Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Journal 7

Over time throughout this semester my idea and definitions have changed. I used to have very basic definitions for each word. Now I believe that all three of these terms are similar, but each have their own differences as well. Writing is a creation of a text and the communication of language through script. Editing is the revision of a text to make it better. Composing is the overall process involved in creating any form of text.

The key terms I believe are necessary for defining writing, editing, and composing are audience, exigence, remix, remediation, circulation, design, creation, and purpose. I think by better understanding these terms I was able to comprehend and create a definition for myself.

My experiences with project two really opened up my mind to other definitions and way of viewing the overall process of composing. After we debated project two I was opened up to the idea that everything is a remix. There is no originality anymore and when someone creates a work it is remixed or remediated from something else they have seen in their life time before. It is not an intention to build off of others work, but with previous experiences in our life there is nothing else completely original that we can create.
Before this course and currently outside this course I do not have experiences that have shaped my definitions. This is the first course I am taking for the Editing, Writing, and Media major and I am excited to continue on this path of opening my eyes up to a different way to view these words. Before this class I didn’t even know there was a different between writing and composing, and that there were so many different terms I wasn’t aware of yet. I never thought of writing to be boring, but now there is a whole other layer of interesting information that I am ready to continue learning about. Even from the beginning of the class until week two my idea has changed. Now that the class is coming to a close I can proudly say that the course itself opened my eyes up to a new world involved with writing.

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