast and advertise for the organization.
    2. This group taught me that composing doesn't always have to be done in paper.
    3. I love that they made T-shirts for them. They really went above and beyond to help out the organization.
    4. I would take away how compassionate the group was for their project and presentation. I could really see that they cared.

  17. 1. I saw circulation in action through the plan to distribute shirts for the organization during the end of this year and during the campus involvement fair next school year.
    2. What I had learned about composing from this group is that sometimes the first choice of what you want to do isn't always the best for you and you may need to rethink and replan what you want to do.
    3. What I had liked from this presentation was that they had created a media release that was also a format for the organization to reuse for years to come, not just a one and done use.
    4. What I think I could take from this presentation and apply to a professional setting is to set up a plan for the future beyond the deadline of a project, as they have done with their media release.

  18. 1) A T-shirt is a great way of circulation because it's like a walking advertisement. People will be able to see it and become aware of autism awareness. Their audience can be anyone personally effected by autism or anyone interested in volunteering for the cause.
    2) writing, editing, and composing can really be anything from flyers to T-shirts to videos.
    3) I liked the T-shirt and the video the most. It was great that they interviewed people in the video, it adds a level of emotion to the video.
    4) I would take away their T-shirt idea as means of advertising.

  19. 1.Audience and circulation are key terms that stood out to me. They really want the community to get involved and circulated their texts really well.
    2. Design played a big roll in their composing process.
    3. I loved the t shirts. I thought that was a really creative way to get the name out for this organization.
    4. If I were to work on a campaign plan in the future I would bring this groups confidence, creativity and organization with me. I think they overall did a really good job.

  20. 1. Material: a tshirt!!! so cool! Audience: FSU students and Tallahassee community.

    2. I like that they decided to make a tshirt because it shows that composing and creating a text can be done through any material.

    3. I like that they worked hard in helping them promote not only their walk but also their organization. Their video, media release, and tshirt were really clever ways of doing that.

    4. They used text that could be relevant for years to come and that would help them for not just one event/

  21. 1. Remediation of their original shirt designs, material
    2. --
    3. Love that you gave them a tshirt design and an immediate release template because it will last a long time!
    4. From them I learned to try to partner with a group that actually needs help and think long term.

  22. 1. Theme and design played a key role in the project.
    2. It important to find exigence in an organization that needs it. This project had a lot of success because the organization really needed the help.
    3. I really liked the video and that it can be both a summary of this year and a promotion for next year.
    4. In the future, I will focus on creating content that can be reproduced at different times to create familiarity, as well as content that simply has lasting impact.

  23. Helped circulate information that the organization needs as well as network to new individuals. The desired audience is more people because they were having trouble before. The t-shirt allows for assemblage of the organization. The material of a t-shirt is unique and allows for more circulation.

    Writing on a movable platform reaches more people. Composing with reusable information allows for a long-lasting affect. Editing to get the final t-shirt design is a good way to make sure you pertain to the audience you desire.

    I really love the t-shirt! I think that is a unique and great way to get the organization out there.

    Depending on the organization, I love the t-shirt idea because its a mobile text and something that really stands out.

  24. Their circulation was awesome. Their media release and T-shirts are amazing. I would definitely buy one. Their audience is wide ranged but still specific to FSU which I really like. Their editing and composing process was cool. I liked their trailer the most even though it was a little rough. I just enjoyed how authentic and genuine it felt. The song choice and shots used were nice. I would take the t-shirt idea from this group. It's an excellent way to raise money and spread awareness.

  25. 1. I see the term network in how the media release would go out to a system of news networks.
    2. I learned that a way to get things out there could be a media release to be distributed throughout and outside of social media
    3. I liked that they followed the very specific media release because I didn't know how to do that before.
    4. If I were to take something from this presentation, I would take the idea of a media release because it would be useful to be able to get the info out to legitimate media sources, eliminating some of the constraints

  26. 1. Really clear exigence, with interesting genres.
    2. Collaboration is key.
    3. Really cool ideas for the artifacts, very clever!
    4. Autism Speaks is a controversial organization that uses the program to make profit and promote anti-vaccine research. I suppose I wouldn't have to necessarily agree with whomever I am working for.

  27. 1. This group really paid attention to the designs of their texts and how it could represent the organization.
    2. It takes multiple components in terms of design.
    3. I like how they went ahead and worked with a group that needed their help and was open to suggestions
    4. Love the fact that the media release can be reused for the organization.

  28. 1. Circulation, audience, and network.
    2. I learned about the press release use in composing; that was very original.
    3. I really liked the t shirt design and how they tied the universal autism logo and FSU.
    4. I would use their idea of a promo video and promo t shirt.

  29. 1. Audience and circulation demonstrated through tshirts.
    2. Design is a major role in this project.
    3. I really liked the idea of the media release.
    4. They presented the information about the club and event thoroughly.

  30. 1. circulation: video to share on social media
    2. media releases can be very effective
    3. I liked the t-shirt and the media release because it is something I didn't think of and is an effective way
    4. think of more ways to circulate the cause

  31. 1. They remediated the T-shirt with FSU in an interesting and fun manner. Their production process was very elaborate and helped their overall circulation.
    2. A media release taught me that there are way more genres of texts than I imagined, and helped open my eyes to different ways to create texts.
    3. Making a t-shirt seems like a fun way to produce a text. Excellent project!!
    4.Having connections in an organization can go a long way.

  32. 1. i saw all of them terms listed above
    2. i really leaned about the importance of circulation through this project.
    3. your video was so cute, loved the song, loved the idea. good job!!!
    4. songs and filters are very important for visual demonstrations and can be a huge advantage or disadvantage to an end product

  33. 1. Not only provide the organization with ways to circulate to FSU students, but also create texts that will help the organization with a specific issue. (media release)
    2. Editing is a multi-step process that involves cooperation and collaboration.
    3. I enjoyed the t-shirt as an artifact. Very original.
    4. Creating shirts for clubs that need an updated version. Overall creating a newer look for a business/student run organization.

  34. Autism Speaks

    Circulation, audience, material -

    I like that you had an exigence (no one was coming out to events) and solved it by revamping their entire appearance.

    What I learned about writing is that it can help everyone and it can always be put to a good cause.

    What I would use in my own presentation is the clean presentation style!

  35. 1. I liked the genuine concern that they had to satisfy their audience. I liked the networking effort they all put into it.
    2. I learned that with editing, comes creation of videos.
    3. What I liked most about this project was the t-shirt design of the autism speaks.
    4. What I would apply from this group would be the t-shirts being that its different and is a great way of circulation.

  36. 1. They had two audiences: FSU students and the Tallahassee community. The t-shirts will be circulated to the members of the club and will be further circulated by people wearing them around campus, now and in the future.
    2. I didn't know about the specific format needed for news releases.
    3. The t-shirt was my favorite I thought it was very cute. I also liked that they wanted to go where they were needed.
    4. They spoke directly with the club to find out what their specific needs were.

  37. I think that material is a good word for this group because of the video they circulated. I learned that its important to be creative in recognizing and advertising to your audience. I think this has to do with composition. I like that they had this idea to share videos on Facebook. I would apply the lesson that I learned through this as aforementioned.

  38. 1. Circulation through the t-shirt, assemblage by putting together the multiple aspects of the video.
    2. I learned when creating a video, it's important to focus on design and come up with a theme.
    3. I liked the t-shirt because I thought it was very different and creative.
    4. It is easy to work with an organization that is actually excited to work with you.

  39. 1. Working with a group that is lesser known is a great idea to promote awareness for the event and the club itself. Creating a t shirt is really cool as well as a video of the walk so that people can see what the organization actually does and in action.

    2. I learned about media releases and how they work.

    3. I liked the t shirt and video most because both were aesthetically pleasing and helpful in learning more about the organization.

  40. 1. I saw the use of circulation in the types of artifacts that they used and the places in which they made a point of having the artifacts posted both around campus and on social media platforms
    2. I learned more about the constraints associated with every project.
    3. I liked the video the most because its design is very effective and adequately shows the organizations passion and desire to flourish in the community.
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in communicating directly with the organization

  41. The media release was a creative way to advertise their organization. No one else has done a text like that for this project, so I like how it is different. The shirt is appealing, and a great way to advertise their organization.

    The video is a great way to show the event, and can be well circulated!

    I like the shirt best! I think it will be a great way to circulate their organization once the shirts are printed.

    This group seemed to work well together, and seemed to all care a lot about representing this organization. I would take their dedication and team work and apply that to my future projects.

  42. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)
    Network/exigence/audience/circulation/genre - org had specific wants in mind: t-shirt, video, media release. Media release is a very useful, professional artifact that all other groups did not have. Video can be circulated easily all over social media because it's short and sweet.

    2.What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    You can create a template for big, important documents like media releases.

    3.What did like most in this presentation and why?
    How well organized it was and its variety of artifacts. Two of them were articles hadn't seen throughout all the presentations!

    4.If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Presenting the organization's traditional symbols in new ways, like they did with the t-shirt.

  43. 1. Their organization had a real issue with circulation and this group did a fantastic job of increasing awareness.
    2. I learned that composing involved several steps of revision and editing.
    3. I really enjoyed the promo video , it was different and interesting.
    4. I learned that when working with a professional org. you must be able to communicate effectively to create a successful outcome.


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