Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Feedback for Kelsey, Carlo, and Louisa's Group


  1. Replies
    1. 1. I See all of them terms! great job guys!
      2. from this i learned about the power of design and its persuasiveness.
      3. i think y'alls work was so impressive. love the design of your poster and all of the artifacts overall.
      4. again, the power of design is extremely important and has long lasting effects

  2. 1. Distribution, circulation
    2. Plan for everything! (girl in photo was too short for background)
    3. I liked that their text was actually at the booth during voting, this way the intended audience definitely interacted with it.
    4. I would keep in mind their idea for head shots and putting a face to a name, it's a very important aspect for any organization and cause.

  3. 1. They showed circulation through the places they distributed their texts.
    2. Editing was a big part in this project because they had to edit each of the pictures.
    3. I thought it was super cool how they took photographs of the candidates. They looked amazing.
    4. I would definitely take the idea of taking photos and include some pictures of my own into the project, although mine wouldn't be as good.

  4. 1. Circulation was used when they created the flyer on how to vote.
    2. When composing you need to think about what people want to see and they did that.
    3. I love how they took pictures of all the candidates. It gives a face to a name.
    4. I would think about photographing things when working with a company.

  5. 1) The group does a good job of being aware of circulation.
    2) I like the way that Wix works for the presentation.
    3) I really like the pictures because they add personality to the candidates.
    4) I would take away their aptitude to campaign for the organization.

  6. 1. thought about the audience when making the infographic, made it as simple as possible for better audience understanding.

    2. I learned about the editing of the photographs

    3. I liked the poster the best. It looked really great and visually interesting.

    4. I could use visuals in future projects. Photos incorporated into my designs and texts.

  7. The audience is directed at black students who would like to get involved in student politics. It is meant to network through the African American FSU community. The circulation was to used to promote the election in general. The flyer is an assemblage of information desired for the organization. Carlo used his camera and photography materials to circulate a text.

    Editing was used through pictures to benefit the individuals for the election. Writing in a basic and clear way gets the important aspects out there. Composing for an event gives several clear and narrowed ideas for a text to create.

    I really liked that he took his photography skill and utilized to help the individuals in the election.

    I think using your outside skills for a professional organization will be beneficial in future endeavors.

  8. 1. Good understanding of audience and how they needed help with voting, and the circulation of the infographic. The design of the poster was incredible
    2. I love the photographs and how important that is for audience participation
    3. LOVE that they worked with a student organization, especially a growing on like the Black Student Union!
    4. The photographer! He's cool.

  9. 1) Audience in trying to from the number of people participating in the election.
    2) I learned some cool stuff about photo editing.
    3) I like how they made it more personal with all the candidates running.
    4) Carlo seemed to be very good with photography, so having an expert on something in your group is important.

  10. 1.Audience. They distributed their texts in appropriate locations for their audience.
    2. This group used many different materials in their composing process.
    3. I liked the poster. It was very clear what it was about without reading any of the texts.
    4.I would want to take their knowledge of editing softwares with me if I were to represent a campaign in the future.

  11. 1. audience: letting the audience know who is running by taking photos of them
    2. even bathrooms are a good place to circulate info
    3. the fact that they took pictures of each candidate
    4. circulate everywhere you can

  12. 1. The genres of texts in this project were very creative! The texts even gave the candidates their own circulation material, which is very cool!
    2. I learned about how important simplicity is in composing from this group's texts.
    3. This is a great organization!
    4. I would take away the importance of visuals in presentations as well as designing texts.

  13. 1. Good use of genre and design, and nice successful circulation.
    2. Use what you have
    3. Great organization, and really innovative.
    4. It's good to interact with the people involved personally, and get them to be a part of the final product.

  14. 1. The photos were a way of remediation and revamping.
    2. Looking for new ways to present media as well as making it accessible to audiences.
    3. I enjoyed the photo segment of the project and the info graph. The website was very well organized.
    4. I might arrange my presentation on a website.

  15. 1. Audience- FSU students
    Circulate- some people don't know this exists so they want to bring awareness to us through their texts
    2. You can compose in so many places like the stroz bathroom! Smart idea!
    3. I like how they made it seem very simply to go on and vote with the 5 step process.
    4. I like how they had pictures of the candidates. I'm a visual learner so seeing stuff like this helps me understand what I could potentially be getting involved in.

  16. 1. Remediation stuck out to me. The materials they used were very good.
    2. Editing was huge in the process of making these texts.
    3. I liked how much effort they put towards promoting this.
    4. Clear presentation!

  17. 1. distribution, circulation,
    2. We haven't really seen editing in terms of photographs yet, so that was a new thing to thin about.
    3. I liked the photographs! That was a new spin on rhetorical situations and I really liked that.
    4. I think its important to be prepared when presenting to professional organizations and they definitely were. Thats something I can bring forth to my future endeavors.

  18. 1. This group focuses on networking circulation.
    2. This group taught me that creativity has no limits when composing.
    3. I really liked that this group incorporated digital editing in their project. It really gives it a unique dynamic.
    4. I would take how this group focused on one goal and centered their text on that ideal.

  19. 1. Audience, circulation, and genre
    2. I learned the impact that photos have when combined with the composition process.
    3. I really liked the photos that were used, it is important to connect he face to the name especially when it comes to politics.
    4. I would take the idea of using the voting step process in an infographic and also the use of the qualtrics. This was a good way of knowing how impactful the texs were.

  20. 1. Circulation is a big part of this project since each text is directly correlation with voting.
    2. Not all texts need to be actual text
    3. Honestly I loved this entire project like really creative way of thinking of texts and getting the news out for a very important organization. A++. Awesome work like I'm extremely impressed go you guys.
    4. I would totally use the process of posting flyers in place that people are pretty much forced to read aka bathroom lol. Also would TOTALLY use the follow up process

  21. 1) i saw that circulation was present throughout their project
    2)i learned that circulation is important in order to get your organizations information out to the public
    3)i liked how they took pictures of all of the candidates
    4)i would use their techniques for circulation in a professional setting

  22. 1. I see assemblage through the use of combining the texts with the editing software.
    2. I learned that composing can be a multiple step process.
    3. I liked the design of the poster the most because I really enjoyed the aesthetic created.
    4. I would take this groups exact way to measure the effectiveness of their texts.

  23. 1. The circulation for the methods of voting had been spread all over online where possible voters would be able to see it and at the physical booth allowing students all over campus to be involved in the voting process.
    2. What I learned about composing is the real importance of distribution and circulation to the result of a project.
    3. What I had liked about this group's presentation was that they had taken pictures of every candidate and gave a face to all of the candidates.
    4. What I could take from this and use later in a professional setting is spreading information in as many places as possible where information could catch the eye of an audience.

  24. 1. The had specific research to best reach an audience.
    2. I learned that circulation is important.. toilet times is actually seen by many students.
    3. I liked all of their knowledge on all the text (ex: photography).
    4. Their survey! It was a cool way to measure the effectiveness of their text. I love the stats talk

  25. 1. Audience: those who were wanting to vote Circulation: posters around campus Medium: photos, flyers

    2. Different mediums work differently. Especially with the photographs that drew people to voting for the candidates

    3. It was crazy cool how they used the qualtrics thing to see how many people they got to vote. They also had 1,000 more people vote in the elections

    4. I think this team used their skills to their advantage. Carlo is an excellent photographer and his use of that skill to help the project was a great use.

  26. 1) They circulated their flyer in numerous different ways. They brought it to elections events, handed it out at booths, posted it in on social media, handed it out on landis, etc. Their audience might be anyone following the campaign.
    2) Writing, editing, and composing pushes people to find their inner creativity
    3) I love the photos they took of all the candidates. I also love that they included their results in their presentation.
    4) If i ever had to work on a campaign i would definitiely use their strategy of taking photos of them.

  27. 1. audience, circulation, network
    2. I learned that writing is a way to grab others attention. whether its a flyer or through voting.
    3. What I liked most about this project, is that its school related and is a good way of circulating.
    4. I would apply the use of the website for future projects.

  28. Elections

    Material, research, text

    I really like the headshots of the candidates.

    What I would takeaway for my own project is the amount of detail that went into each text and its backstories.

    What I learned about writing is that it can have a huge impact on student politics!

  29. 1. audience, circulation, material
    2. editing can include editing photographs, not just writing material
    3. I liked the idea of putting stuff up in the bathrooms because you can't help but read that
    4. applying statistics and using polls is a really cool way of circulation

  30. 1. I saw the use of circulation in the types of artifacts that they used and the places in which they made a point of having the artifacts posted both around campus and on social media platforms
    2. I learned more about the constraints associated with every project.
    3. I liked the photography campaign the most. I love the way that it adds a face to the candidates and adds a voice and image to something that is so important and something that a lot of students don't know they are allowed to be a part of!
    4. I liked their use of teamwork in communicating directly with the organization

  31. I love the pictures and the poster that this group did!! I think this really helped attract their audience, and to legitimatize the Black Student Union’s election. I learned that composition is linked to creativity. I think it is so cool that their group got to analyze their results, and obviously they did a great job. I am so inspired by the success of this group, and the professionalism they brought to the Black Student Union. I liked that this group saw the results. In professional work, you can have all the good and creative work you want, but the results are the main goal. This group exemplified that.

  32. 1. How did you see the keywords enacted in the work this group did? (Audience, Assemblage, Circulation, Design, Exigence, Genre, Material, Network, Remediation)
    Infographic Flyer - circulation/design/material/exigence. needed to inform everyone about the election. Widely circulated digitally and physically.
    Photos - new artifact! allowed the candidate names to have a face, personalizing each one.
    Poster - design/circulation/audience. colors are awesome and image of microphones present idea that students will have a voice!

    2.What did you learn about writing, editing, and/or composing?
    detailed and well-circulated artifacts can really make a difference!

    3.What did like most in this presentation and why?
    The end results of their artifacts' effects.

    4.If you were tasked with representing a professional organization in the future, what could you take and apply from this group’s presentation?
    Sending out randomized surveys to see how many people my artifact(s) reached.

  33. 1. A lot of circulation with the flyers.
    2. I learned that when composing to persuade an audience,putting a smiling face to a name can be very effective!
    3. I liked the idea of photographing the candidates, it was very different.
    4. I learned that when you have an organization eager for help it makes it easier to work with them.

  34. 1. circulation through awareness. Grab an audience.
    2. Writing doesn't always include words. it can be many forms of composing.
    3.The photos were well done, an interesting take on a text since there is no text in a photo. Their statistics were a great touch and showed their impact.
    4. make sure what you are making for an organization is professional, no watermarks from third party sites. It is easy to do this on Canva without paying, I have done it many times.

  35. 1. The choice of genres helped with the circulation
    2. I learned that these terms are interconnected
    3. I like the photographs and how they helped every campaign candidate. Not just one party
    4. Not only did the texts help the organization but they also contributed to the campaign parties and their candidates

  36. 1. Artifacts considered different audiences for each, as well as ways of circulating.
    2. Editing photos is also a form of composing a text
    3. I liked the survey.
    4. Working with student organizations

  37. 1. I saw that they circulated using places around campus in order to target college students
    2. I learned that you have to take into account places that you yourself notice when considering circulation.
    3. I really liked the infographic/ 5 steps graphic.
    4. I thought the qualtrics was a good idea and easy to monitor.

  38. 1. This group did a great job using various genres that best the information they were trying to convey.
    2. I learned that pictures can be effective when composing works with little to no text.
    3. I really liked the photography aspect because it was a very out of the box idea.
    4. Using data programs was a great idea to monitor how effective they were


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