Friday, April 21, 2017

Final blog

11.  Purpose, audience, desin, genre,  and circulation
22.   I think every word is central. All of these terms are necessary when it comes to composing. I go step by step on this “treasure map” to show that there isn’t just one term that stands out to me, but you need to go through every step to get to the “X.”
33.   Like I said in #2, I think the relationship is that they all work together to create a certain composition. The map takes you through each term to show that each thing needs to be thought about in order to compose successfully. The terms are numbered and have tiny dashes that serve as a trail between thet terms.
44.   I didn’t use any technology to create this map.

55.     I define composing as the process of creating a text. I am still trying to find a way to integrate this theory in my ePortfolio. However, I think my ePortfolio is a composition because I went through all of  these different steps to create it. Maybe I will just place the picture of my map on the page.

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