Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Final Map - Julia Hecht

                The words that are most central to my theory are  the root words: Audience, Process, Expression. The other terms all branch away from these few, and they are highlighted in light blue to make them stand out. I chose those words because I really believe they are the terms from which other terms can connect to.
                I chose to work with a digital medium, because I wanted it to look clean and legible. All of my previous maps had been circular, whereas this one was all going in one direction. It made it a little more difficult to make everything fit, and I wish I could have made some connections between the root terms, but ultimately I am happy with the result and the new organization of terms.
                Having each term branch off from another one breaks it down into a readable, digestible display. It is easy to see how the terms interact, and how each one leads into another. Readers can follow the map down the different paths in a way that makes sense and covers everything.
                I intend to make a new tab for my theory of composing, next to the tab for my resume. It will be readily available and visible immediately after going to that page. I wish I could find a way to make it more interactive, so I could explain my mentality behind its structure to people viewing my ePortfolio.

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