Monday, April 17, 2017

Feedback for Charene, Brittany, Rae, and Sara's Group


  1. 1) i see the key word circulation take place throughout this project because the company wanted them to advertise for it
    2) i learned that circulation is important to get the information out to the public
    3)i really liked the advertisement flyer
    4)if i was tasked with a professional company what i would take away from this project is how they circulated the flyers and social media to get information out to the public

  2. 1. By immediately getting a flier I can say circulation and material immediately. Audience and network too because the materials are being used to distribute to an audience to help network some volunteers
    2. The flier itself was composed, written, and possibly edited. There was copy that was written for the purpose of showing information to the audience. The designs were composed, possibly in a program like Photoshop. I would assume the text was edited by the organization itself to make sure the audience was getting the right information
    3. I really liked the flier and business cards. The flier was great for getting information out there and plus it looked good. The business cards were even more important due to the fact that the volunteer coordinator's information was on it.
    4. Physical materials are always important. Business cards are very important for pointing out a specific contact to get involved with whatever the program is

  3. 1. They worked with multiple materials through different genres very well. They also had a good grasp on circulation and how to circulate their artifacts
    2. Just because it's simple doesn't mean its uncreative and interesting!
    3. I like that it's an emerging shelter and not an established foundation
    4. I love the idea for making business cards because it's easy to circulate.

  4. 1. They used circulation for the flyer. Used assemblage to create the flyer. Used social media to connect with audience (network), Used materials that were provided and asked for.
    2. I learned that their method of composing was based on their audience (FSU students)
    3. I thought the business card was a really great idea! Because its a small reminder to those it is distributed to that they are always in need of help
    4. I could apply the further thoroughness of connecting with a younger targeted audience.

  5. 1. Circulation is a great way to spread awareness and get help.
    2. It is important to know what audience you are trying to get involved with so you can make advertisements for them.
    3. I really like the business cards
    4. I like how they made a video to talk about their process.

  6. 1. They talked about how circulation played a part in the texts they showed. They chose ones that would be easily accessible on social media.
    2. Composing played a part in their texts because they made them simple and easy to read.
    3. I liked that their flyer had pull tabs on the bottom with I think the number so that people could grab just that rather than taking the whole f flyer.
    4. I would definitely apply the pull tabs to my flyer because that is something I wish I had included.

  7. 1. They were directing the material towards the fsu student body. They made good circulation by making fyers, business cards, and an instgram account.
    2. It takes multiple components to compose a text.
    3. I really liked the idea of a business card.
    4.The video was a good way to present the information.

  8. 1. The advertisement flyer was a good way to reach out to the audience rather than just telling everyone what the organization was. It was a good way to get the audience involved.
    2. I learned that when composing it is important to think about what the audience wants to know. They talked about how during the design they thought about what they would wanna know.
    3. I like that they used Adobe products to create the flyer rather than just Canva.
    4. I would take creating a business card. I don't think my organization had that, but it was a good way to give people the information to get involved/ who to contact.

  9. 1. Networking was prevalent in all of their texts. Most effective ways to get through to students on campus.

    2. When making multiple texts for a single organization, It may be smart to keep a central theme.

    3. I liked the business card most. It's something that they will use for longer than just the couple weeks that they had help with.

    4. Use colors from the company in the artifacts that you create so people start to associate the color with the organization.

  10. 1. Circulation was very important for this group in how they integrated social media and physical texts. Genre was also important. Because of the format of the flyer it was easy to understand how to volunteer.
    2. I learned about the importance of design in writing, editing, and composing. Including specific choices as well as personal preferences made the design of the texts much better.
    3. I really liked the design of all of the texts.
    4. I would include the cohesive design of all of the texts across the board. Because all of the texts look similar they work really well together.

  11. 1. Audience: their flyer says they need volunteers so it is basically directed towards everyone.
    2. All of their artifacts were so different and that shows how many different ways there are to compose.
    3. I like how they used Instagram to show pictures because I think that is one of the most beneficial platforms and pictures have a different approach to get people to volunteer.
    4. I like how on their flyer in strozier, they created pull off tabs in the bottom so people could rip off a tab and have the information.

  12. 1. Network is a keyword that i'm seeing throughout their presentation. They used a lot of social media to get information out about their organization.
    2. Design is a huge factor in writing, editing and composing.
    3.I liked the flyers they passed around, it gave a lot of information about the organization.
    4.If I were to represent a professional organization in the future I would want to use the same adope software that this group used. It was really helpful and their flyers and business cards turned out really well.

  13. 1. I see circulation in their texts, they're conscious of spreading their texts and what would circulate best. Also genre, with respects to the business card, it's a unique and interesting genre to create a text in.

    2. Instead of composing an entirely new flier, they remixed an already existing one. she thought about her own experiences and preferences when redesigning the flier

    3. I liked the business card the best. I hadn't seen one yet in this project and it's very smart!

    4. I liked how they split up designing their texts, which were all creative. Delegating tasks and letting everyone be creative and solve problems in a project is a good thing.

  14. 1. Circulation: handing out flyers
    2. Business cards are a great text to circulate because you can hand them out anywhere and put them in places like restaurants
    3. The business cards and flyers because they were very appealing and colorful
    4. Business cards are important and effective

  15. 1. Network, because they helped make it easier to network with the volunteer center in general. Process was also mentioned because it took a long process to discover what was necessary. they included circulation of the texts as well.
    2. A business card is an interesting way to think about writing, and how to better clarify a situation that seemed disorganized before.
    3. I loved the way their video matched their presentation. It was planned well. Great job to the whole group!!
    4. They knew many facts and got to know their organization. It is important to commit and connect with any organization.

  16. 1. They talked about designing their text after talking to their organizations. They intentionally designed to fit the audience targeted.
    2. I learned that you must strategically design and circulate to reach an audience and be most effective.
    3. I really loved their designs and presentation. The designs are neat... something professional. I loved the video at the beginning of the presentation.
    4. I would take their professionalism. They were very knowledgeable on their organization and intentional in the text they designed and how they measured the effectiveness of the circulation.

  17. 1. I could see design and circulation through their flyers as he design was meant to illustrate the items needed and it was even circulated throughput the classroom.
    2. I learned that sometimes composing can be addressing a small or personal need rather than a larger need as seen through the creation of a business card.
    3. I liked how they were able to revamp the old boring posters in a way that sticks out to most people
    4. If I were to take something from this presentation it would be using the creation of a business card as a text.

  18. 1. I see the circulation being used by their descriptions of how they came up with the designs and placements of the fliers and business cards.
    2. I can't think of anything new that I have learned about writing, editing, or composing from this presentation.
    3. What I had liked the most in this presentation was that they really had a lot of information about the Kerney center and that they had talked about visiting there, so they hadn't just been emailing people behind a screen.
    4. If I had to represent a professional organization in the future, what I could take from this presentation is giving everyone in the audience one of the fliers that they had worked on, so everyone was able to see early on what they had worked on.

  19. The flyer can be easily circulated, which I think is very important when trying to campaign. They chose texts that would cater to their audience. Their presentation was very well put together and I can tell that they put a lot of effort into it. I will apply in the future how much they stayed in contact with the organization.

  20. 1. Good use of genre, with a clear idea of their audience. The design and color scheme was thoughtful and pleasing to look at.
    2. Revise revise revise. First drafts are never perfect.
    3. Lots of good background, and sounds like a great cause!
    4. Communication is the most important part, and if an organization doesn't sound interested, keep persisting.

  21. The flyer is very appealing and informative. The video that was scrolling throughout the presentation was a creative way to display pictures.

    I liked the flyer the most! It was very pretty to look at, and it looked very professional.

    They had good communication with their sponsor, which is important for projects like this. I would apply that concept with future projects.

  22. 1. Circulation through the use of social media and spreading the message of the center
    2. Composition can come in all forms whether it's digital or real
    3. The extra steps the group took to know how they could promote the Center.
    4. All mediums of composition are acceptable.

  23. 1. This group focused a lot on circulation. Their text reflect their focus on reaching an audience. I think they did well at exhibiting this through their text. All of their artifacts are media friendly.
    2. From this group, I learned that constraints should be prioritized when in the process of composing. It allows us to find different creative routes to come up with the best final product.
    3. I really liked their texts. I think they came out very clean, professional, but attention grabbing because of their color inclusion.
    4. I liked that this group mentioned a lot of information about the organization they worked with. I think it shows their research and effort they put in to the project.

  24. 1. Audience- "what do we as students look for on a flyer?" Kept FSU students in mind the whole time.
    2. --
    3. I liked the business card- it was an idea I hadn't seen yet! Being able to have a direct contact to the organization was a really great way to get your audience connected.
    4. They seemed to really enjoy the organization they worked with and in the future I hope to find something as gratifying as they did

  25. This group did an excellent job at using the keywords in their works. Their materials and circulation were very impressive. I really like what this group did by revamping the previous flyer and updating their Instagram account. I think the new flyer is captivating and will get more people to want to volunteer. The changes in their Instagram account will help their online and local presence. I would take this groups use of business cards and abode to create illustrations.

  26. 1. I saw the use of circulation in the types of artifacts that they used and the places in which they made a point of having the artifacts posted both around campus and on social media platforms
    2. I learned more about the constraints associated with every project.
    3. I liked the design of the flyer and the business cards the most. The colors and design really grasped my attention and really revamped the image of the organization.
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in communicating directly with the organization and the way this group really tried to reflect on themselves as an audience and think through that composing process.

  27. 1) Circulation was seen in their presentation and also when they handed out flyers in class before they started presenting. The flyers were also posted in starbucks in Strozier and the fine arts building, so they circulated through print that way. Their audience is anyone interested in volunteering in the community, specficially at a homeless center. They remediated the original flyer by making it more accessible.
    2) I learned that writing, editing, and composing has a lot to do with purpose. when a group of people are all working towards the same purpose, its easy for them to write and compose accordingly.
    3) I liked that they handed out flyers to the whole class the most
    4) I would take away their use of a physical material to grab the audiences attention, such as the printed flyer.

  28. 1) Their audience was college students and they wanted to circulate their information through social media and flyers.
    2) Incorporate a compose logo and colors into flyers and etc.
    3) I thought it was great they were with something as great as the Kearney Center
    4) Work well with the organization and build off what they already have like they seemed to do a good job of.

  29. The audience is anybody that is desiring to help others in need and circulation was used through the flyer that they sent out. Circulation is also prominent in the Instagram and network what the center does. The materials used are a flyer/ paper and the internet/Instagram. The video is an assemblage of all the things that were done in their campaign.

    Writing the crucial part of what the organization wants can bee beneficial for the message trying to send. Editing to make something more appealing really causes things to pop. When composing for an organization is beneficial when you're in constant contact with the organization in order to give them what they want.

    I liked the fact that they did the Instagram photos in order to relate to a younger age group in order to get volunteers.

    I think taking into account what the organization wants and seeking a particular audience are a good when tasked with representing a professional organization.

  30. 1. This group focused on audience, constraints, and media. They focused on these terms in relation to understanding their audience of college students.
    2. Rae's focus on design and the flyer was interesting to think about her own personal experience of seeing a successful poster and using that information to help develop the her own.
    3. I really liked the video of the Center that they used at the beginning to get us involved. It helped provide background information about the company that they were working with so I was more engaged.
    4. I will most likely be sure to give background information in an accessible way to help engage and inform my audience was presenting a pitch.

  31. 1. Circulation was considered. Artifacts were chosen with college students as the targeted audience. How each of these items was circulated was designed to attract FSU students.
    2. When composing for an organization, it is important to consider their desires for the text, as well as what you would expect/desire to see as a member of the audience.
    3. I liked the design for each of the posters. They were carefully planned and thought out. There was also consistency from artifact to artifact.
    4. The overall collaborative process, and the design process they used.

  32. 1. For the flyers, the group did a really good job working with the materials that had handy. also the remediation of the flyer worked good in their favor
    2.I learned that editing can improve previous work
    3.I like how as they spoke about their organization they played a video of the facility
    4.I would take the idea of the group as a whole contacting the head chairman. It added less confusion and they were able to move effectively.

  33. 1. i see all of the key words listed above. they recreated and redesigned images, distributed them, worked for an audience, etc.
    2. i learned about remediation and circulation
    3. i really enjoyed your poster. i thought it was well made and creative and much better than the old version.
    4. i would applaud them for their creative work and good design.

  34. 1) The keywords were used through redesigning the flyer and the instagram. They were very aware of their audience.
    2) I learned that color matters.
    3) I liked the flyer because it is informative but also eye-catching
    4) I have learned that it is important to work with an organization for whatever they may need.

  35. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)
    circulation/material/audience - created or reimagined eye-catching artifacts that were easy to circulate (Instagram, business cards, flyers) and relevant.

    2.What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    Color can make all the difference!

    3.What did like most in this presentation and why?
    They had a video to show their progress and artifacts.

    4.If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Make business cards for non-profit organization workers! Usually their time and resources are poured into the organization itself.

  36. 1. Their audience was primarily college students and their circulation could be seen in whether or not tabs were pulled off on their flyers.
    2. I learned that it is sometimes good to have a base to go off of, such as the Instagram that the organization already had.
    3. I really liked the video!
    4. It seemed like they worked really well with the organization and I knew that was very important

  37. 1. Audience: students at school. Network: instagram and flyers. Material: print and digital
    2. It is important to get to know your company and be passionate aboutit as well as listening to their wants and needs.
    3. I like that they did a business card as a direct contact.
    4. I love that they re-vamped their old flyers and worked to make it newer. Used their knowledge of student body in order to create texts.

  38. 1. The group did a fantastic job of networking with their organization.
    2. From this project, I learned that considering what will be most appealing to the audience instead of focusing on personal opinions will be most effective.
    3. I loved the flyer, it was very colorful and eye-catching.
    4. I would take away that working with a professional org. is filled with bumps and turns in the road and you must be prepared.


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