Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Class Takeaway

2 Major Takeaways: 

- The multimodality of textual design does not only lie in online texts where it is easier to function in different modes and designs, but in physical and printed texts as well. 
  • Example, Shipka, Sturken, Wysocki, Gries, etc. 

- Most of the rhetoricians we've read in class although may only be talking about written texts or online texts have theories that can be understood for different modes of composing. 
  • For example, Marita Sturken is discussing the design of the Vietnam Memorial and although that is a physical text, her research on design and narrative framework can be discussed when looking at Anne Wysocki's research. 

Overall Question: How does the conversation about originality go into the terms of design and layout,  and does originality matter in how an audience sees a text? 

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